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Crazy theory of mine that just might work!


hey guys so ive been thinking about this for quite some time now what if you took your grow room and flipped it up side down!!!!

i mean light on the floor and plants on the ceiling hanging ? i cant realy think of a reason why it wouldnt work... getting the water to drain but if you get the watering down enough it shouldnt be a problem if so though it would be interesting because you would never need a trellis or plant yoyos again and you would have easier access to the plants


How do you add to your res?
What happens if the res fails and dumps its entire contents on the grow light?

Rule number 14 of grow room safety: Keep the electrical above the waist and keep the water below the waist :)

Edit: JF, they don't have those zero gravity environment simulators outside Japan yet, darou? ;)

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
Watering and feeding could be a problem. I think hydro is out of the question.


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
Watering and feeding could be a problem. I think hydro is out of the question.

nah he can do some sort of aeroponic misting setup, but he will have to have a lot of plumbing...

overall, i think if this upsidedown theory was easy to do, and would dramatically increase yield, THEN would it be worth the trouble setting it up...

but hey, to each his own! :wave:


Just do what I do and create a zero gravity environment, plants love it

HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. indeed. im suprised to find someone else on here doing the same thing! all my ladies are kept in the back of a KC-135 aircraft. every night at lights on the plane takes off for a 12 hour flight pattern. scanning electron microscope images show growth only occurs as the plane is diving to create the anti gravity effect. yeilds increase 3000 %! three plants take up the whole cargo area!

no seriously though, an interesting idea. bet you were wandering around in ace looking for a multi head plug with a ground and saw those stupid hanging tomato things. i can see the day dream now. would love to see you set up something to try it out man. all good ideas must have sounded strange at some point. what medium would you use?


Just grow in these



I hate those hanging baskets. Took a few cuts of my tomatoes and peppers and put them in there.. Sum bitches died in a couple days.

I'll stick to putting stuff in the ground and growing it toward to sun. Instead of the other way around. :tiphat:


i actually think they have grown some stuff up there. they must have. id be interested to see the results. would give a whole new dimension to the space queen. i really would like to see someone pop some beans in one of those hanger jump offs. what is the advantage to growing those maters upside down? is there one? i had always assumed is was just the fun factor. my girlfriend has just told me about some Hispanic brethren growing some reefs in nylon stockings with some type of soilish stuff towards lights on the ground. sounded like they didnt know what they were doing though.
I DEMAND ANSWERS. interesting thread noble1 i say you go carmen sandiego up in here and get to the bottom of this mystery!


Overkill is under-rated.
I don't see how there would be any benefit, not to mention the limitations in watering (runoff goes where?) you can't foliar spray (runoff goes where?) plus as mentioned above, having electrical on the ground is just asking for trouble, and you'll always have super bright lights in your eyes. If you REALLY want to grow upside down (ish) just get an Omega garden or the like. Anything else is just futile and silly.

A friend of mine did some weed in topsy turvy pots, they didn't do very well. Check out keyplay over at the Farm for more info.


yeah i would go with rockwool and just have the drippers are only on for a few seconds at a time but they would go off more frequently frequently...as far as lights on the ground go it is sketch but i can see ways around it, it would be better then a topsy turv to because the plants would stretch down to the light.


Overkill is under-rated.
I think the only difference is your canopy management gets a little easier, and about ten other things get much harder.

Yoyos are easy, cages are easy, stakes are easy. I have a relatively large grow and canopy management isn't even in my top ten of "problems" I worry about. For the record, I hung my lights and cords along aircraft cables strung the width of my grow, and all my yoyos snap onto it so its super easy to tie up branches. Just grab a yoyo hook off the cable and run it down, done!


yes yoyos are easy but not having to do them is easier and i cant see it being to hard to figure out and you never know mabye the outcome would be better but like i said crazy theory