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Deepchunk 2022


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Oh yeah hit a couple of these too. When your friends bless you with Bushman’s Jamaican Lambs Bread at the same time the universe brought you DC how do you not make a true f1 hybrid? 🤙


Well-known member
Bred it for high quality hash per sqft.
more like lbs of leafs per sqft^^
such a pain to grow these in a SOG
biggest leaf I had indoors was the length of my whole forearm, fingertips to elbow, which was also the plants height...
2ft leaf = 4ft+ plant in diameter, very "efficient" indoors
that's why I've been only growing them for seeds & pollen, never stash.




growing its hybrids for stash is much more fun & rewarding

Tom Hill Deep Chunk x ACE Panama F1
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Well-known member
Howdy Tony, very excited for you and your Deep Chunk endeavours. I have been researching the Deep Chunk variety with interest lately, and have noticed your participation in many Deep Chunk threads going back years. I'm truly stoked for you bro. The seedlings look so unique and cool. The comment from Tom about the line being beat into the ground while at the same time providing access via transgressive segregation with these genetics, as a tool and resource, is so fucking rad. Not to discount or overshadow the tidbit of being bred for growing under a canopy and how those traits translate to indoor microclimates with the ability to perform under lower lighting intensities than other types. I've always been fascinated by which individuals were able to yield well, even the flowers underneath the canopy growing full and dense where others may be more larfy and loosely structured or expressing less visible trichome coverage. Is it the leaf morphology and attributes alone or are other mechanics at play and which ones? It's definitely genetic, and it's most certainly fascinating!

These are priceless genetics and it's such a trip to think how I'd slept on them for so long, to the point they're basically extinct at the retail purchase level. I wanted to try and scoop some of the originals from Tom's last commercial release being offered as freebies via Breeders Retail with purchase of Tom's Haze and I wanted to scoop a couple packs of the X-18 at the same time to sort of round out the collection fearing they may not be released as originals again under the Tom Hill label, but just couldn't get my money up with so much going on in my life I just couldn't swing it when they were so recently available and I'm kicking myself now waiting hoping Breeders Retail opens back up with some stock or they become available from a reputable source again somehow. It even has me thinking back to the time I ordered Bog Bubble instead of X-18 when the X-18 first came out and I was on the fence between Sour Bubble and X-18. I couldn't decide between the two and it was when Sour Bubble was all the rage and hard to find and there was a new release yet I thought, well if Sour Bubble came from Bog Bubble I'll just get a couple packs of Bog Bubble and search the f2's for something. I vividly remember someone in the icmag chat hyping up the x-18 like it was going to be so awesome and like it was such a great thing for the community, and you know when you can just tell from the passion in someones words that they're being genuine? Or like they know more than you about something, and you don't really understand or get it but you can just feel, this motherfucker knows whats up! It was like that, and I should have listened! It was one of those, oh it will always be around I'll get it next time sort of things. In retrospect, it highlighted my naivete.

And all the time in between, and all the packs scooped that weren't Deep Chunk or X-18 or PTK. What the fuck was I thinking? The more I'm learning of the provonance of these lines and the magnitude of their rarity, especially as they relate to being reflections of breeding tools being lost to time, the more I'm realizing there is so much out there to learn and enjoy and embrace in life.

Tom, thanks for your work with these lines and for the work of those who worked them before you too. The stewardship is real and unreal at the same time. It's powerful to think about. Much love and respect. Likewise, much love and respect to VG for the foresight to not only scoop some originals when they were available, but to make a repro for future use too. You've got great taste man.

I'm the type that prefers to order direct whenever possible, and if I can't order direct I prefer to order through authorized retailers as close to the Overgrow/Icmag family as possible. I'll always order something from Gypsy/Seedboutique/SeedBay, currently RGS, over anywhere else if the stock is available. That said, at some point it becomes, get what you can get. Especially when a line is seemingly becoming extinct. I'm curious as to what members of the forum think of Hazemans Monkey Balls selections, especially Tom if you're reading this I would love to hear what you think. Tony I can't help but notice you seemed to pass on the Hazemans offering, opting to wait it out continuing your search for originals and eventually went with some once removed from VG. If it's not too off topic or anything is there any particular reason you passed on the Hazemans reproduction? I'm tempted to scoop a pack or two of Hazemans reproduction just because that's all that's currently available figuring they're "beat into the dirt" anyways, and while it may not be the biggest or best selections it's still supposedly Deep Chunk at the end of the day, but I'm also considering scooping a couple DC hybrids wherever possible after reading so much about it's dominance in crosses figuring at the very least I can find something Deep Chunk'esque if the originals aren't a possibility for me. I don't want to ramble too much in your thread and feel like I'm getting to that point. Hope all of you cannabis afficionados are having a wonderful day, or night. Present moment