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Cultivating Zamaldelica and Jarilla de Sinaloa by the Danube


Well-known member
Thank you, Dubi!
This year we had a dry autumn (we usually do, but now it was even more), with lower temperatures starting from the end of October, but still the sativas thrived in the first half of November.
All remaining plants were harvested a few days after the last photos. A few left lower branches of ZamJarilla were surviving (dying leaves but buds with only burnt pistils and tips of small leaves) after a snow fall and -5*C in the beginning of December but were all dead several days later when the hard morning frosts continued. A cold-resistant plant anyways.

And definitely faster-flowering than the Purple Haze x Thai I grew several years ago (no chance in my climate) that didn't have luck altogether - an early snow wave in the end of October broke all its big branches and morning frosts finished it in early November. The smoke was somewhat nervous, like an early-harvested Haze usually is, and got better only after more than a year of curing.
And yes, it was colorful! Some photos from 2014:




And after the morning frosts in early November (looking surviving like the ZamJarilla in early December):

So, I've found the limits of my climate, and unfortunately OldTimer's Haze and Meao Thai are beyond them. But the November strains have their good chances. And talking about "November" strains, I just want to mention that the days at 44 degrees north are quite shorter in October and November (compared to say 30 degrees north) and the plants flower faster. So, heh, north growers, don't despair!


ACE Seeds Breeder
These Purple Haze x Thai pics from your outdoor 2014 grow are a blast from the past! ;)
Thank you very much for choosing our genetics all these years!


Well-known member
Daaaaannggg! Killing it again Yoss!


I had some luck this year. The Gypsy Thai Stick cross cutting I've had growing got root bound and started flowering in July. It's a male that had hermies, female, and seeds were produced. So was resin. I only have a few hits probably, but it simply REEKS of pine and citrus. I'll harvest in a couple weeks. I'm going to use those resultant male seeds to pollinate some pure Laos I have.

Hope your plant cures up in a beneficial way for your tastes.



ACE Seeds Breeder
Nice to see you around ThaiBliss :) Hope you have had a good season.

Glad you managed to finish your Thai Stick clone this time and that her aromas and resins are promising so far.

Please, keep us updated with a smoke report when the right moment comes. Wish you are enjoying there! :yes:


Well-known member
Great to hear from you, Thai! :)
It's interesting that the Thai Stick cross smells of pine and citrus, because it's what the curing ZamJarilla smells of. It's the most pure pine smell that I've smelled on buds, and I compare it to the resin of spruce trees (flowing from wounds) that I'm familiar with due to having to constantly deal with broken branches of a nearby tree. As far as I remember, pine resin smells very similarly to spruce resin.
The more immature buds smell more of pine with a citric hint, and the more mature buds smell less of pine and more of fermented sour fruits.
A week ago I got intrigued by the piney smell, got curious about the effects of the pinene terpenes and read the Wikipedia article on alpha-pinene. The described effects interestingly coincide with the more sober, anti-psychotic effect that the ZamJarilla now has, after a month of curing in the jars. The effect is enjoyable, sharp and clean, and to me is like a more powerful version of Jarilla, rather than a calmer version of Zamaldelica. I thought this sober anti-psychotic effect is because of CBD, but alpha-pinene might also play role:
"?-Pinene in particular is thought to reduce the memory deficits commonly reported as a side-effect of THC consumption. It likely demonstrates this activity due to its action as an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, a class of compounds which are known to aid memory and increase alertness."
"Like borneol, verbenol and pinocarveol (?)-?-pinene is a positive modulator of GABAA receptors. It acts at the benzodiazepine binding site."
"?-Pinene forms the biosynthetic base for CB2 ligands, such as HU-308."

I'll soon take the time to write an updated (final) description / smoke reports for all plants grown this past season.


Well-known member
@yoss im very interested: did you ever grow the purple-haze thai indoors aswell? For smoke comparison?
Can you describe the smoke closer, cause i want to learn how the degradation caused by cold climate might be. Smoke Report please , even its wasnt perfect!

I grow vietlack at similar place. found planting in Copost-ONLY helped alot (I heard Micronutrients are protecting against cold!) . Those Compost-plants did not brown the Leaves, opposed to others.

Also i found out 3 Lonflowering Lines took all 2 Weeks longer this year.. Why? I feel cause exactly around 21 Juli when Days shortened, it was Blue Sky from morning till night EVERY single day. They triggered slower... Next time i be preppared and shade them abit, cause the only wich triggered normal stood in shady spot. (Alltho those were a cross between other)


Well-known member
Hey, you can find more about that Purple Haze x Thai plant (and its effect) at the end of this thread: https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=282673
Unfortunately, the plant was harvested way too early and I don't know how much of the edgy-ness was caused by this. The harvest had the same effect as the earlier samples, but perhaps a bit weaker? Because what I remember now, after 6 years, is that I had to smoke twice more to get at the level I want, compared to Zamaldelica. I think the cold weather at the end accelerates the resin's maturation and degradation, but this effect in this case with the PHxT was not enough to smooth the edge of the early-harvested sativa.
I have a few early samples (first days of Nov) of the ZamJarilla left, and might try them again soon, to compare the cured effects with the main harvest (middle of Nov); I also have a jar with later-harved branches (end of Nov) to try. But from what I've tried, the main harvest feels more smooth and calm than the early one, with only 2 weeks difference in harvest time.


Well-known member
i think i hear what you mean!
I would say, harvested to early the Effect is not as it supposed to be. I actually love high, energetic early harvest somehow, as I AM sativa-type, but a right-timed normal harvest somehow outperforms it. The flash feels more like it is supposed to be, and it comes more to the Point, its kind of more right.

I also agree also, that if you Genetics not suited for you Climate, and you push the Limits, the Resin kind of Degrades on the living Plant. I live at 47 Degree, and i rather call it a Stop of Resin Production. And the few Resin that is already present is ripening/degrading, while no fresh Resin is produced (or very few) .

So, the ripening Resin is actually ripening normal fast, but it is present in higher Percentage compared to Tropical-grown. So, you just have very few fresh resin when waiting till Harvesttime.

Wich makes it bit of a Tradeoff between the fuller on-point Effect of normal harvesttime, and the stop of Resin Production around the normal harvesttime ..

And it can not be perfect.

Thats also what i remeber: somehow i liked the too early harvest more, but somehow i liked normal harvest more... Early harvest was more ultimative effect, late harvest more beautiful in effect. Very hard to choose a Favorite ..

My Vietblacks also made me feel so happy, positive, blisssfull, like you described. But like these descriptions are so overall roundabout, so is the effect. Compared to really well indoorgrown weed, the vibe is there, but it just doesent cut it as much as indoorgrown i believe (never compared it). Atleast im missing that cutting edge when outdoor-grown, wich hits me, BUT it still makes you happy, positive, and still has some very slight puncht from the 16 weeker Saties. And that is way better for me than any Indica/Sativa Hybrid indoorgrown.

For me its worth growing till the Winter sets the Limits, probably you wouldnt impress hardened Smokers thaaat much, but make them smile lightly IF they are Sattivalovers .

Well and I was pretty impressed as a Sativa-fanatic by Vietnamblack x Hoabac. Man it reminded me of good old Times.. Pretty rushy, while staying deep (calm) . Everything looked like Christmas in Tropics... More imaginary than hallucinatory, but tss, strong reminded
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Well-known member
I like the early harvest of Zamaldelica, to me it doesn't lack anything. It is fire without nervousness and heart problems. On the other hand I don't like early harvested Haze, I find it unpleasantly nervous and edgy. I like the early Zamaldelica for its quality edge and the late Haze for its pleasant and smooth but deep high. So, the choice between early vs normal vs late harvest also depends on the strain, apart from the climate and personal preferences.
Stuff depends on so many factors, I'm hesitant to give any advice to anyone, especially when it comes to when to harvest. I only try to understand what works for me and my tastes in my climate.


Well-known member
Here are several photos of the ZamJarilla plant grown by a friend guerrilla style. It was the most Zam-mother-smelling of the ZamJarillas and from what I've tried, its high feels a bit closer to Zam than my ZamJarilla, but still I'd say the high is Jarilla-dominant. Turbo Jarilla.




And a photo of a clone of the Zam mother that shows her huge pistils:


Well-known member
Thank you, Mallard!
Healthy and bountiful 2021 to everyone!
The season is soon to start, so I'd better give an update on the 3-months-cured buds from last year.

Fluffy, smell of resin of pine or other similar evergreen tree. Taste is somewhat woody, not very refined. Jarilla is much tastier.
After 3 months of cure, there's no edgy anxious vibe, only it starts with that Zamaldelica energetic discharge where you feel pleasant energetic buzz all over the body and some sense of "sharpness", but then it becomes more smooth and relaxed, more like Jarilla. Effect is very clear and smooth, slightly dreamy. If you continue to smoke during the day, you don't get the energetic discharge again, but feel more and more pleasantly pumped and relaxed in the same time. No overwhelming or heavy feelings, classic weak-to-moderate effect that at most becomes "wacky" and dreamy. Joyful and laughter-inducing in company.
In conclusion, I like the effect more than Jarilla's, this one is a more powerful and "sharp" version.


Well-known member
I like #2 the most. It's the one with the most metalic and anise smell. And also the sharpest, trippiest effect. I like how wild and yet clear it feels. It's electric and emotional. Slightly anxious, but it's just unchanneled electricity.
If I have some tolerance (Purple Mexican is to blame lately), the effect is not trippy/wild, just very energetic. But that I would say for every "trippy" sativa, like the Zamaldelica - if you have tolerance from indica & hybrids, you will not feel the trip in the sativas, only the speedy energy.
The other 2 Kullus were more smooth in effect, but still very up and energetic. Just not this wild and trippy.
#3, don't know if because of being the quickest to flower and hence most mature, is the most calm and the most uninteresting of the 3. It has the least "metalic" in its smell. Instead, its smell reminds me of NepalJam (like very old wooden wardrobe and honey).
#5 though being picked immature and having very small trichomes, actually packs a punch not weaker than the other two.


Well-known member
I smoked all small tester plants for 3 days: a day for the most mature plant, which had lots of red in stems (1st photo), a day for the other mature plant, which was completely green (2nd photo), and a day of smoking a mix of the other 3 plants which were too small, so it was half stems, half flowers.

I smoked them in December, after only a month of curing, and the effect in general was very nice - potent stimulating "sharp" effect with pleasant buzzing body.
The plant with red stems had more body and somewhat denser but still very enjoyable effect, while the green plant had a superb bright uplifting stimulating effect. The mix of the other 3 plants was not as good as these 2, but I expected that from smoking stems and immature flowers.
All in all, great strong pleasant stimulating effect! Not devastatingly potent like the Zam mother, but more positive than her.
Can't say much about the smell and taste because the plants got too dry by the time I tried them.


Well-known member
Purple Mexican
Kush flavor with a mixed effect where you feel both sharp and stimulated by the sativa, and in the same time - relaxed by the indica. Even a branch that I left and harvested half a month later - in the first days of Novermber, had this sativa sharpness still present.
I like how it smokes with aromatic and thick flavor like an indica, but the effect has the sativa clarity and mental power.

Purple Mexican x ZamJarilla
I smoked all of it at once and it tasted and felt very similar to the Purple Mexican mother. Potent both in flavor, and in effect. Effect was somewhat cleaner than the mother.
So, as far as a conclusion can be made from a single small sample, this is a hybrid that keeps the potency of the mother but has more "sativa" effect. Good! I might give seeds to local friends to hopefully see and smoke more samples in the following years.


Well-known member
This year I will start some ZamKullus, a few Kullus and a couple newly-acquired seeds from Ace's New Caledonia. I couldn't resist Dubi's description of New Caledonia, so will grow one plant this year to see in real what it's all about :)
I will also grow one ZamKullu plant.
And I hope to get a nice ZamKullu male to cross it to a Kullu female and the Zam mother clone. I should be able to sprout directly into the ground outdoors in July some of the resulting Zam x (Zam x Kullu) and Kullu x (Zam x Kullu) seeds. Together with some Zam x (Zam x Jarilla) seeds from last year.
I have high hopes for the 3 of these back-crosses, especially Zam x (Zam x Kullu). So far I've only crossed plants making hybrids without any real selection. But in these back-crosses there should be very good plants that need to be identified and bred. This year I'll only check what's what. But in the following years I hope to be able to do some real breeding towards a strong trippy Sativa like the Zam mother clone.


Well-known member
You are welcome, Common Sense!
I was about to write these follow-ups for some time now, but usually I'm a bit tired after work and prefer to get high and just read :) But today is Sunday, I have the time and I've been smoking Kullu #2 the whole afternoon and evening, before and after playing table tennis. I'm usually quite exhausted after that, but the Kullu gives a lot of energy if you are physically tired.

La Buena Hierba

Active member
ICMag Donor
wow just wow brother very nice thread 😍 love your grows i missed this one
i also had order Kullu seeds wil start them soon is it oke to pm you about them
peace LBH


Well-known member
You are welcome, La Buena Hierba, though I'm not sure there's more that I can add to what I have already wrote here and in PMs :)