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Cuttings for clones


taking cutting from new growth on your plant I.E. the tops usually will allow for FASTER rooting. taking them from the bottoms (the more "woody" area) takes LONGER to root. however i believe most people are not good at taking very small cuts(new growth) so they fail when attempting, but can manage the lower branches(old growth) due to the increase size of the cut in general. another reason for taking the bottom cuts are for those who do not have mother plants. I always cut my moms from the tops down, but I cut the bottoms if i'm taking them off the current crop the day or two before flower as to leave the tops.
read the section on cloning in gorge cervantes' book for a great tutorial.


nicely put misturemike... I usually take my clones from the plants that i am flowering. once I get some mom plants going i will do the tops as well. How well do the plants do with taking off of the top as oppose of the bottom. and difference in growth.


Thanks! the fastest i have had clones root when cutting from mommas is 2-3 days. usually 5-8 is normal. but i also scrape the stalk down to the cambium then split it, which massively improves the area that the clone can root from. crappy clones, well, hell had some i could have swore were on there last legs with no roots showing after like 4 weeks and then BAM, roots. makes me realize weed is just that, a weed, little girls can grow just about anywhere, however its the love that makes em' dank.
everyone here is practically correct. I usually take cones as soon i see the sex from seed. From clone it's whenever the pant is big enough. I only cut lower branches also usually before flower. You can take them during flowering but sometimes it takes longer and if that branch has buds on them then you do have to reveg and that does take a while.


ya i shoudlnt a called some1 a noob, but this person does seem like they have a long growing journey ahead of them, well with our help, maybe it wont have to be so long




PLEASE NO TAKE CUTTING FROM TOP < BOTTOM BRANCHES ROOT FASTER , are woodier and therefore support better, and i once heard more of the hormone it needs to root is near the base of the plant.DANIELSON.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Ecactly 100% wrong. Tops root twice as fast as lower cuts. Tops are thicker and require less support.

Failure to understand why a gardener would chose methods different from your's does not make them a noob.
So if i have a 3 month grow and take cuttings 2 weeks into flower at 1.5 month, then when i harvest, my cuttings will be ready to move to flower room? Any problems w/this?


Active member
OK, I have read over everything, and so far everyone has valid points on when the take cuttings. In my personal grow, when ever I start a new batch from seeds that is, I prefer to top the plants as soon as I can, in order to get two tops. From there, I take a clone after about two weeks of veg(or when one of the tops is big enough to clone) from one of the tops. As soon as it shows roots, I put it into 12/12 to determine the sex. I have found that this not only saves a ton of veg space, but the heart break of finding out that one of you favorite ladies is just a male later on in your grow.
On top of that, clipping off that extra top brings it back to single cola(if it is going to just be sog'ed), or you have the choice of turning it into a mother. Either way, I have found that it saves me a lot of time in the long run.
p.s. I pretty much just registered to post this, but I have been doing my research(and testing) on this for quite a while.

I N Hail

Growing Grower AKA Wasted Rock Ranger
WOW u guys r noobs, but i'l help u, take cuttings, or clones from the top branches, so the lower branches can grow back and continually be cut
Guess who won the NOOB OF THE THREAD award ,,,,,,,,,,,.

You get 3 guesses and the first 2 don't count...


I both take cuts and "mow the lawn" with my moms... depending on whether or not i need to root the bits about to be chopped for the next crop, or if i am just trying to build/maintain a specific growth profile... either way i always take from the top. it allows me to encourage bushiness (ie produce more tops) by letting the lower branches grow. eventually they will reach the "canopy line". so i guess i am allowing them to "grow up" lol.

I have a dedicated veg room they stay in so i don't have to take them in flower (thus take bottom cuts so I don't sacrafice tops) and wait for them to revert to veg after rooting.... which takes forever.

and i have to include my top cuts do seem to root a bit faster than lower cuts... but thats just my experience in an 60 site ezclone over the past 18 months with over 15 different strains.... both root and both will produce the same exact thing - a clone replica of the mother plant.

But what the hell do I know I have been just been running a perpetual garden with clone only plants....


New member
Alright, I see alot of ic'ers talking about the time it takes from cut to roots growing. temp, R H and "amount and spectrum" of light change "cloning" time in a huge way. so taking clones from lower growth may work better for some and tops may be better for others, I think it is the health of the mom and the TLC we as "farmers" give after the cut is taken. and the fact if you use a hormone or not and which one you use. dip and grow is awesome btw. hope this helps.


I both take cuts and "mow the lawn" with my moms... depending on whether or not i need to root the bits about to be chopped for the next crop, or if i am just trying to build/maintain a specific growth profile... either way i always take from the top. it allows me to encourage bushiness (ie produce more tops) by letting the lower branches grow. eventually they will reach the "canopy line". so i guess i am allowing them to "grow up" lol.

I have a dedicated veg room they stay in so i don't have to take them in flower (thus take bottom cuts so I don't sacrafice tops) and wait for them to revert to veg after rooting.... which takes forever.

and i have to include my top cuts do seem to root a bit faster than lower cuts... but thats just my experience in an 60 site ezclone over the past 18 months with over 15 different strains.... both root and both will produce the same exact thing - a clone replica of the mother plant.

But what the hell do I know I have been just been running a perpetual garden with clone only plants....

I have the same experience. A cutting is a cutting. They root, depending on the strain around the same time.


Active member
journeyquest, it really depends on how fast they grow.With the strain I grow(some bag seed that I stared for a test run of my cab 2 years ago, now crossed with some other killer bag seed stuff), I top them after about a week(after first set of real leaves), then let them recover enough to produce 2 decent sized tops. So on average, I would say about 3 to 4 weeks after starting from seed.

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