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Crazyfools* Small personal garden


é irmão, só strain de responsabilidade. Belo menu.
cara, eu li sobre a malawi no site da ace, deve ser um belo de um tapa na cara em!
as africanas são foda e pouco exploradas

quero ibagens! <- só pra não perder a piada :mooning:
abraço e boas vibes aê!
A Malawii realmente é um fumo muito bom =) ... apesar dela n ter aquele gosto super refinado de hybridos modernos, eu n me canso de pitar nela, pode ser um finote, sei q vai bater legal....e o sabor dela n é ruim, d maneira alguma, só n é frutadinho, floralzinho, eh um puta gostão de ganja, maconhão mesmo!

eu passei uma semana nos EUA, ainda n tive tempo d trabalhar nas marias e tirar fotos, mas ontem qdo cheguei, a primeira coisa q fiz, foi dar uma espiada no calabouço, dexei sob cuidado da patroa as marias, e para minha bela surpresa, ta um matagal lá dentro, as plantas estão o dobro do tamanho do primeiro ciclo!

a Malawii #1 e Black Widow # 1 , são as mais atrasadinhas, a nepaljam, está com cara d q vai render belos buds, e a OTM x IBB #3 , ta com galhos bem rigidos pra cima, tem uns 4, 5 tops q vao encher de cima a baixo com buds! acredito que em poucas semanas o bagulho começa a ficar frenético novamente!

essa semana n prometo imagens, pq n to com meu pc, mas semana q vem, certeza!

BR Zombie

New member
damn crazyfool I've been missing out on this great thread! Never got updates to my email until now>.<
Those buds finished with fantastic results! It actually makes me happy xD good job

So I see you really liked the Malawi, but could it be considered one of your favorite strains? Actually may I ask you what your favorite sativa is?

Is the Malawi stoney or high? I read a lot of reports that it leans to a more stoney/sedative effect than a lysergic/acid trippy high? Would love to know your thoughts.
Hy Zombie, well, I really like Cannabis, hard to pick one strain, I´ve had quite a lot of pleasent highs :) Malawii is something I like to toke on for sure, it always blasts me, despite the size of the joint, I´m liking her a lot, because it is diferent to most sativas i´ve grown, I´ve gone through paraguayan sativas, thai, colombian, some hybrid sativas, but haven´t tried the african sativas , and Malawii is as the description , strong, pure landrace , it has a rude taste, tastes like good marijuana should taste, and the smell is really good, not fruity, acid, cheesey or anything like that, smells like POT! I chose the Malawii because it was advertised as very strong, and I´ve also read a lot about the quality of genetics in Malawii ( Malawii Gold is worldwide famous ) and its easy to understand why, it has huge resin glands for a landrace, and also very abundant trichomes, frostier then many hibrids!

I usually don´t rank flowers with numbers because so many things are unique in each individual, but as a smoke, I´d probably place Malawii with a solid 8,0, on a 10 scale... I mean, its got yeald, it has frost, it has potency, it does lack a bit taste wise, but nothing unnapealing, still very good. if it´s stony or trippy high... definately a stony one.... it comes on really strong, in both mind and body, its the kind of weed that makes you feel " fly " when you walk you seem to float, its like the smoke doesn´t go to the lungs but straight to the head, droopy eyes, insane munchies, and when I´m high on Malawii I drop my kies /phone all the time!

best Sativas I´ve tried are:


Colombian Gold ( cofee cut - my own selection)

Original Thai stick

Punto Rojo


not necessarilly in this order, but I surely put Malawii in the top 5, I´m not much of a modern hybrid Sativa Fan, I think new Hybrids tend to have low tolerency levels, maybe they don´t, but thats just what I seem to pick up, and I also praise for that old school shit ... thats just personal preference, I´m a flower smoker, not really into extractions, and sometimes these modern hybrids are just too sweet, to fruity, and after a couple of joints I´d go sick on them....but I don´t turn my back on any pot, as long as they are fire, I love good hybrids, good indicas, good sativas, all of them have the rite moment to be used, the only ones I´m not very fond of, are Auto strains, IMVHO they fuck up genetic profile permanently.... but again, thats just me.
hey guysssss.......

so, after almost a month without updating my thread, I come with goodies!
lets go str8 to the pics?!






so, above, is my NepalxJamaica.... I chopped this girl real early, empty pots means drastic actions.... I cut her down with 45 days flower, despite the short flowering time, I think she was prety much done.... I wold have left her till 55 days at most.... already smoked all of her, all thats left is a couple hits of Qwiso I made from her.... best batch to date... it finished with a shatter consistency at room temperature, after fiddling with it for a few minutes, it turns soft and sticky like you can see on the above pictures.
the nepal jam, smoked quite well, a soft sweet taste, a bit "piney" but overall sweet.... strong head high, that lingers to a verry confortable body buz... def indica dominant... if you smoke too much.... bed time.... the downsie of this cut, is that without propper training it yealds very low, branches are thin and wobbly, and I only kept the top buds to smoke, the rest was all larf....but with a good veg period, and propper training , she can yeald a decent amount, this was my first run with her, I´d like to take her again for a ride a couple more times before I decide if she stays or not.....





so, Up top, you guys can get an idea of the favorite plant this run, it is feno #3 of a small selection of Old Time Moonshine x Indiana Bubblegum ( mosca seeds ) ... buds are tight, with a delicious acid grape smell.... and preety god yeald as well.... high hopes for this muffin!

this is yet another feno of Black Widow ( Mr.Nice seeds) ...sorry for the bad picture, but the OTM x IBB#3 was in front, and the BW is all over the place as well....

the BW is presenting the tipical widow smell , but much less the La Pipoquera feno, much less frost as well, BUT, the yeald seems to be amazing! really big buds, and stems full of them, this is clearly a sativa dominant feno, again, not sure she will stick arround for much....


this is just a Peyote Purple clone I tossed into flower, just to see how it smokes to have an Idea of what to expect.....the whole plant will become 1 joint....LOL


Last but definatelynot least, my super sativa diva MALAWII

again I must say this.... Sativa lovers MUST try this plant out, she is AWSOME ... sure, she takes her time to get things up and ready.... but the flowers are SOOOOO worth it.... I won´t say she is my favorite plant this run, because after 57 days, as you can see.... she is still in very early flowering, with almost no smell.... but already showing some frost! .... this girl, is INSANE! I LOVE HER!.... as you can see, there is an empty pot beside the malawii, thats where the NEPJAM used to be..... as soon as some cuts take off, I´m gonna put something new there... maybe some BlackBerry Kush.... maybe another feno of OTM x IBB..... i´m also gonna put some Harle Tsu clones straight to flower, for medicinal oil..... have any of you had any contact with this strain? this is actualy an S1... but sighns point to a High CBD feno..... Harle Tsu is suposed to be Harlequin x Sour Tsunami.....

thanx guys and gals.... hope youguys like my update!




New member
Eai Crazyfool tudo na paz?muito linda suas plantas porra cara queria saber se você poderia me ajudar eu sou do Brasil eu fiz mina 1 compra de seeds so que nao chego perdi minha grana mano,me indica algum site que eu consiga comprar na humildade?
Eai Crazyfool tudo na paz?muito linda suas plantas porra cara queria saber se você poderia me ajudar eu sou do Brasil eu fiz mina 1 compra de seeds so que nao chego perdi minha grana mano,me indica algum site que eu consiga comprar na humildade?

caraio mano, q azar..... bem, faz muito tempo q eu nao compro seeds, até pq, ta cada vez mais embaçado de receber seeds d fora, mas acredito que no seedboutique vc consiga trazer, e pelo seedsman tbm ..... de qqer maneira, boa sorte! e obrigado pelo elogio!


New member
porra mano eu que agradeço a sua atenção,seu cultivo é monstruoso e você também usa na culinária eu acho muito foda de verdade!eu to pensando em fazer outro pedido pelo seedsman o 1° que fiz foi no mercannabis mas como é quase fim de ano acho que vou perder meu dinheiro outra vez ou não tem nada a ver!? eu nunca cultivei sementes de qualidade só as "prenseeds" mas acho que curto mais sativa estou em duvidas de pegar a Santa Sativa da dinafem ou a Malawii pela sua experiência e opinião, qual das duas é melhor?se tiver outra indicação me ajuda na simplicidade?espero que intenda minhas dúvidas porque comprar sementes ta tipo um investimento muito caro e arriscado tipo com 85% de chance de perder sou novo aqui no ICMAG to achando muito foda conteúdo e informação aqui é cabuloso não intendo tudo mas aprendi bastante ja por aqui espero aprender muito mas com vocês valeu!muita paz e positividade GOODBUDS

BR Zombie

New member
fala ai canhamo, beleza?

pode confinhar no seedsman, se tiver duvida escolha a opcao "GUARANTEED DELIVERY". Recebi a minha encomenda em um mes! Uma coisa que voce deve aprender e ter paciencia, pos uma das minha encomendas internacionais demorou 4 meses para chegar! Os correios sao uma bosta, nao na verdade, a culpa e da receita federal >.<

Tambem usei marijuana-seeds.nl no passado e demorou 2 meses para chegar ahahah

Positive vibes and goodbuds to you my friend :D

Crazyfool my dood! How have you been?
mmmm those malawi buds are looking tasty, popped my beans last week :)
while I await my harvest, would you like to send me a sample of those juicy buds? ;P

Much peace and love

Canhamo.... Carlos do Merca sempre foi ponta firme cmg.... provavelmente demore msm, pq final de ano os correios ficam abarrotados de encomendas.... mas tenha calma q uma hora chega.... mas realmente, faz muito tempo q n compro seeds, entao fica dificil indicar alguem com certesa, mas Seedsman sempre foi confiavel..... com relação a qual planta cultivar... minha indicação é sempre a seguinte... comece pelo facil, e dps vai aumentando o nivel.... se vc vai plantar outdoor, n faz tanta diferença... desde q vc plante na epoca certa, e vegete corretamente a planta.... mas se for plantar indoor, escolha uma planta hibrida.... tipo um skunk#1.....critical mass, ak-47, White russian... são plantas q apresentam o "vigor hibrido" crescimento de sativa, com tempo de floração de indica, e buds de qualidade e tamanho..... plantar Sativa indoor, só se vc for retardado q nem eu! kkkkkk demora bastante pra ficar pronta e tem q ter um cuidado especial na fertilização pra n fritar ela, além d ter um bom plano pra distribuir os galhos que crescem loucamente..... fico lisongeado pelo "GROW MONSTRO" KKK mas levo somente 4 plantas em vasos d 12 L, e umas floreiras pra eu florir clones direto no 12/12... eu chamo carinhosamente de "peneira" ... o q n fica bom na floreira, nunca chega ao vaso de 12L kkkk faço um esquema de colocar plantas em estagios diferentes d flora, pra estar sempre com alguma planta engatilhada pra colheita..... por ex, a malawii ta quase pronta... tem mais umas 2 ou 3 semanas pela frente, aew em uma floreira tenho uma critical e uma OTM x IBB #3 na 3ª ou 4ª semana mais ou menos, em outra floreira 2 Black widow q começaram a pistilar, em outra floreira, 2 Harletsu q tao começando a soltar pré flor, e nesse fds vou mandar mais 2 pra flora nos vasos grandes.... axo q vou mandar uma Black Widow, e outra Malawii!

Zombie!- fala manoo..... po a Malawii realmente é TOP! se vc quiser msm um sample, podemos desenrolar por PM.... axo q ela tomba em umas 2, ou 3 semanas.... hj eu to com a BW Sativa ( potente mas n é muito legal d fumar.... pega na garganta ) e to com a OTM x IBB#3 ... axei maneira, planta com cheiro frutado, e deixa a maior catinga no carro dps q fuma! kkkkk

BR Zombie

New member
Hey man :D

thank you for actually offering a sample crazyfool. It has been quite awhile since I've met an altruistic person! It won't be necessary though, i see it as too much of a hassle for you.

Although I will PM you right now with another question, something is off with these ACE seeds I got, well not only ACE but the seedsman freebies also :( They are all on the fast track to death >.<

Everything happens for a reason though....


Active member
the nepal jam, smoked quite well, a soft sweet taste, a bit "piney" but overall sweet.... strong head high, that lingers to a verry confortable body buz... def indica dominant... if you smoke too much.... bed time.... the downsie of this cut, is that without propper training it yealds very low, branches are thin and wobbly, and I only kept the top buds to smoke, the rest was all larf....but with a good veg period, and propper training , she can yeald a decent amount, this was my first run with her, I´d like to take her again for a ride a couple more times before I decide if she stays or not.....

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hey.. just so you know.. you can put the oil. inside the paper.. allows for it to soak into the bud as you take hits.. so its not wasting away on the outside vaporizing from the heat..

I used to wrap worms around my joints tooo.. but realized. I could smear on the paper. and roll and not make a mess.. or waste any oil..

BR Zombie

New member
Great tip JO!

Can anyone clarify to me if a certain number of posts are required to PM another member? If so, how many?