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Dakines NEW Fresh Start-Multiple Strains


Active member
To be honest, I thought the SSSDH girl on the right in the pic had really spaced out internodes.. Compared to some of Sams skunks that I grew outside that SSSDH has really big spaces between nodes..

I've never grew under t5s or t8s before, I've only grown outdoors. So even this CFL stuff is new to me.. Which is why I did such a shit job with the small skywAlker testers. Lol I try to blame it on the lights but I didn't give them any where near as much care as I gave the SSSDH girls.

I went and stopped by in your thread and I will daily to see some updates. Yeah that's kinda what I meant when I asked you what else you had in the works. It was asking if you had any other plants/strains you where working on!?


Active member
I will have some cool strains coming up soon (my strains from the past). Right now i am just looking fpr breeding material in all the new clones only/elites aviable do new oregon laws . i have alot of older strains that actuly get you high for a few hours unlike most of the new stuff .

The plant of yours that does not like to bend has nice internodes how they are not trying to branch out and get lanky.


Active member
So how long until you think your gonna bring back those strains? We shall see how these 2 SSSDH girls do, I think I'm going to flower them inside instead of outside. So I can get the temps/tent tuned in. I'll be able to put some clones outside to flower in time for them to finish, so I might try that next!


Active member
I plan on starting some of my old strains vary soon with in the next week or two .

I think you will be pretty happy flowering indoor .cfls can hold there own . i look forward to seeing how they come out .

Gastrogrower i dont want to hijack dakine s thread with a answer and i am not sure what ypur asking there is a oregon weed/news thread that is vary informative that might help . if you have a pacific question ypu can pm me .

Heres the oregon thread


Active member
LOL its perfectly fine bro, you guys can ask questions here. Plus I kinda want to know the answer to Dankwolf. Just so I dont have to go looking in another thread haha.. Oh and Dankwolf I was actually gonna flower them under A brand new 400watt hps bulb. I wanna find a 4000k bulb though.

Gastro- How are the clones/plants from seed going?

Update- So for the people who havent seen the results of the bending/crushing of stems I did to my 2-SSSDH girls I have vegging inside( Or the couple of guys that only stick around here to give me emotional support so I dont feel like A Lonely Loser LOL) . These are the Girls about 5 Days ago.

5 Days AGo SSSDH Bending/Crushing Results!-3 Months & 5 Days From Seed-Vegging CFLs

Current SSSDH Girls-3 Months & 10 Days From Seed

Heres A Current Pic of Some of the Clones I Took From the 2-SSSDH Girls.. The ones I took from the Bushy Girl thats on the Left in the Pictures are growing nicely with pretty big spaces between nodes. The Clones I took from the Girl on the Right in the Pics that didnt like bending or crushing, HAVE THE SMALLEST Spaces between the nodes. Theres Literally no spaces between the new nodes..

Damn I just looked and I only have 1 clone from the girl on the right that didnt like bending or crushing in this picture,shes in the middle... All Clones are raised up near the CFLs&1-LED Bulb, they just werent in this pic.

This Next Pic is the small SSSDH tester I have outside flowering.. The more I think about her, the more I Wanna Kick myself in the balls.. If I only trained her and let her Veg for about 2 weeks more before flowering her outside, she wouldve had 12 nice small sized colas and not 2-small sized colas and the other tops just Larf..

Thankfully she has new growth underneath that just cant be seen from top view but still super small..

Last edited:


Active member
Oregon resadents are allowed 4 plants out of public view per house hold and up to 8 oz total . we are allowed 1 oz out of house in the car basicly we can take it out of state to like Washington for example.

Rec license holders have categories (so many sq feet) on how much can be grown and can have more then one license. There are 5 categories from growing to final sales to the public . lots of rules involved and vary costly to get started .

Ommp is all over the place at moment with many being grandfathered in to old rules like i am . but it seems oregon wants to ditch the medical side of things .

Clones are widely aviable from dispenserys to criags list . i would not buy off craigslist lol. All clones i have purchesed have been true to there name but are hardly what i would call special with the exption of a few . i am not sure how many clones your allowed to buy from duspenserys but i have bought 4 and they would have let me buy 5 but to me just kind of felt weired and i did not want to draw unnecessary attention and have to explain that am growing for ommp patients. There are some great cuts in oregon but there always have been the local strains with all tge new gentics aviable in clone and seed form breeding has got out of hand most the smoke in are dispensery s look identical and smells identical except for about 10% of the stock that looks well growen .


Active member
Those clones are looking good. It took me a while to really get down rooting clones in soil. How old is the small SSSDH girl you have outside? You definitely could have vegged it out a bit to see a noticeable difference in yield but I think you'll still get some nice smoke from it. Treat it well and it'll focus all it's energy on building up the buds it does have.

My Faux Pas Dankwolf, curiosity just got the best of me. Sounds like OR is going a similar path as WA has in terms of medical.Great that they have home cultivation for recreation though!


Active member
You guys are VERY lucky with plant limits. Lets just say that im not even supposed to have A plant count of a 2-Digit number!! Plus you guys have places to grab clones! In time we will have A Couple places but thats all there will be, Only A COUPLE places.. ITs pretty sad to, because the people they chose to give the dispensary licenses to have never grown in there lives. They dont even have medical cards to begin with. There was A good amount of current growers/very knowledgeable people in Mj scene and businesses who even applied and coughed up the application fees they wont get back..

Oh I didnt clone these cuts in soil.. I dipped them in some Clonex Gel and then into Rockwool Cubes.. Theres some pics around page 5 I think.. I had A 100% Success Rate with the SSSDH cuts and 2 out of 3 cuts of a Skywalker Rooted.. The skywalker cuts took A Few weeks to root and there still growing SUPER SLOW...

Man I know I shouldve vegged her out, I fcked up. The smoke on her looks like its gonna be EXCELLENT though, so im happy about that.. Im gonna try to reveg her when shes done so I can do A Bigger run of her. UNLESS the 2-SSSDH girls inside have the same smell when buds start forming.. I know its kinda bad for me to wanna Keep A girl just from bud smell. BUT I got some SSH x Trainwreck about 8 years ago that smelled EXACTLY like this SSSDH girl does thats outside.. I havent had bud that even resembled the smell since then.


Active member
Oh Gotcha. The SSSDH clone I took from the girl I have in flower rooted without any issue so it seems like she's an easy strain to revegg in the right situation.

We used to have good options for clones in WA but now it's all pretty much black market. They even got rid of patient collectives.


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My most reacent run of cotton candy

My most reacent run of cotton candy

My wife just about killed it lol . but i am getting my yeilds up.still hopeing to ad another 25% to yeild but we will see this next run . Hope you dont mind the pic in ypur thread dakine.


Active member
Getting there they can be better . best part is smpke is grade a+++ and smels of skunk for tge most part.


Active member
Gastro- Why did they get rid of the collectives? Yeah the SSSDH seems very easy to clone, but im not sure about re veg until we try it..

DankWolf- ITS G bro, You,Gastro, and Harry are all allowed to post what ever you guys want in my thread. It aint ah problem.

I was wondering if you guys could help me out. So I wanted the SSSDH girls to get used to the HPS before I throw her into flower in 2 days, So I put them into the tent that I set the 400watt hps,exhaust fan, and hanging CFL/LED bulbs up in.

I put them in at 6am this morning and its now about 2pm. For some reason the girl on the left has some drooping leaves on only 1 of the branches. The branch is almost directly below the hps, but its 1 1/2 feet away from the bulb. Also none of the CFLs or LED where near this branch at all..

Also do you guys think I should attach A Duct Tube to the Exhaust fan and put the tube near the bottom of the tent? I know heat is supposed to rise but most of the heat seems to be below the light. OR should I turn around the fan and have Cooler air being blown into the tent rather then trying to suck out the hot air?


Active member
I think you definitely want to pull hot air out of the tent as opposed to pushing cool air in. If you have adequate space for air intake you should be able to create a negative pressure which will pull in cooler air to replace the hot air being pulled in. Otherwise you'll just end up moving the hot air around the tent for the most part.

The drooping branch may just be a sign of some shock from moving to the new tent.


Active member
I agree with gastrogrower. Pull hot air from highst point and to one side of tent with like a 6 or 8 inch vent and have a passive intake at lower portion of tent on opposite side as exhausts with same 6 or 8 inch vent . this will creat at slite neggitive pressure that will keep cool air coming from lower and hot air exiting top. Ifypu still have heat issues at plant canopy you can get a vary small computer or desk fan to blow on bulb . canopy tempture should be around 82 max with lights on and 72 with lights off .

This is were my room sits

As far as branch that is droping it is probably due to a bit of a high surface/canopy temp and or plants reacting to the higher PAR of the hps.


Active member
With the higher par vaule your getting with hps thee plabts will want toeat alot more then you use to with cfl's so they will need a good feeding soon . also plant will perspire more with the biger light and more air flow when you set up exhaust so ypu will be watering more frequently. Those potters look a bit small for a haze strain and the stretch you are going to incounter so i would transplant or you mighy end up having to water twice a day . i would transplant a good rule of thumb is for every 1 ft of growth it will require 1 gallon of soil/soiless .


Active member
YeA right now I can gladly say that there is negative Air pressure inside the tent. If i unzip the tent a little bit, you can clearly see the tent/flap I opened is being sucked towards the inside of the tent.. Plus I lit a cigarette Cause I wanted to see how strong it was and my smoke was being pulled into the tent...

Right now I only have 1 Exhaust fan, which I installed at one of the top holes made for it in the tent.. I can open up the 3 Velcro flaps that are around the bottom of the tent? Each side of the tent has 1 besides the front. You can also see in the picture I posted earlier that I have A huge Ion fan that can oscillate inside.

Should I leave the girls inside the tent under the hps? I only wanted to let them get used to it so I took them out just now. They had 12 hours of hps today, and are now under the CFLs.. I will be transplanting them either tomorrow or in 2 days when I switch to flower..

Thanks you guys for the quick and VERY helpful responses. I was honestly worried about them, cause they didnt have problems for almost a whole month until now lol..


Active member
I would just leave them under one or the other light the back and forth might mess with them a little . i would xheck your canopy temps before you put them in if your not sure andbif ypu transplant i would wait a week before you flower them . that would also give them time to get used to the higher par from your hps .