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Curing and Why you do it!


Stuff is "alive" for longer than most people think. Chemical/biological processes happens in organic materials long past their time of "death".
Whether or not this increases potency in cannabis, I will leave up to professional biologists to determine, and so far, I haven't seen any come forward.


Was it significantly more potent from when it was first dried to the end of the jar? I have no idea, I'm pretty resilient to my four strains since they are the only thing I have been smoking, but with that said I still do get way blazed off this goodness.

I'm almost 90% sure curing also improves potency (at least with some strains, I can't speak for every single one) with the flowers. I mixed a bowl before I went out this morning with all 4 of my strains (been curing for 7 weeks now) and I almost had to question my self what the fuck I smoked lol. Was extremely high. Mostly notice a difference in intensity and duration. I try to deeply analyze my high every time I smoke so I pay close attention, unless I'm making my self believe this I know curing increases potency from when first dried :joint:


weed fiend
Bacardi 151 has less water content than Bacardi 80. This makes 151 stronger - by volume. Both have virtually the same alcohol molecule but why split that hair? I only have to drink half as much 151 to feel the effect and I can assure you it's not psychological.

The less pot I have to puff, the stronger it is IMO. We all recognize the positive effects of a proper cure. This process also contributes to less water = stronger pot!

Sorry L-Thirt33n. You have a point, just a different argument.

Mt Toaker

Yeah, every one else who smoked the stuff was blown after like two hits, I was just used to it from smoking beginning to end of the stash.


Active member
Awesome write up.....glad to see someone else has their shit together when it comes to drying and curing.

A dark,Cool/cold environment (50-65f for the first 5 days to week) with good airflow/ventilation for the drying process with RH% around 50-60% for the first week,then I raise the air temps to 65-70f for the next 3-5 days.After that I chop all big buds/colas down to smaller individual nuggs and place on a screen untill the stem bends but just won't quite snap yet.Then off to the jars,I fill them 90-95% of the way to leave just a small amount of air inside the jars.Burp 5x a day or whenever I notice the buds start to sweat,do this for a week or so and then they stay put for about a month or two for a really good cure.


I'v been to a few cannabis cups. I'v asked professionals that do scientific research on this what thier opinions are on curing (amongst many other things of course) who, by the way, have equipment to scientifically check these things.

Im LMAO .. you cant be too serious can you??
Ive worked at the cannabis cup and .. :laughing: .. i know EXACTLY what kind of scientists are runnign around the cannabis cups .. definately not the ones from Canna doing all the research or the Universitys that do ALL the testing and SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH.
Its cool to get your point across but come on ..


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Great info posted throughout the thread. I personally subscribe to the theory that curing MIGHT increase potency due to various factors in the decomposition of various cannabinoids. But I agree that the jury is still out. We need real, scientific testing to be done on this.

But subjectively speaking, I am definitely of the Cult of the Cure. I make sure all of my homegrown has a proper cure (I cure using about the same guidelines as otherwhitemeat posted earlier in this thread).



Give thanks for the advices. Very helpful.
Is it better to trim your plants before drying or after? How much does this effect taste and in what way?
I dont think there is one right way for all strains

imo some strains are better fresh and others better with a cure and some everything in between..

Mt Toaker

I always have trimmed my plants before the dry simply because there isn't a crumbly mess of leaves and its easy to clean up. I've always dried and cured my buds and everything I've done was better after it got a good cure on it. Not saying some are better fresh, I hear putting a freshly cut off the plant bud in a vaporizer is very tasty.


I now know the sun breaks down thc, but many years ago I had some stuff that I dried in the sun and some in the dark from the same plant. The stuff dried in the sun turned golden brown and tasted many times better than the green dried in the dark stuff. I wonder how much weaker it is dried in the sun .


Trics change from clear to milky during cure ? WW

Trics change from clear to milky during cure ? WW

I have been curing some White Widow since 9/3/09 when I got it. All trics were clear. Now they are milky and a few amber. Looking forward to seeing if high has changed as did the trics.

I have never noticed this before. Anyone ??


Positive Suggestion Or Power Of Suggestion. Curing Does Make It Taste & Smoke Better. More Potent? I Can't Really Say.
Now A Question. Would 1 Week Curing In Jars Have Any Effect Or Do You Have To Cure For Multiple Weeks?
Also Why Does It Have To Be Glass Jars? Why Not Tupperware Or Plastic Containers?
I Have Access To Aluminum Containers With Screw On Tops Which Are Air Tight. That Could Hold 1 1/2 Ozs. Easily.
Thank You


Green Mujaheed
Why Not Tupperware Or Plastic Containers?

BEcause there can be a reaction with the terpenes & other phenol, kinda reaction you don't want. I once ruined a stash of orange bud storing them in a plastic container. No more fruity flavour but a horrible plastic one. yuck !
As far as I am concerned, for curing I know nothing better than those metal box for biscuits. Not airtight yeah, but it let just enough oxygen in to induce the chemical reactions you want. Temperature is important. Ideally should be something between 5°C & 10°C.

Would 1 Week Curing In Jars Have Any Effect Or Do You Have To Cure For Multiple Weeks?

One week is a minimum, but it also depends on which strain as some need less curing than other to reveal their potential. hash plant landraces from Afghanistan or Pakistan ideally need several months curing to reveal their potential. Some years ago I grew some Purple Yarkhun, which produced buds of a very nice fruity flavour and even mind-body high. Some was kept as described above for nearly one year and the end product was simply divine, with strong grapes, figs, honey, cinnamon flavours and an effect much more pronounced with faster onset. Everytime I grow, the first week after the buds are dried, the smoke has a very poor effect and it starts only to get better after 7 to 10 days.

Positive Suggestion Or Power Of Suggestion. Curing Does Make It Taste & Smoke Better. More Potent? I Can't Really Say.

Yes, curing makes smoke more potent by increasing the quality of the high. I've read somewhere above some claim like cannabis is a dead product. THis is total nonsense ! Hashish & Ganja are living products. THey are not inert and evolve with time. Once you cut & dry your plant, it's not like everything is stopped. There are lots of chemical reactions going on and you need them so to get the product to reveal its full potential.
I've done a few test with resin sieved from just dried buds of some Mongolia landrace. Poor flavour and poor quality high, strong but dull mind, not much enjoyable. Two month later I sieve again some resin and the product I have then is totally different than the earlier test. Nice hashy flavour is there (although not yet complete) and a small joint leaves me totaly whacked, crushed by some strong body high.

Go Pakistan or Afghanistan and people will tell you that hash need curing so it gets better & stronger (and I'm not even talking about the heating & pounding !).

Irie !


BEcause there can be a reaction with the terpenes & other phenol, kinda reaction you don't want. I once ruined a stash of orange bud storing them in a plastic container. No more fruity flavour but a horrible plastic one. yuck !
As far as I am concerned, for curing I know nothing better than those metal box for biscuits. Not airtight yeah, but it let just enough oxygen in to induce the chemical reactions you want. Temperature is important. Ideally should be something between 5°C & 10°C.

One week is a minimum, but it also depends on which strain as some need less curing than other to reveal their potential. hash plant landraces from Afghanistan or Pakistan ideally need several months curing to reveal their potential. Some years ago I grew some Purple Yarkhun, which produced buds of a very nice fruity flavour and even mind-body high. Some was kept as described above for nearly one year and the end product was simply divine, with strong grapes, figs, honey, cinnamon flavours and an effect much more pronounced with faster onset. Everytime I grow, the first week after the buds are dried, the smoke has a very poor effect and it starts only to get better after 7 to 10 days.

Yes, curing makes smoke more potent by increasing the quality of the high. I've read somewhere above some claim like cannabis is a dead product. THis is total nonsense ! Hashish & Ganja are living products. THey are not inert and evolve with time. Once you cut & dry your plant, it's not like everything is stopped. There are lots of chemical reactions going on and you need them so to get the product to reveal its full potential.
I've done a few test with resin sieved from just dried buds of some Mongolia landrace. Poor flavour and poor quality high, strong but dull mind, not much enjoyable. Two month later I sieve again some resin and the product I have then is totally different than the earlier test. Nice hashy flavour is there (although not yet complete) and a small joint leaves me totaly whacked, crushed by some strong body high.

Go Pakistan or Afghanistan and people will tell you that hash need curing so it gets better & stronger (and I'm not even talking about the heating & pounding !).

Irie !

Hello Mriko,
I Didn't Know About The Plastic Containers. Your Other Info. Is Right On. I Believed That Back In 1967. But Over The Years I Was Led A Stray. You've Helped Back On The Path.

Thank You


Green Mujaheed
What If The Plastic Was Food Grade?

I think the one I used was foodgrade. But was so long ago, not 100% sure. I don't know if it's a matter of foog grade or not, but there are types of plastic that will react with the cannabis' terpenes & phenols, and others will remain inert. But I don't know what kind exactly. Sorry I can't help on that one.

Irie !


I think the one I used was foodgrade. But was so long ago, not 100% sure. I don't know if it's a matter of foog grade or not, but there are types of plastic that will react with the cannabis' terpenes & phenols, and others will remain inert. But I don't know what kind exactly. Sorry I can't help on that one.

Irie !

That's OK You've Helped Me So Much!
Thank You

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