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dawgystyle gardens with ponolovesyou

Whoa, I need to watch this one. Really great yard, great set up, great looking plants, and a great looking dog. That's awesome. Good luck to you!

-Old School


ugh I can hear this in my sleep!


We mix our soil by hand, takes a crew of 4 guys a few days: I would get a mixer but im a jew. How much was the one u posted a pic of? My neighbors have a huge soil mixer that thing is intense. Btw did u get my pm?


hey buddy I got it, and left ya a visitor message. the mixer was 230 for the week, not bad. its still a hella job no doubt but the end mix is consistent, nice and fluffy. 2 minions running the mixer would be nice though


^yes last month was steelhead season and there were some rafts and the state police floated by a couple times..i just waved standing in front of my weed fence..fuckin love Oregon! the rest of the year not really because all the land on the river is privately owned and really shallow most of the time. I saw some inner tubers maybe twice last year. im hopin them Babbas come tube it with me this summer...


Pono, I loved your grow thread last year and I am looking forward to seeing what your careful planning, hard work and, dedication produces this year. Your thread puts to the lie the notion that all pot smokers are slackers.

When I see your garden and read your thread the tune that comes to my mind is the "Hard Work!" chant in the Gatorade commercial.

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Lol time for the mixer again!! Is about to be onnnn :D keep up the hard work farmer....


Active member
^yes last month was steelhead season and there were some rafts and the state police floated by a couple times..i just waved standing in front of my weed fence..fuckin love Oregon! the rest of the year not really because all the land on the river is privately owned and really shallow most of the time. I saw some inner tubers maybe twice last year. im hopin them Babbas come tube it with me this summer...

haha nice, yea i mean if your a non violent herb head i think they have a lot bigger fish to fry.

we get some outdoor rec folks this time of year, but i think its gonna be a low year for the rivers and lakes, in this region at least


ha jointed that is so true but I lived on the little Tallapoosa river before I moved here and the game wardens there would have treated me like a killer no joke. its easy to forget out here the bs hell our friends and neighbors deal with just a few states away. they got my ass a few times...but a few times they did not https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=it8W7SkJAOY:moon: anyways still working got my beds filled and plugged the girls are looking like they wont bitch about the transplant even though they were rootbound in the 3galls. tomorrow I hope to get my drip done. finally burned off last years skeletons then I went to one of those rare backyard composters and got a yard of the freshy castings dude had a really neat setup and looked like he does about 2 or 3 yards a month in a really small yard. I cant wait to tea the girls in the morning! anyways some pics for them good ol boys back home


the sides are lined with old chest freezers and the middle is a huge compost/worm pile pretty impressive for urban farming in such a small space.


thanks yall im tickled about that score! they aren't the best screened but I just top dressed my beds with the new stuff and it literally has thousands of baby worms and cocoons. i like the extras in there i feel its loaded with life, unlike the pricey bagged stuff. I was super disappointed with the crusty old castings I had last year. and they were quite spendy too. so now my hoop beds are pretty much gonna be worm beds in a couple months im glad i laid the hardware clothe!