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That's odd...My experiments with Benzylaminopurine produced a population of %80 males. Indole-3-butryic acid during the 3 leaf stage has produced %80 females. If you really want your seeds to lean female grow them with 12hrs until 5 leaf stage, keep the temps slightly cool, use a relatively higher amount of Nitrogen, and water with a dilute solution of Auxins (IBA, NAA, IAA) during the 3 leaf stage. 1 dropper of Dip N' Grow per gallon is sufficient. This will only work for "normal" strains. Some varieties will lean more male or more female without hormones or environmental conditions. I believe one time, I had a batch of Indica I got from some hippie show as %100 male.

BAP may give you dual embryo seeds, but these plants are not desirable. I did find that I had several dual embryo seeds in some crosses. I do not remember if I was conducting hormone therapy during that time.

Seaweed is not a good source for hormones unless you buy it fresh out of the press. Data indicates activity is reduced with time.

Hehe, another mutant lover! I love a good freak show, just look at my plants! :rasta:

Usage of cytokinin on cannabis can be done in many different ways and for many different proposes.

It might have sprouted up because its usage is the crutch of my own grow method about which I've been flinging around the sentiment that I will easily and predictably flower out 5 out of 5 females from random mixed seed of various backgrounds (bagseed 'mutweed' to dutch-import mystery seed).

"Eekgads! Such frippery!":yoinks:

you may be thinking.

It isn't as simple as "sprey this on ur plants and tehy'll all be girlz!"

Its a big part of an even bigger program to control the conditions that the plant grows in to such a degree that the vast majority (90%+) of mixed seed will flower as a magnificent female.

In this program, cytokinin does a lot of stuff. It is applied in the form of Bonide Tomato Blossom and Set spray to the plants from a very young (think 4 days from seed) age. This makes the plants shorter and more complex. They bush more readily and get covered in offshoots. Keep the main stem short, a good nutrient program under decent lights and you can get an unmolested, un-topped plant to produce triple-digit quantities of 'top' colas. Along with a confidence that said plant will much more than likely be female.

If all of this sounds cool, keep in mind its a fairly different and possibly more high-maintenance way of growing. Tight control of the plants' environment is needed. This includes correct color temperature of the lighting, the correct ratio of nutrients, a lack of 'wind' on the plants that makes them move constantly, a lack of topping and general heavy foliage removal and possibly some other shit as well.

Techniques for making 'feminized' seeds on your own without the aid of advanced female-turn-hermie breeding (basically pre-soaking seeds) are starting to get reliable. Ethylene-based preperations (AKA 'the banana method) are based on some good science and done right are surprisingly reliable. With the assistance of these kinds of techniques the need for super-tightness in the environmental control goes down. Just keep a loose line on the female requirements and you'll get lady plants.

It may sound crazy but its based on processes we've known of for years. Its super-basic ganja gardening knowlege that you need a dark night and a 'low-stress' environment to keep from getting unwanted males/hermies. This same ability for cannabis to express its sex differently depending on environmental factors can be used to coax plants of a wide genetic background to all be female.

Err, eh, :joint::tongue::joint:

Cytokinin can be used in a more basic way too. You get a little bit of it (among lots of other beneficial hormones) in a basic kelp tea.


This means you are partially correct! Some of the benefits of tomato spray can be gotten from a good kelp source. That said, Tomato Spray is mega-concentrated! The quantity of the hormone in a given amount of it is extremely high. You could concievably get the same thing from 'boiling down' your own tea, but you'd have to match the scale of a massive industrial process. Hormones are very tricky to isolate. If you straight-up concentrated the contents of kelp as much as tomato spray you would wind up with toxic levels of potassium sources! Scraping away the hormone content, isolating it into a bottle of liquid is much easier said than done.

This is why I've long-searched for a concentrate of the stuff! Tomato spray is good stuff but Bonide knows they are one of few good reliable sources for it isolated in a bottle. Induvidual 32 ounce spray bottles at 6 bucks a piece (if you get a good deal) are the best I have found.

That's why I'm looking at nitrozyme, but I always liked tomato spray because its cytokinin and not much else. It contains no secret sauce like most other stuff I've seen. I'd really just like a nice predictable cytokinin-only concentrate that I can water down and mix with my own secret sauce! :joint:


the shit spoon
How doesn cytokinin affect the onset of flowering, flowering times, etc?

Read somewhere awhile back triacontanol causes longer flower time so its only good for early veg, but not sure if this is TRUE.

Anyways I'm about to give my mom a tea of triacontanol and cytokinins yumm


Active member
Interesting statistics.
Good to see someone has followed through and put down some numbers on ck. My limited research was inconclusive past the point of not realizing any value in it for my situation. The economics didn't work. I get 100% females by pulling the males. I feel I get a truer female with less chance of hermie where I think ck effects the nodes thus producing female flowers on a male plant. My curiosity is the effect on an already female plant. Smaller amounts with subtle results.
While I found tomato spray cost prohibitive as well as artificially made, coconut water was too expensive as well, both have to be imported from out of area, I use tips of local fast growing trees as well as their litter, doing a simple water extract, trying to mine ck.
Do I notice any difference? I don't know. I don't know the subtle difference isn't negative. If it is it is unnoticeable. The research suggests otherwise. Healthy plants, healthy buds, it's free so WTF.

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