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dark residue on dabber after hitting bho on skillet....what do you do with it?


so ya what do ya'll do with that tiny amount of dark residue on your dabber after a wax or shatter hit? this residue is dark brown amber color not black

1.do you not give a fuck an just continue dabbing. ( i feel like this puts that dark residue into beautiful wax o shatter and a odd taste? maybe)

2. clean the residue off using a paper towel while its still warm to really get it off well. (havent done this much feel like im wasting something) but it cleans the dabber the best in between dabs

3. wip it on to a rolling paper until the entire paper is coverd in this residue . ( ive done this the most but i got fuckin oil covered rizlas all over fukin place and the stick to everything. they give me a spacey ass high for somereason.)

4. other

just seein what you veteran oil heads do to combat this dark dabber residOO in between oil hits! thanks


First I'd check out Highly Educated titanium nails and dabbers. The titanium dabber will leave zero to little residue on the dabber. All your oil glides off on to you skillet or nail.

If you have a glass dabber, I'd wipe it off with parchment paper. ISO and parchment paper are your friends when smoking, or dealing with oil or wax!



First I'd check out Highly Educated titanium nails and dabbers. The titanium dabber will leave zero to little residue on the dabber. All your oil glides off on to you skillet or nail.

If you have a glass dabber, I'd wipe it off with parchment paper. ISO and parchment paper are your friends when smoking, or dealing with oil or wax!


All of my ti dabbers have a residue after use, I just wipe it with paper towel. Besides that shit is nasty reclaim that tastes all woody.


thanks for the replies ya i use the aqua lab tech. highly educated ti dabber and a glass dabber. ti dabber has much less residue than the glass

well i think ill be wipping it on paper towel or parchment paper instead of smoking it after wiping it on rolling paper( i notice that woody taste u speak of alot) not my favorite i cant taste the weed in the joint at all

thanks again guys happy oil smoking!


honey oil addict
i dont see how one can taste that residue, as i see it, every dab you take is that flavor, whats left on the dabber is cooked to the same temperature as most of your last hit was, so a tiny bit more of darker oil is no different than what you will mostly inhale on your next hit. i never wipe it off, but many people think it should be wiped off for flavor, i think its just a mind thing, because of the way it looks.


Well-known member
My dabber is permanently stored in ethanol.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
I use an oil well and wand, instead of a skillet and dauber. The hot wand stays clean.

I wipe the wire that I load the oil well with on a paper towel, but after heating the wire to drip the oil into the well, there is not much left.

To clean the well, I shake in a pill bottle of hot alcohol. I then cook off the alcohol and make sleep meds from the reclaimed oil.


i must say jumps idea is beyond superb that little jar is perfect.

ya hmk i think its a mind thing i just hate that dark swirl in my amber or light wax. i doubt it matters much.

but damn jump very nice idea


i dont see how one can taste that residue, as i see it, every dab you take is that flavor, whats left on the dabber is cooked to the same temperature as most of your last hit was, so a tiny bit more of darker oil is no different than what you will mostly inhale on your next hit. i never wipe it off, but many people think it should be wiped off for flavor, i think its just a mind thing, because of the way it looks.

Makes sense to me. I wipe my dabbers, just because I like a clean dabber, and often dab different strains back to back. I probably wouldn't even notice if I didn't, as it's such a minute amount. I'm kind of a clean freak though, so it's a nice piece of mind. Also, knowing it won't be sticky if you grab the wrong end by accident is always nice.

I like jump's method, very cool.


i dont see how one can taste that residue, as i see it, every dab you take is that flavor, whats left on the dabber is cooked to the same temperature as most of your last hit was, so a tiny bit more of darker oil is no different than what you will mostly inhale on your next hit. i never wipe it off, but many people think it should be wiped off for flavor, i think its just a mind thing, because of the way it looks.

I don't see how you can't taste it.

Jumps method is super sick, looks cool too!

I just keep a paper towel at hand and the heat from the dab allows me to wipe it clean, and not to mention who the hell wants black nasty shit in your pretty lil dish of oil.


honey oil addict
usually my oil is far too flavorful to allow a tiny smidgen of darkness to effect its flavor. And even when its blander, you still cant taste it. maybe people who take tiny dabs will. My dabs, the dark oil on the poker equals about a hundredth of the toke, therefore imperceptible.

my oil dishes dont have black stuff in them, i vape my pokers generally almost perfectly clean.


i dont see how one can taste that residue, as i see it, every dab you take is that flavor, whats left on the dabber is cooked to the same temperature as most of your last hit was, so a tiny bit more of darker oil is no different than what you will mostly inhale on your next hit. i never wipe it off, but many people think it should be wiped off for flavor, i think its just a mind thing, because of the way it looks.

Another thing about this statement, going along with what you say about the dark res. only being heated to same temp and it shouldn't taste any different, how about the reclaim in the stem? That shit don't taste like anything good, and it was only heated to same temp.
Lay off those huge extremely flavorful dabs when posting:wave:
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honey oil addict
you have a good point there. I am still holding to the idea that the amount left on my dabber from the previous hit is so tiny, it doesnt effect flavor enough to notice, unless one is taking tiny dabs. maybe if one does not finish their dab completely , it will have lots of residue on it to have to wipe off and waste a bit, rather than finishing vaping that hit. metal dabbers can be dabbed very close to clean, but glass ones are really crappy in that regard.


i agree with the dabber residue being the same as reclaim.
however i also agree that its so small you can not taste it.

still...i wipe my dabber off on a paper towel because i dont getting the res in my pretty oil.


why would dabber residue and reclaim be the same thing? its my understanding that reclaim is residual buildup AFTER vaporization, whereas the residual oil on a dabber has been heated to a point lower than vaporization, hence its continued existence ON the dabber. for this reason, reclaim tastes "woody" or not terribly appealing, because it has already been vaped and terpene loss is probably pretty extensive if not complete. the oil on the dabber however has probably still maintained some level of surface viscosity, and not quite reached the temperatures needed vaporize all of the terpenes. while the oil on the dabber has probably lost some of its initial flavor, i would agree with hashmasta that it matters little for future dabs, but of course to each their own. i simply got too lazy, found it too messy, and appreciate having a little somethin' sticky for shatter dabs.


After extensive research I find that it is mostly for keeping sexy oil sexy. I just don't wanna get my nice big honey pots all gross looking and dirty dabbers always seem to end up on the table or the floor.
You're probably right about the not being able to notice the flavor with a big delicious dab HK. Glass dabbers suck on ti for sure, gotta try one of those oil wells though.

Hey Jump, do you wipe or air dry your dabber to get the etoh off before grabbin a dab?

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