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Cuttings put in 600w died.


I bought my tent, white inside :( so if the same thing happens again I will talk to the man in the growshop!


Going to the shop andask 4 the name of my tent, it smells a bit of "plastic" and all the signs are the same as

The obvious sign is the washing out or yellowing of the leafs, this has been seen in other pictures to get as bad as to make the leaf look almost white before turning brown. This can occur as early as the first few sets of leafs and has been seen to start within the time the plant reaches three sets of nodes. The main stalk will often not develop fully and along with the branches can be thin and fragile. Roots are also affected both in soil mixes and hydro set-ups and also in both set-ups when cutting down plants they are found to be hollow throughout as the pith refered to in the relating text of the plant cross section below is eroded.


So I went to the shop and my tent is Homebox Light and I go to morrow to change it.
I will post the result when I have my tent and my babies in it growing.



Cocoman u are the Cocoman!
My babies are in plastic cups now and they look really nice! So in a few days we will se if it was the tent or not.............................................................


Well-known member
I remember reading about " gasing " of the plastic in the tents. Sorry to here that. Any photos perka?



gmanwho- About the lifting the cups up and down a bit, yes!
I did that, nice.
Sorry no fotos, but they looked the same as this :(
Same same same.
Happy, but dying, and fast! Dont know in soil, but in coco mine died in +-3 days, never seen plants die like this before.

Sooooo the story goes on...........



Hmm all Homebox tents have the brand on it? Mine does not have the brand on it, talk to the nice spanish man who sold me this...


Roots are growing in the plastic cups! Tjohooooo!
oh got a few hours to pack up my tent and change it...


New member
Hey Perka
sorry for the late reply. My ph and ec pens stoped working years ago. I have recently been considering purchasing a blue labs combo metre to measure runoff but might have to wait a few weeks till i have the cash. My tap water is around 200ppm and 7.0ph. I pretty much just follow cannas instructions as a guide (vary acording to what and how plants respond). Have been fighting a bit of plale growth but think its cause of running my gals a little too long in their 5.5 inch pots. Plants were very root bound and the pots were always either soaking wet or drying out to fast. Repotted last night into 8inch will top and clone (seed plants) and then start flower within next few days.
Anyway hows things with you ?. Get your tent sorted ?.
All the best.


Yes I'm getting a real Home box tomorrow and the small ones are looking really god, but i need to get them in tomorrow. So they don´t get root bound.
So I need to take cuttings from my cuttings, how long do u wait to flower after taking cuttings?


New member
I am cloning my super skunks (sensi from seed) today and will probably start flowering about 3-4 days later as im just taking the main stem (about 6-8 inch's) to even up growth against Great white shark (clones). I am aiming for little bushes just over a metre high. The Gws gives me one large cola with 2-4 smaller colas per plant. I did't chop off the lower growth (popcorn bud) last time but will this time to see if colas will be denser and to see if opening the plant up will decrease grey mold issues i seem to have in weeks 7-8with Gws. Not sure how the super skunk grows guess i'll find out soon enough.