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All about watering


New member
I've been growing one plant for about 3 weeks now. I'm running a 1000 watt MH running 24 hours, 5 gallon pot. The plant is getting huge and is about ready for cloneing. So far I have been watering it once a day with about 3-4 cups of distilled water mixed with a little bit of nutrients. I was told to use distilled water but I'm not sure why, is that the best water to use? Also I was told that now that it is bigger I need to water it until water water comes out the bottom of the pot, but only once every few days. Why is this? Also do I need to worry about the PH of the water, or is it fine as long as I buy it in gallon jugs? Also what kind of nutrients should I be using now that it is bigger and will be flowering soon? Should I use nutrients when I water the clones? Tell me everything you know about watering. Thanks. :thanks:


New member
distilled water ph is ok that is why they told you to use it but it is much cheper to catch rain water and go to wallmart and get a ph tester at the fish food rack and check it your self 7.0 just rite and the bigger the plant the stronger the nutrents and the more water just remember that roots need air to so do not keep soil water logged it is hard to tell you how often to water because it depends on how dence the soil is and how hot your room gets and how much wind flow it has if you have a bath room scale that you weigh your self with then put your plant in bath tub soak it down till water is running out bottom wait till water stops keep up with how much water you put in it then weigh it put it back in room put a hole in bottom of pot big enough for your finger and keep check when soil is dry at bottom then weigh it again get out notes if it weighed 15 lbs wet and 5 lbs dry and it took 3 days to dry then then put half the amount of water and weigh it again make note how much water you put in and how much it weighs repeat steps you want to water it every day with out puting to much water if you want to keep it simple then use the wick method use cotton rope to bring water from the bottom tank of water in to the contaner of dirt the plant is in and dirt will never be water logged. nutrients should stay the same for 2 weeks after cloning. on the clones never use nutrients just a little root tone on the cut of the clones 1 time dose and clean water it helps if you use a air stone with air pump like on a fish tank in water i hope my info helps happy growing please let me know of results sorry about bad spelling


I would suggest watering the 5 gallon container fully with a light nutrient solution, maybe 1.5 to 2 liters of water. letting it feed like that will better prepare your plant for cloning. (weak plant - weak clone) your also wasting the container space by not letting those root search for water and expanding. fox farms nutes are simple, so are age old organics. distilled water has no living organisims in it, just a thought.