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cravin morehead's bio-buckets

cravin morehead

Active member
whats up guys!! been busy with work lately, but i got some time now. heres a little pic update for ya. these were taken 2 days ago on day 50 of flower. since my bro went 60 days with his, i've began to stop topping off nutes. you can see some yellowing and fade to the leaves already. its been getting pretty warm here lately, last few days around 85*f. but im not seeing any bad effects to the girlies.

im thinking they're doing pretty well. i don't have any baseball bat kolas, but some nice fat nugs none the less. some about the size of a bottle of beer. mmmm, beer! sorry for my attempt at macro pics. just trying to give you all a good look at 'em...
thats all i got for now, but i'll be back as soon as i can with more pics...


Smokin Joe

Humpin to please
ICMag Donor
I liked mine at 69 days :dunno: just my thang. Had about 40% amber trich's
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:p I got some Beer bottle buds too! Hope yours is coming along nicely brother!
Cant wait for this harvest for both of us and a new one to start!
Any ideas of what your going to go with next??

cravin morehead

Active member
must spread rep around....

thanks alot guys!! i really appreciate it, but it really is all the bio-buckets doing. all i did was make it harder for them to grow the girls nicely! haha! next time, next time....
thanks for the info Galahad. 40% is right around where i like them to be, give or take a little.
thanks krypt buddy! i've been keeping an eye on yours as well, looking great!! cant wait to see your harvest shots!! as far as next round, i think i'll be taking cuts of some freebie blue satellite 2.2. probably, not totally sure yet. i have a nice bb x ak47 mom that was nice for me a couple years ago. what about you?? whats next for you?

thanks again guys,



Active member
Wow cravin the girls have really filled in the space. Should make for a good harvest, glad your happy with the bio buckets. It's always good to see someone do a DIY system and rock it out to the best of their abilities. Thanks for sharing bro :)


It's looking really nice in there and it looks like you were able to keep them under the light for the most part. One good looking cube of bud for sure, keep it green :rasta:


Active member
Hey cm, those buds really look good. But starting to cut nutes at seven weeks seems too soon to me. Since you are only feeding 0.8 EC, why not keep feeding to the end? IMO a final flush is not necessary if you feed at 1.2 EC or less. I've been forgoing a final flush for the last year and my buds have no harsh taste and always burn to a white/grey ash. The last couple of weeks of flowering are when the buds rapidly fill out and get dense, so don't cheat yourself out of all the weight you can get. Do you have a loupe or Radio Shack microscope to check the trichromes? That's the best way to judge doneness. As long as the calyxes are still shooting out straight white hairs, your buds are still growing.

cravin morehead

Active member
after reading petemoss' and galahad's responses, i've topped up nutes (just a 1 tsp splash) and kept them going. interestingly enough though, i hadn't topped up in a few days ( like 4 days), and the ec hadn't moved. my res has a float valve so it should be topping off water and diluting the mix. the float valve is working fine, i guess the girls stopped taking in nutes on their own?? this kind of concerns me. why did they stop feeding?? the fade im seeing is happening on their own. i asked my bro, he said his leaves started to fade and fell off around 55 days (running lucas in traditional dwc). is this in the genes?? are they finally saying that 70*f water is too warm?? idk. i can still notice growth though, huh, interesting...
what say you bio-bucketeers??



Active member
Hi CM,
At this point, you're a couple of weeks from the finish and there isn't much you can do to help or hurt your plants. So don't stress over small changes in EC or Ph. When the humidity is high or you've recently trimmed fan leafs, your plants don't need to transpire much. If you're getting yellowing leaves at four or five weeks, then maybe you should worry, but some yellowing at seven weeks is normal IMO. It means that your plants sense that the end is near and they are rushing to finish before the cold weather comes. They are eating the food stored in the leaves. You've shown a lot of patience and restraint in your first bio bucket grow and will soon be rewarded with some tastey buds. Your trichromes will tell you when it's time to chop. Enjoy the finale!

cravin morehead

Active member
thanks alot ben and abell!! i appreciate it...
petemoss- thanks for the encouragement. you're right again. i was getting a little antsy to finish. sometimes i just need a little kick in the ass!!:asskick:thanks!
they started to fade and drop leaves right at 7 1/2 weeks. still plenty of green leaves still attached. so im not too worried about it. and checking trich's, im seeing nearly 100% cloudy and a small percentage getting a little color, not calling it amber yet, just a little tint of color. finally seeing some of the pistils starting to darken up. im thinking maybe a week and a half or so. we'll see. i'll get some more pics today and post them up soon.
thanks again guys,


cravin morehead

Active member
just a little update. still no sign of finishing. im thinking that they'll go about 75 days now. after talking with Galahad, i think the ripening delay is probably from light stress from my stupidness. the stress is evident in the foxtailing going on. not too bad, but it is there. oh well, next run right? theres always a next time. the aroma in the tent is awesome. citrusy, tangy, fruity, skunky, sweet,.... i can't wait to taste!!

heres some day 63 pics:

i like how this little bud is growing around the light fixture

thanks guys,


cravin morehead

Active member
hey guys

hey guys

sorry its been so long... i had some life and health issues to deal with. both came simultaneously. as for now, im doing good again...
as for my grow, well, it went quite a bit longer than i wanted. i couldn't harvest on time. i had to harvest a very little at a time. like an oz or so at a time. during that time heat and over maturing really took its toll. not all is lost though, my closest bros came and helped and we hashed most all of it. the hash is awesome and really hits home tastily. i didn't get pics of the harvests though...
as of now, i had to start all new moms. i lost most during my problems. i will begin sprouting today. haven't decided which ones to sprout yet. i'll let you know. the weather is starting to cool off here, and i will be firing up another bio-bucket grow soon. btw- i kept the pump running this whole time and the bennies are ready to go again!! i can't wait to get going again. i think i may want to pick up a couple cuts to run while waiting to sex my latest sprouts. any help on where i can get good legit cuts around N. OC?? lemme know please...
thanks for reading, and i will post another bio grow soon

hope you guys are well,


cravin morehead

Active member
hey guys

hey guys

just a little heads up. i have a new c99bx1 by mosca mom. she just showed me the smallest little preflower. i don't have a clue which pheno yet, but we'll find out. so give me a couple weeks and we'll start a new c99bx1 bio-bucket run.



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