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DAMMIT! Electricity Out & It's 21 Degrees and Falling....



I hates the power company. 1) With only one power company to choose from, it's like dealing with ATT in the old days. 2) I paid my damn bill. 3) Power always goes off when it is as cold as the tits on a boar hog.

Seems like a rerun of last January when the power was off for 10 days and nights.

Gotta love an all electric house at a time like this.

Send generators, battery power on laptop already at 90%.... help me help me.


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
same thing happened to us in november! we pay our bill, they didn't process the payment... on a friday morning, someone comes to my house and disconnects my electricity! i argue with him, the customer service reps, and everyone else i encounter in between :joint:

we get it all sorted out, but they wouldn't send the guy to turn it on back to my house until the next business day...which would be monday. so we sat in the dark (and the cold) for 3 days until they turned it back on.

i feel ya Lola, good luck :joint:


Get a kerosene heater to keep the temps up until the power comes back, so the girls don't freeze.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

I've got a honker of a generator Lola, you really need to get one
too if power outages are really prevalent in your area, not good
for gardening or anything else in those temps.......

Get a kerosene heater to keep the temps up until the power comes back, so the girls don't freeze.
Yes...this is the way to go in an emergency.If you are in Western NY I have 2 I could borrow you. In the future you really should have a kerosene heater and 5 gal of kero ready just in case. I wish you the best.


I've used a bucket of water a few times to keep some heat for a while. My tap water was just over 44 degrees. I filled 3 buckets, when there temp got close to freezing, refilled and start again. Not much, but was enough warmth to keep room from freezing.

Come on power company, show that girl some love.


me want propane genny

me want propane genny

Will sleep with Yummybud for nice propane generator.... hahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

Any advice on propane gennys? I saw one on Amazon for $1700, and drooled over the keyboard the other nite.

That is out of my price range, but there's always the profits from the "Yummy loses his virginity video" hahahahahahaha


I've used a bucket of water a few times to keep some heat for a while. My tap water was just over 44 degrees. I filled 3 buckets, when there temp got close to freezing, refilled and start again. Not much, but was enough warmth to keep room from freezing.

Come on power company, show that girl some love.

Yeah! What he said!!!! :)

Good idea. I put some water in the tub just in case.

Just bought a Coleman lantern an hour ago though and extra batteries. ( I am gittin skeered of my premonitions... am I Carrie Jr?) hahahahahah

Thanks for all the help holding my hand in the dark. :hide:


cant stop wont stop
Damn Lola hang the fuck in therre!!
Our furnace is out - the HSI burned out and apparently since its such an old model a replacement peice that normally costs around $30 is gonna run $200 plus shipping.
It's negative 10 fahrenheit outstide!
So i Kinda feel ya.. just not sittin in the dark


Active member
make sure not to run your generators inside or in your garage with no exhaust you probably will die sorry.


european ganja growers
put some more jumpers&trousers on girl,,do some star jumps to keep warm,,and give the heater to the other ladys :microwave:...jk....hope all come good for ya,,,dont know what i would do without heating at this time of the year:freezing:...

keep it green

ps i just had to put that micro guy in somewhere :whistling::crazy::Bolt:


Lammen Gorthaur
Ours went out for a few hours this morning. I stayed in bed until it came back on and the house warmed up. This time of year it is usually in the 70s here in Cowtown, but the cold snap put it in the low to mid 30s so I thought I would freeze to death!

Hope you warm up Lola. I'd come up and offer my services, but you are there, I'm here, I'm married, you're probably 20-something and I'm in my late 40s. It could work; it would be like a late night nightmare, but it could happen... Better to just hope you warm up with your significant other and the power company to get it all together in one sock!

Jammies are the best!


I hates the power company. 1) With only one power company to choose from, it's like dealing with ATT in the old days. 2) I paid my damn bill. 3) Power always goes off when it is as cold as the tits on a boar hog.

Seems like a rerun of last January when the power was off for 10 days and nights.

Gotta love an all electric house at a time like this.

Send generators, battery power on laptop already at 90%.... help me help me.

Candels ..oil lamps..bundel up its a cold one..


Electricity is good :dance013:

The government auctions off some real nice generators, the kind the national guard uses, search for public auctions in your area. some will have real low miles and are dirt cheap.


stoned agin ...
a wood burning stove won't light the lights, but it's a sweet warm fire on a cold winter night :D


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Will sleep with Yummybud for nice propane generator.... hahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

Any advice on propane gennys? I saw one on Amazon for $1700, and drooled over the keyboard the other nite.

That is out of my price range, but there's always the profits from the "Yummy loses his virginity video" hahahahahahaha

any decent 5500 to 8500 watt generator should do fine, buy
it new and use high mileage (15,000 mile Mobil1) synthetic oil
in it from the start of its life, there is no appreciable difference
of propane over gasoline gensets. You can buy a Honda 8500
watt unit for $1200 or less, check eBay for sure, gasoline is
easier to store and buy than propane.

if you want to upgrade then certainly buy a diesel genset, good
quality units 10-12K watts start @ $3,500 but have awesome fuel
economy, run quieter (a lot!) and can be used daily. If you'd like
to keep your 12/12 cycling off the power grid you can switch from
the 24/0 on the power company grid & go to generator for all of
the 12/12. a 10-12K unit is usually mounted on a slab and hard
wired into the homes electrical service, & it would run your home.



any decent 5500 to 8500 watt generator should do fine, buy
it new and use high mileage (15,000 mile Mobil1) synthetic oil
in it from the start of its life, there is no appreciable difference
of propane over gasoline gensets. You can buy a Honda 8500
watt unit for $1200 or less, check eBay for sure, gasoline is
easier to store and buy than propane.

if you want to upgrade then certainly buy a diesel genset, good
quality units 10-12K watts start @ $3,500 but have awesome fuel
economy, run quieter (a lot!) and can be used daily. If you'd like
to keep your 12/12 cycling off the power grid you can switch from
the 24/0 on the power company grid & go to generator for all of
the 12/12. a 10-12K unit is usually mounted on a slab and hard
wired into the homes electrical service, & it would run your home.

Thanks for the input! 8500 watts huh? OK, that is the minimum then? OK

I live so far awway from a gas station, I don't think it would be practical to get a gas genny. If the power is out long enough to need a genny, usually the gas station 12 miles away is in the dark as well.

I think Propane would be the easiest, as I already own a 500 gallon propane tank, have 2 lines in the house, one line which I do not use, which could be converted to supply the generator.

That way, if power fails, I would have approximately 500 gallons of propane on hand to run the generator, and would not have to worry about going out in the ice trying to find gasoline.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

I guess your gas man could set that up then, if you DIY
you'll need to put inline a standard regulator to deliver
the correct flow of lpg to the genset.......

and as far as 8500watts? you'd need 3K for heat alone
unless you can put your propane furnace on the genset,
your garden 1-2K, TV/computer/lighting is 1K, refrigerator
microwave = 2K if running simultaneously. it adds up quick
and being creatures of habit it's nice to be self sufficient.

to put your propane furnace on the genset would require a
throw switch to disconnect it from the grid because if it is
powered up by both sources at once you'd make the news.

here's a link to an eBay item, a 10K Honda propane genset
@ $1,995. to save on shipping look for a seller closer to you
on an item this big, good luck hun....... 10K honda genset
I'm not sure if that's a great price for that genset but a google
search by model # would set you straight. Honda gensets are
top rated in this size class and smaller, they pride themselves
for making quieter generators, and awesome motors too.......

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