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DEA Chief Says Medical Marijuana Is a ‘Joke’


Invertebrata Inebriata
DEA chief Chuck Rosenberg said the idea that marijuana can be used as medicine is a “joke.”

"It has never been shown to be safe or effective as a medicine"
“What really bothers me is the notion that marijuana is also medicinal — because it’s not,” Rosenberg said, CBS reports. “We can have an intellectually honest debate about whether we should legalize something that is bad and dangerous, but don’t call it medicine —that is a joke.”

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Should we be surprised?
I mean.. this is how he keeps getting a paycheck, right?
I wonder what a cattle rancher would say about a vegetarian or vegan diet?

If we were letting the cattle rancher make the rules maybe vegetables would be illegal.

It just goes to show what a racket this all is..


Active member
Maybe someday one of his kids will develop seizures or glaucoma or any number of illnesses and syndromes that can be helped by erb.I can only hope, that is how much I despise people that make baseless statements about subjects they probably know nothing about.I don't really wish one of his kids ill will although I do wish his dick would fall off.


Active member
To really illustrate what a total obscene joke the DEA is .....
Since 1980, the prices of hard drugs ( cocaine, heroin, etc) have gone down and the purity % has increased. All these hard drugs are easily available in every major urban area of the USA, the DEA has not affected supply or demand - just ruined millions of peoples lives and bleeding $$$$ for the USA taxpayers for showing not just useless results but negative results.
The defenders of the DEA have told me over the years " well you don't know how bad things could be without their efforts, it could be far worse" - to which I have always replied, how could it get any worse ??? These drugs are easily and readily available in every large city in the USA !!!! They typically mumble some "we just don't know... "
The results are in : The War on Some Drugs /DEA = nada. zip. zero.
A 100% waste of stolen taxpayer $$$$$ for a bunch of useless government true welfare thieves, stealing more $$$$ than any actual welfare recipient thief in history.


Well-known member
Maybe someone should email his office with all the very serious studies being done around the world, and the cases of people being cured/ helped by cannabis.

There ain't nothing funny about children with cancer or epilepsy

The dea is a fuckn joke.


Kiss My Ring
... the 'joke' is that cannabis 'is medicine'.

...and they are probably slapping each others backs laughing.

FUCK the DEA..

Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
I think every taxpayer should have a say in where their money goes. It makes me sick to blow all that cake on the dea chasing white rabbits and or the government handing bags of cash to any forgien country with a hand out. With all that money we could give everyone health care, and then some. Fuck the war on drugs, it is a colossal waste of time money and resources.

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
DEA Chief Says Medical Marijuana Is a ‘Joke’

And Nixon said "I am not a crook"!!!
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Maybe someone should email his office with all the very serious studies being done around the world, and the cases of people being cured/ helped by cannabis.

There ain't nothing funny about children with cancer or epilepsy

The dea is a fuckn joke.

Opiate addiction is no joke but they think it's ok to prescribe to kids now days.
Big pharma and dr's are the biggest dealers out there.


Active member
Gee, another idiot leading the DEA. Seems to be a pattern here! Nobody with even half a brain would want the job.

Doc D

Active member
Not medical!!?

Should we ignore the thousands of years of empirical data from hundreds of cultures that tell us the exact opposite.

What a clown...


ICMag Donor
Funny how those "in charge" are the least educated.

Seen it in every career I've experienced (bosses, Assoc Deans, Directors)....why should it differ since it's DEA?


Well-known member
Opiate addiction is no joke but they think it's ok to prescribe to kids now days.
Big pharma and dr's are the biggest dealers out there.

Damn good point.
You can have as many dangerous drugs as you like, as long as the government has shares in them.

If medical weed is such a joke, why do the us government have so many patents on medical use of cannabis?

"Let the flag for hypocrisy fly high from every pole- we're a little bit country - and a little bit rock and roll "
- South Park


Active member
The War on Drugs is just ONE MORE WAR the US (and the whole world) has LOST.
