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Curing and Why you do it!

Mt Toaker

Yeah I use Quart sized mason jars. You can get a case of I think 12 or 15 for like 10 bucks at wally world I believe, maybe mine were on sale.


I recently experienced smoking a 2 week dried bud and it was a decent high.
That same bud after spending 2 months in a glass jar was devastatingly powerful.
I don't know what you call that but through process of decomposition and chemical reactions breaking down, all that 'scientifically researched' jargon... the potency increased along with taste and smell.


Do whatever works best for you. I used to brown bag & use a box myself. Come to think of it, it probably does taste better. Now I'm gonna have to try that method again. LOL

Just store it an an air tight container after you're done curing.

Do You Use Jars At All?
Thank You

Mt Toaker

Glass jars really are where its at. I'm afraid to put my product in plastic where it could leech out chemicals or odor into the bud altering the end product. Even plastic bags I am not a fan of, remember cannabis is a delicate flower that must be handled as such. By placing buds in baggies and putting them in a pocket destroys bud structure and knocks off a lot of trichomes in the process, trichomes that I want to smoke.


I Was A Little Skeptical About The Jar Thing. I've Read For A Long Time That It Works But I Really Didn't Think It A Big Deal.
I Chopped 1/2 Of A W.W. Hung Them & Put In Bags. It Smoked Hot & Every Hit You Would Cough Forever.
Well I Bought Some Jars & In A Week The Change Was Tremendous!!
JARS Are Happening!

Thank You


Dont know if there is anything to it, but an old timer (older than me and I am 50) once told me to breath into your jars once a day during the first week to ten days of cure... Something in your breath, possibley the carbon dioxide, has an effect on the cure.

Breath into them, seal them for 8 hours or so, then allow them to sit open for 15 20 minutes...

After a week of this, just start opening jars for the 15 minutes a day until proper moisture content is achieved...

It works... I can make alfalfa smell good doing that... Just tried it as an experiment, mind you... not trying to rip anyone...


New member
should work co2 is the catlyst of what i gathered that makes the thc increase. i would like to have the exakt numbers on just one strain, not " i thought it was much stronger" in my world that dont mean shit.
Surely there must be stats on this, i mean there a many competitions where u measure THC , i feel that if it had an huge effect say from 15 to 22 % there would most deff be numbers out there.

in my own experience but then only cured for 30 days tops no differnce in potency has been felt, chronic and bubblegum


Active member
THC doesn't increase in the jar the ratio of cannabinoids is what changes. I don't know what you mean by co2 being the catalyst but i think co2 is the byproduct of decarboxylation. Co2 isn't the only thing in your breath there's all the other gasses and water vapour which is most likely what the difference observed from breathing in jars is from, you need some moisture for a good cure imo.


New member
okay i see, so CBD i what u gain by this? BUt is it not the THC that gives u the high? the psycoactive compound? please explain further
and do u know of any numbers? maybe mentioned in a book somwhere ?

Mt Toaker

The only thing I've heard CO2 is useful for during curing is to keep compounds in the bud from oxidizing over time.
I have been curing some White Widow since 9/3/09 when I got it. All trics were clear. Now they are milky and a few amber. Looking forward to seeing if high has changed as did the trics.

I have never noticed this before. Anyone ??

:thank you: I just got a microscope with a camera and my first harvest is coming up; I'm looking forward to doing this experiment too, but here are my :2cents: regarding curing.

Regarding how long to cure:

I have a couple of questions I ask myself about how long to cure. 1) Do I have anything else to smoke? and 2) If I have one bird in hand (a patient who needs meds now), or two in the bush, will I fetch such a better price and product that it is worth leaving the first bird suffering? I am a compassionate care giver.

Regarding the potency question:

I've always trusted that Robert Connell Clarke knows his sht. Quoted from Marijuana Botany (1981): "Drying in merely the removal of water...Curing takes this process one step farther to produce tasty and psychoactive marijuana...A floral cluster is not dead after harvest any more than an apple is. Certain metabolic activities take place for some time, much like the ripening and eventual spoiling of an apple after it is picked. During this period, cannabinoid acids decarboxylate into the psychoactive cannabinoids..." But let's look at other evidence besides this citing.

It would make sense that all bud when harvested have a certain amount of cannabinoids in all different stages of THC synthesis and degradation. If we take that statement as true, there is definitely more THC produced by curing.

The following information is based on

Futoshi TAURA
Faculty of Pharmaceutica1 Sciences, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, 812-8582, Japan
E-mail address: [email protected]

The link to a PDF file is below

The immediate precurser to THC is THCA, therahydrocannabinolic acid. This reaction loses a CO2 molecule (decarboxylation). This processes continues through the curing process (one of the gases vented off by opening the curing jars). The immediate precursor to THCA is a CBGA, which takes place in the presence of an enzyme THCA synthase.

Enzymes are usually proteins, so I'm not sure if this process would happen or not, but proteins can hang out for a long long time without degrading.


That being said, processes are also breaking down into CBN continuously as well. So, I have no idea about the net increase or decrease in THC, but obviously these chemical processes do not cease due to plant death.

Now, here's the kicker; I purport that the potency is more than THC content. The medical definition of potency is the relationship between the therapeutic effect of a drug and the dose necessary to achieve that effect. Let's say you've had a long hard day, and what you want to do is eat dinner, have a toke and not get up from the tv? Would you rather have 16% THC sativa or a 16% THC indica? Which one is more potent?

Similarly, although CBD and CBN's are not psychoactive in themselves, they certainly change the texture of the high depending on ratios.

From Mel Frank: "In order for CBD to affect the high, THC must be present in quantities ordinarily psychoactive. CBD can contribute to the high by interacting with THC to potentiate (enhance) or antagonize (interfere or lessen) certain qualities of the high. CBD appears to potentiate the depressant effects of THC and antagonize is excitatory effects. CBD also delays the onset of the high but can make it last considerably longer (as much as twice as long)."

One could argue that a bud that makes the high last twice as long is more potent than another bud producing the same effect.

If you are interested in a very specific book: Marijuana Chemistry: Genetics, Processing and Potency by Michael Starks explains the various psychoactive constituents of cannabis, with full discussions of the effect of growth conditions, harvesting, and processing, and method of ingestion on potency.

So, cure it until you like it best or you can't wait! :wave:


I have a trainwreck cola that has been curing for 2 yrs now. And although i liked it very much when she was first chopped, over time there has been some awesome fragrences coming out and potency is rising even more. Too bad she's almost gone now. ;-)

Btw, she didn't start changing colors and fragrances til about 1 yr into to cure.

Mt Toaker

Thanks for all the great info Cannalicious! If any one else has other information that they would like to share please do.

Mt Toaker

So how is everyone's curing project's going? I was talking to some one who put CO2 in their jars and they said it became more potent than non CO2 jars. Lets start this 2 year old discussion again :)


Im intrested in the co2, might have to try this. I thought oxygen has to be present for the buds to cure...
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Mt Toaker

Been a while on curing and the convo just came up so I figured I would bump this thread for those who haven't came across it yet.