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DEA's New Plan.. Raid Doctors


Get two birds stoned at once
While I agree that anyone should be able to smoke, grow, and sell as much as they want.. 1800+ recommendations is asking for it. I am sure I could find that many people who could benefit but few other people will see it this way.

She also wrote scripts for 1,500,000 doses of painkillers etc in 4 years. This may be legit, I can't find much on her patients.

Dr. Ruth A. Buck could be facing up to 20 years in prison.
At first, the DEA went after dispensary owners. Now they're going after doctors who simply recommend medical marijuana to their patients.

​A federal district attorney in Michigan has asked a judge to revoke bond for a Saginaw Township doctor facing drug charges.

In June 2010, Dr. Ruth A. Buck was indicted on three counts of unlawfully distributing controlled substances, a 20-year felony, for prescribing pain and nerve pills, reports LaNia Coleman of The Bay City Times.

Dr. Buck was released on the condition that she not violate any federal, state or local laws.

DEA agents raided Dr. Ruth A. Buck's medical marijuana recommendation office on St. Patrick's Day.
​ Now, federal attorneys are claiming Buck violated federal law by "aiding and abetting the distribution of marijuana" by operating the Mid-Michigan Medical Marijuana clinic in Saginaw.

Buck certified about 1,870 patients for medical marijuana use, investigators claim.

The government also alleges that Buck violated Michigan state law by certifying an undercover Drug Enforcement Administration agent, according to court records.

​The DEA and Bay Area Narcotics Enforcement Team raided Dr. Buck's clinic, as well as her Saginaw Township home, on March 17. Agents confiscated patient records and copies of High Times and Weed World magazines, according to reports. (WTF? Since when can law enforcement seize copies of legal, First Amendment-protected magazines?)

DEA agents would not say what prompted the searches and declined further comment. BAYANET officials deferred comment to the DEA.

"I met with Dr. Buck and ... after reviewing the list of things that were taken, there was nothing of evidentiary value," said Carl J. Marlinga, Buck's attorney, reports Gus Burns of The Saginaw News. "We have no idea why they would continue this type of harassment.

"It appears they have a philosophical difference with Michigan's medical marijuana law, and they are trying to show Dr. Buck that their philosophical view of the world is the one that should prevail," Marlinga said. "There is nothing criminal that she was doing related to medical marijuana."

Buck has her Michigan medical marijuana license and last year opened Mid-Michigan Medical Marijuana, a clinic that writes recommendations to qualify patients to receive medical marijuana.

GrowMart, whose clientele include hydroponic medical marijuana growers, shares the building, and its owners want to open a medical marijuana dispensary in the empty storefront next door.

"I don't engage in marijuana," Buck said. "I'm a physician. I provide certifications, and I conduct my business in my office. I don't smoke. I'm not a registered patient. I don't grow plants.

"This raid is not about medical marijuana," Buck said. "It's more about targeting me. It's an annoyance ... and this is harassment, in my perception."

The original charges were due to allegations that, between January 2006 and July 2009, Buck prescribed more than 1.5 million dosage units of pain killers, federal officials claim.

The drugs included Vicodin, OxyContin, Xanax, morphine, methadone and Dilaudid.

A hearing on the motion to revoke Dr. Buck's bond is scheduled for 11:30 a.m., Thursday, April 14, before U.S. District Judge Thomas L. Ludington in federal court in Bay City.





Wahh WAhh waaahhh Didn't President obamanation say we weren't going to go after mmj patients any more?


Active member
Few months? They never stopped.

1,800 scripts does not sound like much. My doc must see AT LEAST 10 patients a day. 5 days in a work week, 52 weeks a year, that is 2,600 scripts right there. If you think this is bad, go to Hempcon and watch as hundreds of people line up and get scripts in one day!


Active member
The DEA is shutting pill mills down. 1.5 million nerve and pain pills prescribed will raise red flags. I bet the weed charges get dropped but she will get stroked for pills.

Señor Chang

Pres Obama strongly implied at the beginning of his presidency, as well as on the campaign trail, that the topic of marijuana would be a discussion for the individual states.
Then he did nothing.
Oh except let his Attorney General Eric Holder fire a warning shot right before the elections in California in 2010.
Which means that prohibition is not up to the president, more like a mandate from corporatist interests.
I hope he has decriminalization on his list for the second term, but I'm unsure if its still in the cards for him.


May your race always be in your favor
Pres Obama strongly implied that he was for a lot of different things,Public option, tax raise on the uber rich, close Guantonamo get us out of two wars that are bankrupting the country. He hasn't kept a bunch of promises. Rather disappointing I'd say.


I have the key, now i need to find the lock..
Yea sorry, but fuck this lady and every other doctor out there that over prescribes narcotics because Pfizer or whoever made the pills has been paying for her lunch for the past 3 years. Haha, we all have to do this with an eye over our shoulder, while these scumbag fucking pharmaceutical companies spend billions of dollars lobbying the government every year to protect their interests. they get to literally push crazy drugs on people while we, who just wanna smoke some herb, have to worried. fucking stupid ass biatch.



I guess I expected the federal gov to fight back but I didn't expect them to have any real teeth against the masses now enjoying mmj, but you gotta give it to them, going after mmj doctors is pretty damn clever. Devious and a real asshole thing to do, but clever nonetheless.


If she was unlawfully giving out pain med's. Then I say go ahead & throw the book at her But if not, this is just another sad story of abuse from our government in attempt to scare away doctors from writing new rec's for valid patients.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
The DEA is in it's own little world....Nazi like tactics....Has more information than the FBI, has a friggin World Wide Net that oppresses more people than all the Mid East conflicts, where's our protection but from the Religious Moral Majority.

"Happy Birthday to me today, I just turned 60!"

F**k the DEA!!! they stole years from my life!

Love the real world,



The DEA is in it's own little world....Nazi like tactics....Has more information than the FBI, has a friggin World Wide Net that oppresses more people than all the Mid East conflicts, where's our protection but from the Religious Moral Majority.

"Happy Birthday to me today, I just turned 60!"

F**k the DEA!!! they stole years from my life!

Love the real world,

All BS aside, Happy Birthday Friend. May it be pleasant & green. :)


Get two birds stoned at once
I knew they'd been going after doctors for pain pills, but I didn't think it was even legal to prosecute for a recommendation.

Happy day Desi.


This is a tact they have been using for a long time and it is nothing new. It is total BS. It is all aimed at harassing a Few doctors and scaring others into not signing recs in the first place. They have lost some cases too though. I hope they loose this one just cause I would love the read. TY for the informative post & F*** the DEA!


Active member
If she was unlawfully giving out pain med's. Then I say go ahead & throw the book at her But if not, this is just another sad story of abuse from our government in attempt to scare away doctors from writing new rec's for valid patients.
oh gimme a break...98% of recs written are for bullshit reasons and we all know it...these docs and others who exploit MMJ are the ones to blame


Bodhisattva of the Earth
I know, it's all crazy. Jesse Ventura said last night that he truly believes the Afghan War is all about Lithium, which powers all are high tech devices, that they hold the worlds supply in Afghanistan.....which is a DEA stronghold for world Opium production= lot's of heroin and pain pills for Pharma empires. It all sucks because we really know diddly squat about the truth. I hear Obama is a puppet scam artist?

Thank You for the birthdays gentlemen, you've made my day!


oh gimme a break...98% of recs written are for bullshit reasons and we all know it...these docs and others who exploit MMJ are the ones to blame
I don't consider my doctor to be a fraud nor a quack sir & I do believe there are many therapeutic reliefs that come from cannabis for many different ailments. The DEA has BEEN Harassing many doctors across the board & I have traveled to see it. So to give you a break as you ask I will say to you. Please re-read my statement you quoted & you might just learn something.


I live in Michigan, I have my card and my real doctor signed my form but I do have friends that got their cards from "medical marijuana clinics" and the reasons they give it out are retarded but I'm not gonna hate on that but in all honesty over a million doses of narcotics? No one should be upset with the DEA over this, this is what they should be doing stopping doctors from helping people become drug addicts.

P.S. I don't feel weed use is makes you a drug addict anymore than tobacco and alcohol.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
It's makes you wonder how could we have lived without them all those years (DEA), they sure have helped us out all whole lot for caring about every individual soo much.


if you think the DEA is useless you must live in a area without a coke, meth, or pill problem. I want to smoke my weed without worrying about my shit getting ripped off at night by real drug addicts and pills are as bad or worse than anything else. ever have a friend take a oxycotin and drink, pass out, puke in his mouth, fill his lungs with puke, collapse them, and barely survive? yah all drugs are good and prescription pills belong in immature kids hands huh?