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Danish Garden ( First time grower ) Grow diary


Looking nice there!

Although I would also consider moving them to 20 liter pots. But anyway, I'm sure you'll get alot of good smoke there.

Later :)


Active member
Thanks for all the positive words you send to me (=

hm, im also gonna find some bigger pots soon i think .. 20 liters should do it fine..


Just some pics from this sunny day (-:

A little overview pic -

Tyrkish Pot in the full soil -

Tyrkish pot, in pots -

The tight sativa wich has started to flowering -

Lowryder #2, 64 days from seed -
Here is the little one in the pot

And the one in full soil -



lol didnt know we had donkeys roaming free in Denmark, but then again Pia K makes quite the donkey ass... :p

Nice plants and lovely animals... :)


Active member

Hey all wonderful people out there (=

here is some pics from this morning, it has just stopped raining.. It's been heavy, really heavy raining this morning .. but good for the plants (=

Overview pic ( all females ) -

Tyrkish pot females, I think it's a little strange how different the plants look although it's the same sort -

And the one in full soil looks totally different, looks so indica -

Here are som of the other plants -

Lowrider in the full soil bed -



Looking good..That LR is really "open" for a lowryder. Could give some nice yield.

peace all


Active member
Lalandia & paddi Thanks for the nice words, im glad you think it's looking good (=
I've found 2, 20 liters pot at my place today , and replaced the biggest one to them, both was totally rootbounded, unfortanely I dont get any pics from that, I will remember to do when I gonna buy some new pots ..

I've just been out, and could not let the camera stay inside hehe
so here are som more pics from today -

Beauty flowering sativa -

Tyrkish Pot in full soil -

Leaf -

Lowryder #2 - 66 days

I've just repotted the little one -

close up

Here is some macro pics from the one in full soil

Look at the trichs -

One with blitz -



Active member

Today i bought new pots, dont know if I can say the price in here, so I'l leave that for a while...

I bought 2, 45 Liters for the 2 biggest plant ..
and then some 20 liters for the rest, And the place were i use to buy soil was unfortanely sold-out at the moment .. And I only got 2 bags at home..
thats why I only used one of the 45 liters pot ..

Not rootbounded so much, I belive it's because of the nonwovens
going to 45 liter

From some 12 liters -

2 overview pics

Lowryder is still in 12 liter



Active member

Little update, I have 16 females, 0 males, 0 unsexed, but out of the 16 females, 3 plants look ill , and proberly wont make it ..

but here is some pics from some healthy plants (=

Little tight flowering sativa

Turkish pot from full soil, started to looking good after transplant from full soil into pot

also turkish pot, but still in 12 liters because i ran out off soil ..

the one in 45 liter pot

one in 20 liters, think this one is going in 45 liters, cause it's growing really fast, but it's gonna be when I'm get some new soil

Cutted one

Indica looking plant -

And finally a pic of the turkish pot in full soil , and is is not strecthed , it was just pretty windy when i took the pics (-:



Active member
Thx lalandia (=

Yesterday when i came out to check on the plants, i discovered that the plant i cutted was splittet , just putted a strip on it funds early .. pretty strange i think, is it a sign of weak stems?



I had some doing that last year and i'd stripped them like u did and they actually grew together again so dont worry...just keep an eye on it

Peace friend


Active member
Thanks for the advice my friend, nice to know that it wasnt totally stupid striping it (-: , cool if they can grow together again , I will defently keep an eye on it (=