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Cuttings put in 600w died.


My setup
Mother and cutting area is a closet 110x60x170cm
one toilet extractor and passive in. Two shelfs with two 18w fl (one daylight blue and one sylvania grolux. Bottom: two sensi seeds Silver Pearl in B`cuzz coco. Nutes: Canna A&B 1ml/L Cannazym 1ml/L Ec 0.8 Ph 5.5-6.0 (tap water ec 0.27 Ph 7.4)
Top shelf: same type of fl´s, for cuttings. In rockwool (24h in tapwater with Ph 5.5) and some Hydrogen peroxide 3% (1/2ml/L)

Flower room 600w cooltube.


Ok to the problem, got the rooted cuttings in the flowering rom for vegging aprox 6 days, fed them with

canna a&b
B´cuzz coco booster

Ec 0.96
Ph 5.4
Temps 23day 17night
600w cool tube 60cm from the plants
1 fan moving the air inside my tent

they all got realy bad after 4days, top leafs started to loose the green and turning yellow and spreading down. Bottom leaves started to dry out and turning brown and died.
Tried to flush but no luck.
I had them for a week after the flushing but not a sign of new growth.

next time i will flush the coco that i will use.
Any ideas?


how rooted were the cuts? Did they just come from rooting and you put them right under a 600??? That would be my guess as to why, it sounds like you barley have any wattage in your veg room but then you placed the cuts straight into too much light. They need to adjust, how big were they?? Did you give them time to actually vegetate in the mother room?? Let us know, PEACE


caligreen Yes it must be it. got it all wrong, small cuttings with no veg time strait in to the 600w (well hopefully i learn) have a 200w low energy lamp, will try that, and less or none extraction(for humidity) and potting in cups before i replant in to 3,5L pots for the flowering.

Still some more days for the backup cuttings.....peace


Active member
ive put freshly rooted clones under the 1k's with no probs.. whats that b'cuzz coco booster ur giving them? id stick to just coco a and b and rhizotonic till they start taking off..

ive taken a batch of 24 plants from being under one floro light in rockwool cubes to going under 12k soon as feet are poking out the bottom:joint:

my lights do stay up by the roof tho which is about 7 ft from the plants so that might help..

raise the light a bit n cut out the coco booster i dont know what that product is but im more then certain it doesnt need it if its not a product u are adding and its just the type of coco ur using forget i mentioned it :joint:


got 23 new ones in a few days, saw some small roots forming, so I will put them in small plastic mugs under 200w, I think?
I will also flush my coco.
get a good temperature on the coco, water.......

I have hope!


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
Good Luck Perka... remember ... keep that sodium lamp at least 3 FEET from those babies :wink:

and no booster mate... you dont need this yet and its bloody expensive. the thing (I find) with clones is... while they look quite well aged above ground, you have to remember the root mass is all baby new. start with low dose A+B, no Cannazym and don't bother with the Rhizotonic either... pH a tiny bit higher too (5.6-5.8) and youre good to go...

PLEASE NOTE I'm a first time grower - also using Canna products... these are my findings so far ...

EDIT - when roots are forming on clones - please ensure that your roots have fine "hairs" before transplanting - its these hairs that take up nutrients :wink:


Well-known member
BTW, jamieshoes. rhizotonic is an AMAZING PRODUCT. run it in dwc or an aero setup side by side with and without. Rhizo produces unreal lateral rooting. U are wrong for sure. 1/09 join date & 622 posts ?? humm hope not all your posts are steering people wrong. Not to bash, but i have used a good amount of products in the past, Rhizotonic is worth its weight like gold.

Perka, I read through somewhat quickly, but you didnt mention how big your pots where at first, but then u said 3-5 l pots. WAY TO BIG at that age.

One thing for me atleast, if my coco stays wet for 2 long i get yellowing and burning and eventually they die.

The size container i use with coco is always smaller then i would normally use in soil. i found that if the plant is unable to dry out some within 2-3 days i get reduced growth and yellowing & burning. even at 600ppm.

a fan pointed across the top of the pots help dry them up abit.

Also if the temps are 2 low it will do the same. poor root development. the pots are always colder then your air temps. atleast 70f and above, no more the 85f.

Any bugs? Fungus knats produce larva that feed on roots, they can kill off seedlings or clones very easily. Aphids feed on roots as well.

Letting the medium dry abit is key i found. i used to always think you can never overwater coco. but i think thats false, especially when root temps are low. or it takes 6 days for your medium to dry out.

let these nexts ones dry out a little bit in between watering. and use smaller pots, untill u find the pots are drying out in a day.

Gotta get those roots big. when the medium drys out, the roots spread further looking for water. a large root system equalls a healthy plant.

now later on especially in bloom, when your pot drys daily, and the roots are no longer expanding, this is when you can treat coco similar to hydro and water multiple times a day. like i do on a timer in a one gal , 4l pot.

sounds to me that your roots couldnt keep up with the lighting. As stated, raise the light 2-3 ft. use smaller containers at first and make sure the coco drys out in between.

Learn the weight of a dry pot vs. wet pot or half wet pot. Dont go by if the top of the coco is dry. Go by the weight of the pot & plant. A dry top could still have an over saturated root zone.

Over watered coco plants in my experience can also exhibit phos def .

5.8-6.0 and u should be good.



Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
my post clearly states that those are my findings. I'm not steering anyone anywhere

1/09 join date & 622 posts ??

so whats your point? - I state I'm a first time grower... we're you hoping to make me look like a newbie? I already said I was one...lol...well done you

I said its not a product for ME. (raises pH too high).


gmanwho- what's your point? a lot of us like to post more than a few times a month because we like the community. jamieshoes was stating what works for him, no reason to jump down his throat about it. dont see any problems with his post. i use GH nutes, but i'm not going to say someone is ignorant if they use any other type.

perka- i've never had that happen from lights being to close. i put my hand under the light and if its not hot, it's good to go. they can handle the sun, they should be able to handle a light bulb. possibly nutes were a little too strong or ph was a little too low.



yes u are right smaller pots and heating in the night, yes got gnats that feed on mould so..... I think u are right, and in a week or two we all know, dont treat coco like hydro in the beginning and then transplant in to their home for two months.


Well-known member
Manwithnoname.. . My point is this is a case of the blind leading the blind. I was just reading through untill i saw jamieshoes FALSE information leading perka in the wrong direction. when RHIZO is unreal, and a zyme product can help produce top notch buds. especially if you are recycling medium.

my 2nd point is there is no reason to give advise if you aren't even sure of the advice you are giving.

and a few posts a month. hes averaging 8-10 posts a day, shit if i posted that damn much i would never have time to tend to my plants. hummm .... let that settle in for a second.. ass.

Perka, wish u luck bro. And on the cannazyme & rhizo, i use 5mil per gal every other feeding. Keeps the cost down some and still notice results. It all depends on what your trying to achieve within your environment when u wanna repot. Sometimes repotting a few days before bloom while still in veg helps greatly. vs repotting and going straight to bloom. Best of luck perka..



gmanwho- yes first I will put them in mugs, then when they have good roots I´ll put them under 600w for a few days to harden of and then transplant them in to 3,5L pots, a few days in veg and then flip to 12/12.



Well-known member
U know......It's damn near possible not to speak up. If we didnt, the site would be overrun with trolls like yourself. People like yourself who has had not one positive contribution to this thread to help Perka out for example. But then want to continue a pissing contest. The only thing you may say positive here, is probably something about yourself. So Yes, there is a need to keep posting...


Well-known member
Hey perka good to here your back at it. I know how it feels to fail a crop or 2, for sure.

One thing that may help when there young is after you water, lift and lower the cup up & down. and let gravity do its work to pull excess water from your container.

do this lifting and lowering a few times and it will dry up the medium a little more then normal.

75f, try a ph of 5.8 at first and see how they react in 2 or so waterings. if u got the rhizotonic use it.



New member
How ya goin perka
Just finished reading your thread.
I use 2-3mls coco a&b per litre + rhitzo for my skunks (very hungry) after moving from flouro area to 800w for veg. Pots are 5.5" inch. Hand watered when pot starts to feel light. My lights are not air cooled and are up pretty high about 1.3m for the first few days before i lower them as close as i can get without burning then. Transplant as needed and then flower in same space. Area is 1.5m wide x 2.0 Length x 2.0 height, air exchanged by two 150mm fans.
I dont think bcuzz coir needs flushing i use canna and have never flushed and i hear both are decent makers of coir. Try them under your 200watter for a few days before arcing up the 600watter and mabey raise it up to a metre before backing it down and upping nuit ec.
Noticed you said your problem occurred when moving your plants into a "growtent".
Did you make it or buy it?. Have you used this tent in previous grows? or is this the first run in it?. Does your tent have the black/white plastic lining?. Quite a few people seem to be having problems which match yours pretty closely. Heres a link to the cannabis infirmary here at ic.

Sorry for rambling, hope it isnt the tent. And all the best for your current grow.