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damn velociraptors...


Registered Cannabis User
alright, I remembered this from OG and it was funny as hell what some people were sayin, so here's the deal...

your TRAPPED in home depot with 3 velociraptors...how will you survive?

I think I would go to the green house section and climb ontop of the huge shelves that have the 50 lb bags of soil and wait until ones underneath me and push it off on it. if that doesnt work I'd have a nail gun as a sidearm probably.

what would you do?


Registered Med User
Id gas and rev up the biggest chainsaw, afterwords I would light up one of their gas grills and get ta cookin up some raptor filets. Makes my mouth water just thinkin about it, or maybe thats cuz my girls cookin a steak right now and Im hella hungery... smells so good....cant wait ta eat ...


ToKEN said:
alright, I remembered this from OG and it was funny as hell what some people were sayin, so here's the deal...

your TRAPPED in home depot with 3 velociraptors...how will you survive?

I think I would go to the green house section and climb ontop of the huge shelves that have the 50 lb bags of soil and wait until ones underneath me and push it off on it. if that doesnt work I'd have a nail gun as a sidearm probably.

what would you do?

LOL, what the hell is a "velociraptors"? i dont remember this thread for overgrow, but judging from your responses i am guessing its some sort of badass animal?

When I hear a response, i'll let you know my plan.. as of right now though its consisting of a homemade pipe bomb from the PVC pipe they have there, in which i would wrap like 300 Nails around with a layer of duct tape... and some propane or lighter fluid... to "power" it.... although i have no idea what I am dealing with here?

edit; in other news, that steak comment made me hungry, or rather realize i needed to eat dinner, so i ordered some chinese from a new place... will see how it is, if yall don't seem around here tomorrow, it was nice knowin yall.
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Registered Med User
they are dinosours that work in packs, clever lil bastards, about six feet tall with a shank claw on there foot that can rip open your stomach and eat start eating u while your still alive. like little t-rexs that can move better with longer arms and big sharp claws. when I was a kid I always wanted one as a pet.


jurrasic park ,,another superb offering from spielberg ,,brings out the best in any home cinema :headbange


i think only a high powered machine gun would stop them ,,which aisle theyre in i'd have no idea and by the time i find them i'd be veloco dinner :badday:


O GOD those fuckers! I've seen the movie, in another lifetime I once worked part time at blockbuster from the age of like 19-21...

Hmmm... well shiat, I can't remember from the movie if they can climb or not... but i dont think so. Let me think about this over dinner.

fully baked

Oh man, I guess I'd hope I was stuck there with alan grant and that smart little boy! The girl always made me angry. First the flashlight, then the screaming. Darwinian selection should have kicked in...

I'd find myself a few propane tanks and a nail gun and lay some snacks by the propane tanks... Home depot does have snacks right?? :muahaha:


alright I got it.... pending you could make it to the PVC section, the propane section, and the grill section, a drill and bit, and somewhere in the middle of all that grab some nails and tape...and they can't climb.

I would make a modified like "potato gun", however I would enclose the seal the whole thing where u spray the hairspray or put propane in, and not build a "barrel", I would then fill it with propane, and close it, having premade some "nails set on ducttape straps", would quickly wrap those towards the very bottom to weight it, so it would hopefully land on the grill ignitor... if those worked it would blow those fuckers to a billion pieces, although likely knock down the shelves u were standing on, i haven no idea how well those are shelves are made at the HD..., plan B would me a real potatoe gun, but instead of potatoes i would fill rags with nails and shoot them at 'em.

home depot has drinks, i dont now if they have snacks though, however i am fairly certain those things would be trying to get you without the need of any snacks.

Does anone know if they can climb? if so you'd be screwed i reckon.... maybe a giant chainsaw like someone else said,


Cannabrex Formulator
First step....toss them a fat Home Depot clerk or two...that will give you the time you need to prepare.

Find the rental department, and git yerself one of those nice handheld propane burners for melting tar. Fire is always a good deterent.

Then find a nice protected place to set up for defence....a small office, a small shower stall. This will give them a very limited attack front, which makes it easier to defend.

Find a gas powered pole saw or two as yer main offensive weapons....give you decidedly more reach than a reg chainsaw.

While the raptors munch on the clerks, with wire from the electric dept, rig up a nice network of live bare wires in front of your shower stall. Directly in front of said stall leave a bunch of food (bits of clerk?) baited with heavy rat poison. Then hide in stall with pole saws for offense and propane burner for defense.

Alternately, a commercial paint sprayer loaded with crystal verathane floor covering may be substituted in place of the propane burner.

You should be ok with a plan like that.
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fully baked

thekingofNY said:
alright I got it.... pending you could make it to the PVC section, the propane section, and the grill section, a drill and bit, and somewhere in the middle of all that grab some nails and tape...and they can't climb.

I would make a modified like "potato gun", however I would enclose the seal the whole thing where u spray the hairspray or put propane in, and not build a "barrel", I would then fill it with propane, and close it, having premade some "nails set on ducttape straps", would quickly wrap those towards the very bottom to weight it, so it would hopefully land on the grill ignitor... if those worked it would blow those fuckers to a billion pieces, although likely knock down the shelves u were standing on, i haven no idea how well those are shelves are made at the HD..., plan B would me a real potatoe gun, but instead of potatoes i would fill rags with nails and shoot them at 'em.

home depot has drinks, i dont now if they have snacks though, however i am fairly certain those things would be trying to get you without the need of any snacks.

Does anone know if they can climb? if so you'd be screwed i reckon.... maybe a giant chainsaw like someone else said,

In the movie they were jumping on each others backs trying to get at a dude on top of a t-rex skeleton. They are tricky little fuckers...


Registered Cannabis User
genkisan said:
First step....toss them a fat Home Depot clerk or two...that will give you the time you need to prepare.

Find the rental department, and git yerself one of those nice handheld propane burners for melting tar. Fire is always a good deterent.

Then find a nice protected place to set up for defence....a small office, a small shower stall. This will give them a very limited attack front, which makes it easier to defend.

Find a gas powered pole saw or two as yer main offensive weapons....give you decidedly more reach than a reg chainsaw.

While the raptors munch on the clerks, with wire from the electric dept, rig up a nice network of live bare wires in front of your shower stall. Directly in front of said stall leave a bunch of food (bits of clerk?) baited with heavy rat poison. Then hide in stall with pole saws for offense and propane burner for defense.

Alternately, a commercial paint sprayer loaded with crystal verathane floor covering may be substituted in place of the propane burner.

You should be ok with a plan like that.

:muahaha: ^^^ that's what I'm talkin about!


Cannabrex Formulator
A pressure washer loaded with something flammable might work as a flamethrower....

Then again, fire can turn on ya....I think yer better of with my previous plan.


damit, i forgot about those USELESSS homedepot clerks... fucking a... they would buy you the needed time to gather everything....I still sticking with my homemade potato gun filled with nails, or the bombs that would be dropped from the Top floor...

HOWEVER, if you could find some rock salt too, I imagine that would go good with the nails :), or chlorine tablets from the pool section.

O yea, they have muriatic acid at HD i think too, dont they! Muriatic(sp) acid, and a pressure washer, or even just some sort of latex or ballon type matterial, although i imagine the acid would eat through that. Hell you could probablly just get like 10 gallons of up there and get the things right below u and poor it down there fucking throats.,


Resident pissy old man
I would run like Hell, figuring that I can run faster on dry ground than they can on the greasy shit I would leave behind.


Sneak attack critical
Do they have Bobcats at Home Depot?

I wouldn't want to take on a group of raptors in one, but the watching someone else give it a go seems hilarious!


me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight
id go str8 shaolin!!

first id get to the garden sect, get a large handled flat spade shovel/ long handle, two machetes.

as im fighting them off id be running to the plumbing sect. to get a small propane tank and then trek over to the paint section to get some rubber gloves and some denatured alcohol.

at that point i would dare em to come near me, but at that point i would be on the offensive! can anyone say "jerk raptor" ? lol

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