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DaPurps Closet Grow


Thanks Killerweed and redspaghetti :)

I'm going to prune some of the lower stuff on the Ice lady in a few days towards the end of week 2. I should find a few good clones to take in that process ! I know it's best not to take them during flower but it just seems like a good time to do it, haha. There are a bunch of extra 'clones' down low that don't need to be there, just deciding when is the best time to take them to not stress out the plant too much.


Both plants have nice hair clusters starting where there will be tops already at day10. These genetics are going nice. They are kicking into flower waaaay faster then the bagseed I am used to. I gave the Skunkman a dose of Maxibloom today and just watered Ice with rainwater. I don't think she needs nutes yet in the 5gal. She is stretching about an inch a day, which is not bad at this point. Especially considering how many tops there are on her. I pruned out some lower stuff today on both of them also, I wanted to steer clear of any stress in week1.

I've lost track of how many platns i've cut down at this point. But, I will say they are all different when smoked. Some are rather potent, the girlfriend calls one sleepy weed. One will get your heart going, maybe immature, but the high is racy. Another one is weak, smoke two bongs and get a mellow stone. So the bagseed are a crapshoot on what the end will be.

Tarus Bulbar

Lookn Great Purps!!
Very healthy ladies,that will put out!! lol
I always take my clones one to two weeks
into flower Seems like a great time when
the plants are stretching anyway.
Cheers bro


Cheers bro, thanks for droppin by :)

Here is a picture to Celebrate 420.

Ice on day 12:


She is a monster.


Here is the Skunkman Female I have in veg still. She is growing pretty healthy and vigorous now and has recovered from whatever was ailing her. I just now transplanted from 1gallon to 2.5gallon trashcan that I got for a buck and drilled holes for drains. I am going to give her a week to get adjusted to the new home and flip her next Saturday 3 weeks behind the other 2 females.


Here is a bagseed bud freshly chopped

I am starting out recently on day 4/2 of veg depending on which seed. Do you have any advice for a soil user? I assume that's what your doing in the garbage can..


Yep I grow in soil. What kind of advice you looking for bro ? My biggest lesson that I am learning is to give the plants more soil during veg. Like I just transplanted this lady from 1 to 2.5gallons and will flip in a week. I did the same with my Ice lady, from 1 to 5gallon, 2weeks and then flipped.

If I veg a plant out for a month in a 1gallon and then try to flower in the 1 gallon I ALWAYS have problems with deficiencies.


Picture update on flower room tomo. I will try to remember to turn off the HPS for pics now, since the ICE plant will not fit through the flower room entry anymore. She simply got too large, haha. I am not complaining, however. She will just have to be watered and fed in place.


So I am about to run a couple different strains do you notice differences in how each strain react with soil?
Are you using any nutes?
How tall is your flower room? mine is only about 5'1" so I am kinda limited on room kinda looking to run six plants Kinda low bushy ones. idk im just starting I have a grow journal up if you care to chekc it out and give some advice i update it like a bucnh lol
What kinda soil are you using?


I am using MiracleGrow AfricanViolet soil with GH Maxibloom for nutes with great sucess.

My ceiling is 9foot, but I am starting to LST all of my plants during veg to keep them shorter and bushier. Growing with no training makes it impossible to get a canopy and wastes a lot of light. I will drop by and check out your thread some time.


Day 15: The first day of week 3.

The stretch is slowing on ICE and Skunkman already, and as you can see at the kick off of week 3 buds are already forming. :)

Most of the room, the seedling on the left is another ICE, there are 2 of them under the 1000 for 12hrs a day then they get flouros. THe plant at the bottom of the pic not yet in flower is the female skunkman I just put into a 2.5gallon trashcan. She starts flower a week from today.




She has turned into a beast.