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Danish Garden ( First time grower ) Grow diary


looks male, update us the coming days bro. lucky you, rain now will make your plants explode!


Active member
Sure i will my friend, I will keep you updated as many times in the week i can (-;

I really hope to get a SLR camera soon , it could be so so cool ..

2 small questions - would it be 2 late to plant a clone outside now?
should i use fertilizer in the bed , or let the nature do it the organic way?


if you want a nice and very cheap camera for nice super macro shots get the canon powershot a470


Active member
Sounds nice my friend, just look'd a little on the internet, and they actually are pretty cheap , thanks for the advice , cuz a SLR camera is really expensive puha ...

Hope my plants not are drowning , it's been HEAVY raning for like 1 hour now, and it doesnt look like it seems to stop rigth now ...



love the rain now bro! i take all my pix with that camera btw, and if i can, you can!


Active member

Hey there all wonderful people, could not let the camera stay inside this morning , so here is som pics, and despite of my worries about the plants would drown yesterday - I must say Esbe was rigth , they are now exploding (=
By the way i think that camera is going to be one of my next purchases (=

The best overview pic i could get

some other pics -

here are som pics from the full soil bed -



awesome bro, looks like yours plants get a lot of love and care!

this is really interesting!


Active member
Thx my friend, I also think it's looking really good (-:

Define what You mean by interesting bro ? (=

Today i really realized how much water they need on a hot day like this, all the plants has drunk 20 liter water today, i watered 3 times during the day, cause they started to look thirsty ..

it could be nice if more of the plants would show sex, so i can get rid of the male plants..
but it takes the time it's need (= and i know you can cover it with something for 24-48 hours but i will let the nature do it by it self (-:


they will show sex soon also due to root bounding.

interesting because of the beautiful brancing and sativa traits. almost look like some iran sativas i had a few years ago. you wouldnt know the genetics in it would you? any plans on transplanting them into full soil?


Active member
sounds good , but there is not so much to do , than waiting hehe (=

Unfortanely i dont know any genetics , it's a bit ambitious , it is seeds that i got from a friend , and he have had those seeds for like 4-5 years, so he cant remember anything ..

No, the plan is growing them in pots, gradually I dont got so much space in my garden more hehe, and I can have a few more in pots than if they going to be in full soil, plus I didnt had time to prepare the soil .. it has a lot of clay here ..


Active member

A little update ,
Out of the 3 lowrider seeds i get, one is died , one is not growing , it's about 4-5 cm tall, with 2 set of leaves really strange ..

But the last one is a little beautiful lady -

I doubt a little if this is a male , i belive it is -



Lowrider is a funny little plant :smile:
I started 3 this year. All three went males!

P :smoke:


Active member

Paddi - Your'e defently rigth , a really funny plant, also have a couple of friends who have had some very strange plants, and like yours most of them went males , I just guess i was lucky, also with all the other females..

But time for a little update , the weather is simply perfect at the time ..
so the plants thrives good (=

This pic is taken at 10.00 Am - 26 degrees

And like esbe said, due to root bounding the plants are now starting to show sex, I now have 10 female plants ;o
and only removed 2 males ..

I know some of the plants look thirsty, I just watered them, after taking pics (=

Here is some pics from the full soil bed, they are growing really well -

The lowrider from the full soil bed -

And finally a pic of the male plant, it's now in "quarantine" another place (=



awesome bro. remember only to water the pots when the leafs hangs down.


Active member
Thanks for the positive words my friend ..

I also do, but sometimes it 2-3 times per day, they really are thirsty in this hot weather..

Looking forward to see if the male plant is going to survive, i transplanted it from a 15 Liter pot to a 3 Liter pot, so the roots got cutted pretty bad. not that i have something to use it for, but I think it's interesting to see how the plant react when you do different things to it ..

Do you think i should use fertilizer in the full soil bed?
until now i only watered with clean water..


yes bro, try bio bizz fish mix and bio heaven in veg. also i have good expiriences with melasses(restprodukt fra sukker produktion). if you love your male you could try doing a lil controled pollinating

btw your plants in full soil are very close to eachother. consider removing the least promising. yes, i know its hard. out tieing is another possibilyty


Active member
Cool, i would defently try that, the other plants is just getting some normally greenhouse fertilizer now ..

Hm it's not that i dont like it hehe , but i wont lead this strain further, maybe if i knew what strain it was, but when i dont , i think some of the fun part is going away..

But next year i will do a big grow with a friend, and then im going to have some danish strains, like yours , It sounds wicked, but i've already got some really nice spots to next years grow ..


Active member

Time for a little update , yesterday, i killed 5 male plants, and 2 is standing in quarantine antoher place , it means 7 male plants so far ..

Here is som pics from today -

2 ill plants, think it was 2 much heat from they stod in the greenhouse
no sex yet , and one is cutted

No sex yet -

Cutted female -

Female , defently some sativa -

Female, defently some indica -

Another beautiful female -

nice bushy female -

Here is som pics from the full soil bed, i removed one male yesterday
but today i spotted 3 females, so 4 females there including the lowrider

3 ladys -

The lowrider -

A little overview pic from the full soil bed -

21 plants left , 10 females .. 11 unsexed