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DEA playing Games, Part II


Well-known member
Well I'm sure this guy knows it's no game, he has been charged in Federal Court. So much for Obama's word.

" Marijuana dispensary proponents said the criminal case against Bartkowicz runs contrary to President Barack Obama's administration stance on medical marijuana, which is not to target those who are in compliance with state law."


I guess we were the fools for taking Obama at his word, we must hold politicians accountable for there actions (or inactions). Remember this during the next election.


Active member
Obama has kept his word. This guy was more than thee times over the # of plants allowed, lives near a school and talked about it on tv for f's sake! He is clearly in violation of state laws. It sucks that he got busted but WTF. I am 100% in favor of legalization but it is not the current state of affairs in our nation. This guy knew the law and violated it willingly and tipped cops of to himself.; and got busted for it. I know we are much better off as MMJ patients and garegivers to keep Obama rather than suffer through another "just say no" republican. I have not seen any evidence of those abiding by state law facing federal prosecution. Obama is definitely the lesser evil...in fact the least evil we've seen in a long time. Vote Obama look at the big picture!


Yeah... you can't pin this one on anyone but that dude.

There's no reason he'd need 227 plants, even if he were doing a massive sog. And then talking about it and how he can make profits. I just don't really find any fault w/the government on that (other than the fact I think pot shouldn't be a criminal thing). I mean come on, you've been given a lot of leeway (72 plants), just stay within your boundaries or else find like 25 more people to say you're dealing to.



Look at the big picture. Left and right are both to blame. Sitting here saying 'vote Obama' is spreading the propaganda that put us in the legal limbo we face today. He is not for us, quit feeding the animals(D.C.). Let us work on something new, where there is no corruption by the evil of money. It is wrong that they can give us a number of 'legal plants'. Period. I want there to be a legal limit set on how many idiots there can be in Washington.



Look at the big picture. Left and right are both to blame. Sitting here saying 'vote Obama' is spreading the propaganda that put us in the legal limbo we face today. He is not for us, quit feeding the animals(D.C.). Let us work on something new, where there is no corruption by the evil of money. It is wrong that they can give us a number of 'legal plants'. Period. I want there to be a legal limit set on how many idiots there can be in Washington.

Baby steps. Be patient. It will all come soon. Look at California.


Active member
Baby steps. Be patient. It will all come soon. Look at California.
California is a F'ing wreck... I know because I live there.

On the subject of cannabis, 90%+ of the population are still uneducated morons.

Educate Yourself.... Then Educate Your Neighbor!

Stay Safe! :tree:


Active member
Yeah, the guy was a jerk to be talking about all the stacks he's making.

on the political note:

Vote Against All Incumbents.


yea that dude was on the news talking about his "golden ticket" to grow, the $400k he's planning on making, and how nobody knows what he does... Ha! Plus he invited the news into his home where he was NOT compliant with state law.

While it sucks to see the DEA making busts, they weren't busting someone following state law like Obama was trying to prevent. This dude was advertising himself and got what he deserved. Darwin Award candidate right here!
You guys don't even know Chris, quit bashing him. He has done more for promoting the legalization of MMJ in CO than any of you, guaranteed.


Canna Coco grower
Obama has kept his word. This guy was more than thee times over the # of plants allowed, lives near a school and talked about it on tv for f's sake! He is clearly in violation of state laws. It sucks that he got busted but WTF. I am 100% in favor of legalization but it is not the current state of affairs in our nation. This guy knew the law and violated it willingly and tipped cops of to himself.; and got busted for it. I know we are much better off as MMJ patients and garegivers to keep Obama rather than suffer through another "just say no" republican. I have not seen any evidence of those abiding by state law facing federal prosecution. Obama is definitely the lesser evil...in fact the least evil we've seen in a long time. Vote Obama look at the big picture!

Just keep telling yourself and others that... maybe it will come true....


Yes that idiot was stupid... can you imagine 10,000 under/un employed Colorodians watching this and running out to join the biz... The feds pretty much needed to do this and time it like this to prevent that..

That being the case.. There were plenty of other idiots on that expose too.. Like the guy with the warehouse in the scientist suit etc.... ARE THEY IN JAIL TODAY?? Will they be tomorrow?? Who knows... But.. EQUAL PROTECTION UNDER THE LAW IS LEAVING SOMEONE PISSED OFF UNDER THESE CIRCUMSTANCES.... I suspect the bugger sitting in the hooscow..

I hope everyone here who thinks this guy is getting "what he deserves" realizes two things.... ONE: The FEDS Admitted this guy prby thought he was following the law and he may have been.. TWO:This guy is in JAIL RIGHT NOW and HAS BEEN SINCE ARREST... and when convicted because he will not be allowed to tell the Jury WHY he was growing what he was.... HE WILL RECIEVE FIVE YEARS IN PRISON MANDATORY 4/5 TIME SERVED.. AND THATS IF HE HASN'T HAD ANY MISDAMEANOR/FELONIES BEFORE..

While a dozen others were on there... perhaps not sounding as stupid.. but certainly doing the same thing.....

Nice that their protection is.. TRUSTING Obamas word...

Lest any of you Obama supporters forget... LOOK HERE

And they were only TESTING THE WEED for dispensarys... God forbid you get weed that is clean and pure...


Here is the Feds reasoning... lot of saftey it gives.."We don't target these operations unless they come up in the normal course of our operations," he said of medical marijuana operations.



But I guess you were mezzmerized.... by Obama and his lack of any experience at ANYTHING... but looking believeable and sounding believeable... and giving many of us "hope" that as a Black Man.. he would understand the plight of those fucked for years by the gov.... Yeah RIGHT!!

P.S... GREAT THREAD ON YOUR BUBBA"S BUDDY!!! I'm IMPRESSED.. thats a harder strain to grow and you got her lookin GREAT!!
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thats really bummed out. I feel his pain. I wish him all the best and hope he and his family comes out of this learning something through all the crazyiness.


I've said it since day one, stay within the limits - just about every single dispensary shakedown we've heard around here has been from some violation of state law.

Yah, I know it still sucks that our people are getting thrown in jail because of an all natural substance, but why take advantage of it when you get this little bit of leniency? If you're already making a good living growing cannabis why would you push it?

donny darko

You know the real sad thing is that when Obama does not get reelected and has not actually change policy at all, it will be real easy for the DEA to come in a bust all the dispensaries and big grows all acrost the country that they now have information on and are getting information on that stuck there head out in this hole medical marijuana thing. You guys should stop debating whether or not this guy violated some bullshit law everyone seems so excited to except and think is this big gift and get out there and fight for real change before it is too late and the republicans are back in office and the lead fist comes down and we lose the momentum that we do have. The only thing that mmj is doing is allowing the feds to setup the propaganda that they love to send out and the apers are obviously loving to sensationalizing to sell papers in this hard economy and changing market to stay in business.


You guys don't even know Chris, quit bashing him. He has done more for promoting the legalization of MMJ in CO than any of you, guaranteed.

He could have saved a bus full of children, but if he did the things people in here said he did, it's still his fault (and his fault alone) for being arrested.

If he's a nice guy, great, okay. I'm just saying that he broke state law and publicized it. If he didn't want to be arrested, maybe he shoulda thought twice.

If I went on an airplane with a gun, I'd expect to get arrested 10 times out of 10. It doesn't matter how good of a person I am.


Canna Coco grower
He could have saved a bus full of children, but if he did the things people in here said he did, it's still his fault (and his fault alone) for being arrested.

If he's a nice guy, great, okay. I'm just saying that he broke state law and publicized it. If he didn't want to be arrested, maybe he shoulda thought twice.

If I went on an airplane with a gun, I'd expect to get arrested 10 times out of 10. It doesn't matter how good of a person I am.

If thas is ALL THERE IS TOO IT... .why aren't the rest of the people highlited busted right now???

Or will that come... down the road..?
This guy sealed his fate when he went on the 9 o clock news talking about how his neighbors were clueless and that he wanted to make over 400,000 that year.

I mean come on. That is going to get any community really pissed off when you shove it in their face like that.

This guy isn't some kind of rallying point for the movement, just a douchebag.
You guys don't even know Chris, quit bashing him. He has done more for promoting the legalization of MMJ in CO than any of you, guaranteed.

ha wow. It really doesn't matter all that he did in the past when he goes on the news and pretty much detstroys months of progress by pretty much making the community looking like greedy assholes that just want to make stacks in the neighborhoods where they raise their kids.

From the looks of it most of what he was doing was in the name of greed.
Quite inaccurate Howard; Chris probably hasn't made a dime since this year. He was barely getting by, most of the time the bud that he grew was given to his patients out of compassion.

I'm completely aware that he was a FOOL for going on 9WantstoKnow but irrespective of that, he wasn't a greedy individual. You all know the type of spin the news puts on stories-- this was no exception. Yes, he had a large house but all of his profits went to paying rent on that just so he could do what he loved. Chris was one of my best friends and a standup individual.


New member
"Why would I give away my Golden Ticket"..." I want to be Invisible"... When u brag u get Jacked.. Hard lesson I learned mine from this guy... I am keep my mouth Shut..


Active member
He for surely did one of the stupidest things anybody could of done given the situation he was in. As far as saying he did so much to help legalize mj is a shame because in that short little tim je had on tv he ruined everything positive he could of possibly done for the cause.

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