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daoboxer's boxes of niceness.


Hello fellow stoners.
Have a look at my new set-up. Its just about finished. Here is box 1. It is made of 9mm ply, with an outer layer of 12.5mm plasterboard. Inside is a Chinese 120W LED from ebay. £125 delivered. Also inside are 5 of the 6 REZ ChemDxSourDiesel seeds I started (1 didn't make it. More on this later) and 1 Female Black Diesel from Advanced Seeds. Never grown or smoked either before.
I need to build one more box, next to box 1. It will run off the same fan, in series. The fan inlets from inside a cupboard containing the boiler, nice warm air. That goes to the far side of box 1, through the box, and out to the fan. Once the other box is built, it will go through both boxes, then to the fan.
A 100mm Ruck temperature controlled, amazing little fan. Perfect. Will add carbon when tripped on to flower. These fans are excellent. Also got insulated ducting, it gets bloody cold up there.
This is inside the box. Will add mylar soon.
You can see the chemDxSD seedlings along with a runty female Black Diesel. I'm hoping for a keeper female from the REZ gear, and may make some F2s. I've never made seeds before though, and the idea of not getting the black cloak and scythe out at the first sign of balls is new to me! Could be fun.
I've also got another 90W LED in a knocked up tent made of mylar. I'm a builder so I'm too embarrassed to show the outside of it, as it ain't pretty! Inside is more beautiful.
Nearest is a DP female Blueberry. Was repotted today. (I grow in a soil type medium of coco, worm hummus, guano, fish, blood & bone and pearlite.) The BB was a freebie. At the back is the only female of 3 Crystal Limit seeds by KC Brains which were given to me by a mate. She has suffered a bit due to the cold and also having been negleted for a couple of weeks. We have a nearly-3 year-old son and a nearly-3-week-old son..... time is meaningless at the mo....... those with kids know what I mean. This LED was bought from a British company. Was £160, I think. Its almost certainly Chinese also. This one has only red and blue LEDs, whereas the 120W in box 1 has added orange.
Here is the BB under a more friendly light. She has been topped once. Seems a vigorous plant, the BB. Was started at the same time as the Black D. I'm thinking of cloning the BB. I used to grow it years ago, and it was a lovely smoke. We'll see.

Will update weeklyish, or when I can grab some time, its a madhouse at mine at the mo.


Take A Deep Breath
I'm in :D

Must be well handy being a builder.

Nice selection of plants. You treated yourself, going for the Rez stuff ($$$!!!).
Didn't know Serious did a Black Diesel...runtage isn't a good sign.

Be interesting to see how the generic Chinese LEDs perform...


Hiya B. Welcome to casa mia.
Yeah, the Black D is poor. To be honest, the seed looked a bit dodgy. Pale. I bunged it in to see if it would germ. I have 2 more healthier looking seeds.
My lovely wife treated me to the REZ seeds. I have high hopes for these babies. Still have 4 to germ. If you help me sort out some F2s when the time comes, I'll be your best mate.;)
Oh yeah, on the LEDs....the "British" one has 660nm reds, which are supposedly better. The other one has 630nm reds. I've got no idea whether this will make a difference. Yeah, should be interesting. I'm expecting them to do fine, as long as I keep the canopy fairly even. Will scrog when I need to.


Oh yeah.... Blimey, you're right mate. I was talking bollocks. The Black Diesel is by Advanced, not Serious. I've edited the post.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
looks nice, what are the dimensions?

as a loft grower myself, i'd say you've done yourself a favour ducting the air from somewhere warm. you might have to rethink come summer but even then your better getting air from the house because the loft itself will be really hot.

looking forward to the show :)



looks nice, what are the dimensions?

as a loft grower myself, i'd say you've done yourself a favour ducting the air from somewhere warm. you might have to rethink come summer but even then your better getting air from the house because the loft itself will be really hot.

looking forward to the show :)


Heh heh... Yes mate, I think I knicked that little gem from your set-up. As you say, I may need to re-jig come summer, but that won't be a problem.
Dimensions are about 900mm tall, 450mm deep x 650mm long.
Erred on the side of caution, so is a little big, as I've got rectangular pots that will take a scrog nicely. Didn't want to have to rethink the pot aspect. Box 2 will be slightly smaller. Teething problems will be ironed out.
If I can squeeze anything close to results like yours out of my LEDs, I'll be..............stoned.
Great to have you along for the ride.


yes man
really good work
the black diesel is amazing

Cheers for dropping in. Did you grow some? I'm not impressed so far, but I've just the one plant and its early days yet! I've gotta say, mind you, that she looked a little perkier today after being moved into the box. Much nicer environment.


The One That Didn't Make It.

The One That Didn't Make It.

So, one of the seedlings chose death.
2 out of the 6 ChemxSD seeds I started broke surface with the seed still attached to the cotyledons. I removed them. I noticed on one of the seedlings that the cotyledons were still bound by a thin transparent membrane (presumably some lining of the seed?) right on the tips of the leaves. I removed the one I noticed. The one I didn't notice until 2 or 3 days later was the one that died. I eventually removed a tiny piece of similar membrane, albeit too late.
Anyone encountered similar?


Take A Deep Breath
I get that fairly often. I give anything a day above soil to shake off any helmet-head and/or membrane, then I'll do it manually with tweezers.

Not sure about reducing membrane problems, but burying the seed a fraction deeper usually helps reduce occurrence of helmet-head.


I get that fairly often. I give anything a day above soil to shake off any helmet-head and/or membrane, then I'll do it manually with tweezers.

Not sure about reducing membrane problems, but burying the seed a fraction deeper usually helps reduce occurrence of helmet-head.

Ahh....... the old helmet-head. Tweezers will be added to the growing box of grow room paraphernalia.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hey dao, yeah the membrane sometimes stays there. if you spray it with some water to wet it and then wait 30 seconds for it to soften, it should slide off very easily.

i find the seed hull does stay on fairly often - and again wetting it before removal helps i find. as blimey says, planting the seed a little deeper also helps. maybe 1cm of soil between seed and surface...

i did a chem x sd recently and it was some nice smoke.



i did a chem x sd recently and it was some nice smoke.


Was it from Rez's stable? I'm wondering how stretchy they are likely to be.
Been stalking the reservoir forum for a while now. Was impressed by the consistent quality of the ChemDxSourD. Some of the phenos, the more diesel-leaning ones, looked particularly good, with big, fat calyxes. Lovely.
Fingers crossed.....


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
not rez's. mine were good BUT you find with multi hybrid types that some will really stretch a LOT - TOO MUCH. i got one shorter one that i kept a mum of. great smoke quite chem...

remember you need to email me ;)



Here we go, then.
First up, a shot of inside the tent. Its day 7 of 12/12 for these 2.

I gave the Crystal Limit a good stemcrushing, and bend-around last night. She's been quite heavily trained with both LST and HST. She's a bit ugly. I think I overdid it a touch with the last water. She looks pretty perky and generally happy, nevertheless.
As you can see, she's piling on pistils already. Gonna have a few heads.

And next up the Blueberry. She's stretching a bit, having been topped a couple of weeks ago and then repotted last week. Day 7 12/12 and no sign of preflowers yet, which is fine by me. I potted her up into a big pot in the hope I would maximise the stretch. Looking happy but a bit dark green for my liking.

Here we've got the residents of box1. No box2 yet, but think I'll try to knock it up next weekend. Got stacks of seeds, thanks to a very generous friend. Thanks mate. It's gonna be a dilemma trying to decide what to run....
Anyway, here's the ChemDxSourD quintreplets. All much of a muchness so far, but look happy and settled in their new home.

And a closeup of ChemxSD 2. These are gonna be the stars of the show for me, hopefully.

Finally the Black Diesel. She's perked up loads since moving from the 'tent' to box1. It's a more stable environment. Still painfully slow, but a much happier plant.

I'm generally happy with the way things are looking, and want to get a few more on the go. Have a new light on order, and a bunch of nice genetics in the fridge, so stay tuned.


Crystal limit. Day 17 12/12. Flowering like a goodun. Also have changed the light in the 'tent' to a 120W tri-band with bigger 2W leds. Seems to have more penetration than the 90W. Will post up some pics of the light next update.

Here's a group shot inside box1. All good in here, everyone seems to be buzzing along nicely.

The ChemDxSourDs.

Number6 has adopted a wierd growth pattern and has only grown 1 fan leaf last node.

And last the Black Diesel. She's picked up a lot, and actually looks like a nice plant. I think she's picky and high maintenance, though. Will probably take a cut of her, in case she turns out to be amazing. She's been topped once.

Forgot to snap the Blueberry this time, for some reason. Have put a screen on her as she went quite stetchy. Starting to flower now.
I need to get a move on and build box2 and the mumbox. I need to take some cuts, and plus, I have a 90w doing nowt, when it could be growing me smoke.....


Hey alwaystoned, pull up a seat and wrap one up.

Took these pics yesterday, but for the sake of not messing up my calculations, I'll call it day 22 of 12/12 (which is today).
Blueberry in front, Crystal Limit behind. These 2 are under the new 2W chipset 120W LED.

Couple of budshots of the CL. Starting to frost up now.

And the BB. Took 2 cuts of the BB yesterday.

Groupshot of Box1.

Topped all 5 of the ChemDxSourDs on Saturday. Here is the odd growth on Number6. Its busting out branches everywhere. Probably didn't need topping, in retrospect.

Gonna bang 'em on to 12/12 at the weekend, I think. See how we go. Have started to see some worrying shit on the foliage of the ChemxSours, more to follow...



The Dreaded Mosaic Curse of ChemD?

The Dreaded Mosaic Curse of ChemD?

Probably not.......but worrying nonetheless.
ChemDxSourD Number4.

What is that?
VG if you're reading this, do you think that this looks similar to the pics that !!! posted in your thread about TMV and cannabis?
It has all happened in the last week. Number4 is looking the most affected, but they all seem to have it, to varying degrees.
Anyone seen this before?
May try some aspirin.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hey dao, tbh it doesnt look like the classic variegation trait (that some say is TMC) which is associated with chem D and its offspring, but i guess it could be a virus - but it could be a leaf distortion and they may grow out of it .

in places it almost looks like insect damage. there is an insect called capsid bug which causes very similar puckers and distortions whenit eats garden leaves as they grow - some acid in it's saliva causes the growth to be irregular - but i guess thats unlikely on indoor plants. all the same i should have a good check for signs of bugs.

with luck the new growth may be clear of it.... sorry i cant be any more help, ill keep looking in


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