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Deep Chunk x Highland Nepalese F1



Really like the looks of that Ezbeki Charlie. Any plans to release it in it's pure ofrm?

Do you know anything about the Uzbeki sold by Kannabia Seeds?

charlie garcia

Hola BH :wave:

As usual lots of Uzbek have been shared sometimes to some different ppl and areas privatelly but I really have not plans to release in other way yet but time to time. For it I would need first to breed different seed stocks we made with the time as I work basically with some of its phenos not with all range of the line. But I repeat time to time, as I have spared with community absoluty all lines worked here with the time. I am not a seed collector BH but work and finnally pass and share every line Ive worked but results of this sharing have been really strange and unconfortable to me sometimes... not funny always and better not to say anymore if you know what I mean

Yes I know well Kannabia Uzbek, contains this same Uzbek and a Sensi's Afghani#1 from late 90's

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Herbal relaxation...
Nice pics of the Uzbeki Charlie :yes:

Maybe it´s because of the pix, but the outdoors Uzbekis looks to have very small resin for a indica :chin: or maybe it´s because of my blind eyes :D

However, the indoor ones seems to produce larger glands.. Or then again -> maybe it´s my blind eyes!!!

Destroyers are looking really good btw :wink:


Thanks for the info Charlie, I understand how some people can have less than good motives sometimes in the seed world, I've always respected your approach!

charlie garcia

Thx BH I appreciate as well and as usual your positive view of it. Not intending any debate or disrespect at all anyway.

Herbalistic, glad Destroyer are doing fine :) Pictures here are from different plants but you know also pictures can confuse sometimes. Believe me its resins are so sticky its hard to clean ur hand after touching them and always comes out like charas, forming pieces of resins you can model as u wish to give form.



Herbal relaxation...
charlie garcia said:
Herbalistic, glad Destroyer are doing fine :) Pictures here are from different plants but you know also pictures can confuse sometimes. Believe me its resins are so sticky its hard to clean ur hand after touching them and always comes out like charas, forming pieces of resins you can model as u wish to give form.


Yeah Charlie, pix indeed can confuse! What I was after is that many sativas have small resin. This is why I did pay notice looking those glands of Uzbeki which is pure(?) indica....

I know what you mean resin so sticky! I just harvested Triangle x [NLxLeopard Kush] x Pure Kush yesterday, which had the same propertie + what a YIELD :D

Check her out:

Ras Pablo

Well-known member
Increible this uzbequii!! :D The indoors leaves are very big for me very similar to Dc leaves.

How long is the flowering time Kaiki??


Throbbing Member
Some beautifull and healthy looking plants all. How strong of an indica are the Uzbeki?? Do they put you to sleep? Nice body stone? Warm and fuzzy??

Charlie - The Nepal's are growing well. Nice and big. Cut clones. Will be using one of them as a mother for the outside garden this summer.

Ras Pablo

Well-known member
Bacchus as I know this uzbequi is more cerebral high ! not as the tipycal afghan plants... that are very body stone..Kaiki will confirm :bashhead:

The last pic of the Parineeta winters grow..... harvested two days ago!



secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
Awesome pics you all!
My camera doesn´t work anymore (I think) :badday:
I took these crappy pics with the phone :D
The Neeples that doesn´t auto-flower

I have a problem:
The stalk has a wound near the soil level :D a broken branch I think...
the DC are extremely prone to this kind of molds.I´ve seen it in the past.One single wound in the stalk can ruin aan entire plant
I used a blade to clean it,and washed up with oxygen water (is that a word?) lol
I love this plant and I don´t want to loose her :D


muddy waters

Active member
heheh Raco it's called 'hydrogen peroxide' in english... i noticed this with my pure deep chunk too, a mold from the stem creeping up. H2O2, i wish i had thought of that. i lost two different DC females that had vegged a long time to this...


uzbeki is sooo nice charlie! think they will be to late outdoor here, so im looking forward to give them a try indoor!

washing the wound regulary with garden soil helps i found out last outdoor season

sorry bout your cam raco, we have to collect a lil dollar for a new one for you, hehe

please tell me about the Parineeta DC cut, what is it? sorry, you probaly told 100 times.
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Throbbing Member
Does anyone know??? What are the differences between X18 and Deep Chunk? Raco?

opinions?? Thanks in advance


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
Parineeta?? :D
bonecarver_OG said:
to clear things out - parineeta means;

Parineeta (Hindi: परिणीता, Urdu: پرنیتا, translation: The Married Woman)

and the poster featured in the picture is from the 2005 remake (a musical bollywood style :D)

hehe thanks medjool :D

peace all!

wait while I find more jej!!


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
more :biglaugh:
charlie garcia said:
You know back on the roots :) Due so much smoking then, they call it later the stone age!

Famous in Hollyweed, later on, Raco played a stellar roll in this movie with his Parineeta

You can see him after trying those indica smokes
Stop wondering why they call it alas Monkey Balls je je



secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
"they call it later the stoned age" ^^^

Raco said:
charlie and I sampling some ICP :biglaugh:

sorry ppl jeje but I just smoked some DC hash mixed with kaiki´s Uzbeki hash..and it put me in a good mood!!
The hash made off the Highland Nepalese rocks too!! :jump:
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charlie garcia

saludos de nuevo amigos

thx for chime in Blessed, best to you man

Herbalistic I envy your sight LOL I cant see a thing in close distance without glasses or a lens so I am shocked your sight is so superb hehe Not big trichs but plenty of make a stiky layer. Not need to sieve it, even hard to, and goes better rubbed in ur hands, although you ll spend plenty of time to get ur hands ride of it. You have a yield monster there... so fatty lady

Ras Pablo, uzbek needs 12-14 weeks. To define it as full indica should be difficult to me if I was worried about definitions... nevertheless although is slow to react to flowering trigger, then goes fast but u know... at the end it sums many weeks. btw dc seems done. Nice :)

Hola Bacchus :wave: glad the nepal jams are doing fine over there...Hope you like them :) about Uzbi effects... there is much of body stone but not sleepy at all unless you smoke much or 1 hour after first effect started. Initial effect is uplighting and cerebral as Ras says, dry mouth, clear and motivated effect... like good old hashes.. kinda fussy feeling sometimes turn you stoned and sleepy after a while. About x18 and DC I cant say much as have experience only with a couple of clones... not much data then although I fuond some resembles in aromas maybe

Raco, what have you done to.. my camera? You know after years the other day I deciced to clean it up a bit as it has a resin layer on the chasis surface LOL... dont know how I did but it doesnt work anymore either :( Hope is just moist and will work again... this old Nikon 880 is been with me for years and had become a close friend lol

I hope peroxide can clean the break and u dont get mold. Such individual looks so vigorous and strong. I like the way it looks

Muddy, Esbe :wave: nice to see u around. Esbe wont be good for ur climate, too late indeed, starts flowering in september



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Ras Pablo

Well-known member
Raco, hope peroxid will safe the plant... probably!!

1 week ago, one branch of a litle "Married Woman" cut hehe broken but not at all and i has regenerated the branch and has get very strong and fatter and no mold!!


Herbal relaxation...
Nice pix Raco, they really did make me laugh :biglaugh: Have you considered using these "plantplastesr" to cover the wound? This is some kind liquidglue that you spread with brush over the wound, it will produce protectin surface over the wound and the plant can patch itself more quickly..

Lovely looking hash you got there Charlie, have a big one for me :joint:

I did ask about Uzbeki because I wasnt sure was she a pure indica. The resinsize as floweringtime makes you think that there can(/is?) sativagenetics mixed. What ever.. The thing that really counts is the quality of high!

Peace and keep them Neeple updates coming!!!!

Btw, is there any testgrow on those Haze x HL Nepalese?