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Batshit Crazy Women - Who loves em?


Active member
Sure, you can't show them where you live, work, or hang out but it is sure worth the effort to go to their part of town.

I do declare.


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³


They have their moments, but the negatives outweight the positives, so i stay away from em. Something about lessons learned :)

In luv widda nice, pretty, positive, lovely, friendly, caring, most awesome lady :) 1:1

It's better that way. Chasing tail gets old when u get older, Atleast for me, maybe not for the likes of Charlie Sheen.. Whatever floats your boat?



Hash Man

i just met one, an ex stripper... she asked can she come over, i said, no my parents are in town for a month, so i rolled over there... i guess i will find another excuse after a month, cause no way I'm bringing her back to the spot.

dont forget tho, some of those crazy girls, who grew up in the game will bring you crazy money... and while they may shit on you mentally and emotionally, they just wont get scandelous and steal your shit... at least some of em... good rule of thumb is - dont date em if they dont grow too...


Active member
I am a 37 year old musician. I ain't tryin to marry any of these ladies, they just make my world go 'round.

I done been married and fuck that.


Active member
Pity our mothers dont warn us

Pity our mothers dont warn us

Pity our mothers dont warn us eh! Well would they admit it .
Well maybe a few years after the menopause they might.
I know a few rock solid girls but there Growers and anti goverment to the core,2 of who have done hard time on there own i might add never said a word about anyone else .
Decisions are best made with an empty sack!


good in bed, fun at parties, a train wreck riding into a nightmare everywhere else


The cat that loves cannabis
I do
I love high matinance, aggressive, crazyass women.
I can't count all the broken windows, broken fish tank, physical attacks on me, etc.....
When it's bad, it's awful, but when it's good, it's great like no other women can be.
I don't hit them, but I will sit on them till they calm down when they're going insane.

Most recent, trip to Acapulco, took one down there with me that was pistol hot, perfect for the beach, but christ what a firebrand personality.
So it's the middle of the day, were literally staggering back to our hotel, smashed drunk(always good for a major blowout)
Along the way we start arguing about something(??)
By the time were in the room she is flipping completely out, I just want to sleep for a while so I'm not even really paying attention to it.

It culminates with her annoucing that she's heading back out, and she's going to f**k 12 mexicans, that's what she said, 12 of them, lol.
Then she F'ing kung fu kicks me in the side like an MA master and heads for the door.
Caught her by the arm, put her on the bed, and sat on her till she came to her senses.


Active member
I do
I love high matinance, aggressive, crazyass women.
I can't count all the broken windows, broken fish tank, physical attacks on me, etc.....
When it's bad, it's awful, but when it's good, it's great like no other women can be.
I don't hit them, but I will sit on them till they calm down when they're going insane.

Most recent, trip to Acapulco, took one down there with me that was pistol hot, perfect for the beach, but christ what a firebrand personality.
So it's the middle of the day, were literally staggering back to our hotel, smashed drunk(always good for a major blowout)
Along the way we start arguing about something(??)
By the time were in the room she is flipping completely out, I just want to sleep for a while so I'm not even really paying attention to it.

It culminates with her annoucing that she's heading back out, and she's going to f**k 12 mexicans, that's what she said, 12 of them, lol.
Then she F'ing kung fu kicks me in the side like an MA master and heads for the door.
Caught her by the arm, put her on the bed, and sat on her till she came to her senses.

I'd have told her to go fuck the 12 mexicans and don't come back.

No matter how hot, psycho women are good for a quick shag and naff all use for anything else imho.

Known a lot of women who exploited the fact I won't hit em back to abuse me, fuck the lot of em.


They are all crazy, it depends on "how crazy" are you willing to put up with.


everyone i used to meet and have great times with i just dont
have the mental energy to deal with them now.
one girl i have fond memories of,she used to be one of the boys
so to speak.
anyway she used to follow me everywhere pay for my nights out
and if my mates had no money they got paid for aswell,where
did she get the money?no job well i added 2+2 and knew the
answer but never said to her.
she really did love me but man she was mixed up more than me
she loved sex more than she loved me and the lies she used to tell
i used to get so embarased listneng to her slip up in front of me
and others,but we all knew what she was like and accepted her
as our friend still.
she always used to tell everyone i was her boyfriend even though
she had God only knows how many others on the go
one time i went home and my mum says l--- has moved in:yoinks:
mum are you crazy who would do this,i eventually got her out
and on x mass day i got pulled for speeding ate my hash and
the police man was letting me go because he was on his own
untill he done a name check,a reported assault out for me
but i was the one sporting a black eye from her.
i said to the police man just call her up she,s just mad at me
so im in the cell and hear him on the phone "so you are sure you
still want to go ahead with the charges":hotbounce
i had to get my photo taken for evidence to show that i was
the beaten up party and thankfully still got out that day.

sometimes she still calls me if she has fallen out with her recent
boyfriends and we just have a laugh about the good old days.




My, how you boys like to bash women!

Now you know hot chicks ain't all crazy.

and there are just as many crazy guys out there as girls....


Well Artic, yes I am super hot, but crazy as hell? I don't think so.

what exactly makes me crazy? c'mon, I can handle it. tell all.