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DEA licenses 55 unnamed Big Pharma pot farms


What Goes Around Comes Around. But Am I Comming Or
im in a non-med state. im not concerned with who gets "medical" and who doesnt. it should be free for everyone.
like a apple.
everyone speaking in support of medical use isnt aware of your right to do what you f'ing want medical or not.

NH is right live free or die.



Did you even read the email from, DEA agent Christopher A. Jakim to the Author of the article? Post #5 in this thread. The author David Downs, just made up that there were 55 DEA licenses given out for growing Cannabis, the new licenses were given out to work with Cannabinoids and analogues, not growing Cannabis.
I can't believe people are so naive to believe this author.
Verified? By whom? This story is crapola, even THC was not isolated in the seventies as the author Mr Downs claims it was. It was in 1963 or 1964 depending on whom you believe, but not the seventies...


Don't really see why you're calling a verified story a lie?


Puttin flame to fire
ICMag Donor
"The grant of this US patent covering Sativex® as a treatment for cancer pain is part of a broad platform of intellectual property rights which continue to be developed by GW. GW now has 35 patent families as well as other forms of protection such as plant variety rights and proprietary know-how. We believe that this matrix of intellectual property provides GW with a unique position to benefit from the rich promise within the field of cannabinoid therapeutics."


Just more tinfoil hat crackpot theories about a pharma take over I suppose...


Are you saying the DEA did license 55 pot farms? That is what I was talking about, I said bullshit!! Are you saying the story was true?



I love my life
Are you saying the DEA did license 55 pot farms? That is what I was talking about, I said bullshit!! Are you saying the story was true?


The story appears true. It appears that the information arm of the DEA admitted that 55 different companies listed cannabis related codes with the DEA. HOWEVER the story makes it clear that just because a company lists a certain code that DOES NOT mean they actually produced any of that code.

So it would appear that if you are a company that reports to the DEA you can list cannabis related codes. That does not mean the DEA has licensed any of those companies to do anything from my reading, nor does it mean that the 55 companies actually produced any cannabis coded material.



The DEA can only license these corporations if it recognizes medicinal properties and medical uses for Cannabis. There have been licensed smokers that are supplied Cannabis by the DEA for medical use for decades. Why haven't one of these any of these organizations that have been taking donations from people for 40 plus years to normalize Cannabis sued the government yet?


The DEA can only license these corporations if it recognizes medicinal properties and medical uses for Cannabis. There have been licensed smokers that are supplied Cannabis by the DEA for medical use for decades. Why haven't one of these any of these organizations that have been taking donations from people for 40 plus years to normalize Cannabis sued the government yet?

:thank you::bump:

What the fuck do these advocacy groups do all day? They fight the fight half assed so the rest of us can get lazy, and nothing gets done.

I agree, the current legal hypocrisy that we've endured for 20 plus years has to end, and NORML, either shit or get off the pot


Puttin flame to fire
ICMag Donor
What I'm saying is that there is collusion between Pharma, the feds, and the Corporatocracy, to insure that certain groups of people are allowed to profit from the cannabis industry while the vast majority of cannabis users and growers will remain fodder for the prison system. And that these types of under the table deals are being cut to maintain and grow the power structure of Pharma.


Does that mean you believe the story?
Of course big biz, big unions, or anything else with money, like big Pharma, and a reason to influence the government and laws will try. As long as you can grow your own, do you really care? Lets get everyone to admit Cannabis can help patients, products legal like SATIVEX should help in this effort.



senior primate of the 303 cornbread mafia
Monsanto has had a couple facilities for a while. Look what they have done to the genetics of wheat. I don't want these people to be fucking with the cannabis gene.


I love my life
The DEA can only license these corporations if it recognizes medicinal properties and medical uses for Cannabis. There have been licensed smokers that are supplied Cannabis by the DEA for medical use for decades. Why haven't one of these any of these organizations that have been taking donations from people for 40 plus years to normalize Cannabis sued the government yet?

Ijim, you need to check out the FRONT page of ICmag more often.

Here is a story of groups suing the government. They've been at it since the 70's.


Unfortunately the government loves to stall.



I love my life
Does that mean you believe the story?
Of course big biz, big unions, or anything else with money, like big Pharma, and a reason to influence the government and laws will try. As long as you can grow your own, do you really care? Lets get everyone to admit Cannabis can help patients, products legal like SATIVEX should help in this effort.


I believe that the story is factual and 55 companies actually listed an interest in cannabis. I doubt many of those 55 have large research operations going, but I wouldn't be surprised if they had small off the record work going on.

As long as cannabis is unregulated for a home grower I don't care. If the gvt thinks that the sheeple need pill only cannabis and jack booted thugs to stop the pot heads of all ages; I care a great deal.

Those that don'e admit cannabis helps people will never admit it they are brainwashed beyond belief. The children of the 60's are now 60 themselves. Most of them acknowledge the truth about cannabis, but those that don't never will.

The "Just Say No" generation is in its late 30's and has seen what various drugs do to the lives and health of people. Almost all of this generation know the truth about cannabis from personal experience and know that other evils (meth, crack, H, Oxy) kill their friends, cannabis helps ;)



chill out forum nazi, your imbalanced little introverted mind obviously read way to far into what I was saying. Your constant bad attitude and wannabe witty sarcasm is about as entertaining as a high school drama skit. One of my gardens harvests more in a single pull than all they lbs you've pulled your whole life douche so don't tell me shit about growing. My point was the current med scene is a scam plain and simple, anyone to argue otherwise is kidding their self. I didn't say I think people should go to jail for it, but thats always the way it will be so might as well get used to it and go about your business. I grow weed for recreational users not phonys trying to hide under the guise of mmj, its just my simple opinion that I believe a better pharmaceutical grade cannabis alternative to smoking raw, unregulated buds should be available for those who need it...and if you didn't like my opinion stick it where the sun don't shine for all i care you're just another telephone(internet in our case) tough guy.

I guess I'm just a poser also living in a non-med state risking a nazi death squad or 10 years in the pen growing plants to ease my pain, oh that's right it's just bullshit that is not medicine! Maybe you & the Government needs to say pop pull your collective heads out of there asses & see that cannabis is just good medicine no matter what you use it for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:plant grow:


New member
Join the ASA!!

Join the ASA!!

There are most definitely organizations out there that are fighting for our rights, but unfortunately they, (like those of us that are in med states and work within the parameteres of MMJ), must also work within the confines of an ass-backwards system...

The ASA (American for Safe Access) is currently suing the fed govt. to respond to their proposal (from 9 years ago) to reschedule cannabis from a class I to a class III. Now this may seem like a convoluted route to get to legalization or decriminalization, but it is the only route we currently have access to, and it is another step towards the ultimate goal of freedom to use it, grow it, and sell it how and when you want to...

I personally think that our fundamental rights as human beings supercede all laws of man, so I will keep growing and distributing high quality "meds" (legally in my med state) until I am forcibly stopped to do so, but I am also a member of the ASA, donate as much as I can to the cause of furthering MMJ acess, and stay educated as to what my legal rights are within the MMj system...

We need MMJ, as much as we need organizations like the ASA, so that we have an avenue to address the needs and desires of hundreds of thousands of users, whether they be "medical" or "recreational"... Without groups like these, we literally have no means to combat the growing number of government and big business zealots trying to shut us down and label us as criminals simply to line their pockets with a bit more gold. We need to get together on this and stop fighting amongst eachother so that we can focus our energies on the real problem.

For those of you in non-med states, start educating yourself as to the things that you can do to bring MMJ to your state. Apathy and frustration are precisely what "the man" expects from us, so why not put our collective minds, intentions and money (because that is what it will take) into something powerful, instead of just bitching at eachother or being bummed at what is happening.

This is about alot more than a plant, it gets at the very core of what is to be a free human... and if you don't stand up for your rights now, you might as well prepare yourself for a future where you have none to fight for.


Puttin flame to fire
ICMag Donor
As long as you can grow your own, do you really care? Lets get everyone to admit Cannabis can help patients, products legal like SATIVEX should help in this effort.

I absolutely care. A. No one can legally grow their own cannabis in the US. B. I don't believe for one minute that a cannabis monopoly will be good for anyone, patients, rec users, growers etc. Do these patent models really bode well for anyone except those that hold the patents? Will it become patent infringement to grow or work with any strain containing skunk genetics? How many people are allowed to grow personal opium poppies for pain relief?

I'm all for anything that helps people, and I'm not against Sativex. I am against getting fucked by corporate governments.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Well it might be true LOL

Well it might be true LOL

Sativex is grown and produced in the UK. No need to grow in the USA for Sativex to be sold in the USA.


Meet Your New Pot Dealer: Big Pharma

By David Downs, East Bay Express - Tuesday, May 31 2011 Tags
Generic cannabis pills planned for wide use.
Despite the US government's staunch opposition to medical cannabis farms in Oakland and elsewhere, the feds have begun licensing a whole lot of large legal pot grows throughout the country. But this weed is not for cannabis dispensaries and their patients; it's for Big Pharma.
The Drug Enforcement Administration told Legalization Nation in an e-mail last week that 55 unnamed companies now hold licenses to grow cannabis in the United States, a fact that contradicts the widespread belief that there is only one legal pot farm in America, operated under the DEA for research purposes. It appears as if the upswing in federally approved pot farming is about feeding the need of pharmaceutical companies who want to produce a generic version of THC pill Marinol and at least one other cannabis-based pill for a wide variety of new uses.
In other words, if big corporations grow dope with the government and put it in a pill, it's medicine. But if you grow it at home or at a city-permitted pot farm and then put it in a vaporizer, it's a felony.
"They've got to realize, as a political issue, this is going to raise a red flag," said Kris Hermes, spokesperson for medical marijuana lobby Americans for Safe Access. "Here we have companies cultivating marijuana on a mass scale to produce generic Marinol. It's going to force the government to answer more questions than it wants to."

It's a weird piece of news that comes at a strange and contradictory time for the drug war. As US attorneys send threatening letters to states and cities, including Oakland, warning them against "commercial cultivation" of marijuana, the DEA is quietly handing out licenses for commercial cultivation.
The schism has its roots in the Seventies and the drug war under Richard Nixon. Nixon ignored his staff's recommendations and named weed the most dangerous drug in America under the Controlled Substances Act. Cannabis has remained a so-called "Schedule 1" controlled substance alongside heroin and roofies (GHB) because it has allegedly no medical use and high potential for abuse.
But the only people who still believe that are old church ladies. Hermes said in an interview that decades of scientific studies and FDA approvals have proved the drug's 3,000-year-old medical efficacy and safety. Today, sixteen states defy the Controlled Substances Act and allow qualified patients to access the drug.
While federal legalization efforts have repeatedly failed, drug law reformers have also targeted the scheduling of cannabis. Filed in 1972, the first rescheduling petition was denied by the DEA 22 years later, over the objections of their own administrative law judge Francis Young, who said in court records: "Marijuana, in its natural form, is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man."
In 2002, activists again tried to reschedule the cannabis plant. Today, they still await word on their petition, which is why they filed a writ of mandamus Monday in a Washington, DC circuit court that would order the DEA to rule on the matter. "The federal government's strategy has been delay, delay, delay," said Joe Elford, chief counsel for Americans for Safe Access in an e-mailed statement Monday. "The Obama administration's refusal to act on this petition is an irresponsible stalling tactic," added Steph Sherer, executive director of the organization, in the statement.
But while the government has stalled on rescheduling a cheap, patent-less pain remedy with fewer toxic side effects than Advil or Tylenol, regulators are proving to be more than happy to accommodate Big Pharma's efforts to muscle in on pot.
Cannabis' main psychoactive ingredient, THC, was isolated in the Seventies, and copied in a lab to produce the prescription synthetic Marinol. In 1999, the DEA then downgraded Marinol to a Schedule III drug like codeine, while the plant itself stayed a Schedule I.
However, Marinol never did that well with cancer patients, doctors say. Effects vary widely. With at least 66 different canabinoids in smoked pot, patients report THC-only Marinol doesn't provide the same relief.
But Marinol is about to get a big boost. Its patent has recently expired, and a review of clinical human trials show sixteen studies under way that, if successful, would broaden generic Marinol's uses considerably beyond treating nausea in cancer patients.
In addition, researchers are using THC, as well as the number-two cannabinoid, CBD, in studies to treat obsessive compulsive disorder, schizophrenia, fibromyalgia, PTSD, and even irritable bowel syndrome. That's because pot modulates a newly discovered yet primal-cell signaling pathway called "the endocannabinoid system," with special effects in the brain and the gut.
Drug companies want to bring generic THC and CBD to new markets, and have requested that the DEA allow them to grow pot and put organic THC and CBD in pills, according to DEA records posted online last fall. But that requires the DEA to move organic THC down from Schedule I, where it is now, to Schedule III, where synthetic THC Marinol currently is.
According to DEA records, drug companies have requested just such a rescheduling. It appears as if they're likely to get it at any time, green-lighting a new generation of prescription pot pill farms.
The federal government has already boosted its marijuana production capability by 900 percent to 4.5 million grams, according documents obtained by Americans for Safe Access. The most famous federally approved pot grower, Dr. Mahmoud El Sohly, has also testified he has begun legally selling THC extracted from his Mississippi pot farm to the drug company Mallinckrodt.
Big Pharma's move on the pot industry isn't some forty-year-old hippie conspiracy theory, said Paul Armentano, spokesman for the National Organization

Guest 88950

...How many people are allowed to grow personal opium poppies for pain relief?...

i cant believe you think its a good analogy to compare growing Opium vs. Cannabis for their medicinal properties.

one is highly addictive with a low LD 50 while the other is fairly harmless, not addictive and doesnt have a determined LD 50.

good comparison bro.