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cravin morehead's bio-buckets


Active member
Hey kal el, I remember you under your old name! Welcome back and glad to see you are still using bio-buckets! I'm growing a perpetual SOG in a wardrobe cabinet now but miss my old bio-buckets. Such an easy, low maintenance way to grow.

CM, good decision to go to 12/12 now. Veg growth can be very explosive once you get a full root system. If you wait much longer, six plants will quickly overgrow your 3'x3' tent. It will definitely be a challenge to keep those girls down!

kal el

Hi Pete, I remember you as well.

CM, I use all kinds of different nutes. Right now I just put a white bubba kush in my single bucket and it is getting fed with a hybrid nutrient line made by CX Hydroponics.
Good stuff so far, they have technology that uses synthetics and organics.

cravin morehead

Active member
hey kal el- i don't weigh wet bud either, but seeing as how i just met you, i had to ask. you never know these days!! obviously your pruning techs work great for you. i may give your SC'ing tech a try down the road.
petemoss- im glad i did. my tent is 4'x4', but it still would've gotten overgrown quickly. was just checking out your cabs, really nice builds there. why'd you switch from bio to sog?? space issues i'd imagine.
galahad- glad to have you on board, sir. what brought you here?? bio-buckets or DG Brainfreeze?? if it was the brainfreeze, got any info/pics you can share with a first-timer to the genetics?? feel free to grab a seat and pass that bowl around.

not much new here. switched the timers to 12/12, left the MH in. topped up my reservoir with dyna-bloom to 400 ppm/ .8 ec. so far, so good.
heres the girls on the day of switching. for later comparisons

thanks for stopping by,



Active member
Space issues is right, cm. No more room size grows unless I want to get divorced. Besides, I just couldn't fit a res and chiller in my stealth cab. I'm amazed you managed to get everything into that tent and still have what looks like three feet of plant space. BTW your last pics of the plants really came out well. How did you light the cab? Whenever I try to take a pic under HPS it comes out all yellow.

cravin morehead

Active member
hey pete- too bad about your space issues. but looks like you've took the lemons and made great lemonade!! as far as my pics go, those are still under MetalHalide lighting. however, when i take pics under HPS, first i adjust the white balace on my camera. i use a roll of white paper towels or something very white. i hold the paper towel roll or whatever under the hps light, then adjust the white balance while the camera sees nothing but the towel roll. works decent. or sometimes, i take pics 5 minutes before lights on. heres a pic under HPS before and after white balancing

not the same bud in the pics, but you get the point.

i tried really hard to plan everything so i could have as much verticle space as possible. mainly because alot of my genetics tend to get pretty tall/big. excellent guess, i have about 39" from top of buckets to the light fixture. the bottom of the buckets are as low as i could get them and still be able to attach the hose to the drain valves underneath. i could've gone lower, but the valves i already had and didn't want buy different ones.

Smokin Joe

Humpin to please
ICMag Donor
I have only had 1 run with Brainfreeze so I can't offer a lot but will add what I can. I ran mine using the lucas formula(with a few amendments here and there) in promix bx. Was trouble free for the most part. The pheno I had didn't stretch alot and had baseball bat kolas. Unclefishstics and inreplyavalon Have some good threads featuring Brainfreeze.
Feel free to stop by the round table thread anytime you have a question about DGS or just to hang out. :smoke:


Active member
Thanks for the photo tip, cm! I tried to adjust the white balance before but I think I did it wrong. The key was to "adjust the white balance while the camera sees nothing but the towel roll", something the manual did not tell me. After doing it as you advised, the yellow tint was gone!


cravin morehead

Active member
hey galahad- thanks for the invite. i'll stop on by sometime soon. so, i guess it was the DGS that made you stop and have a look-see?? how was the smoke on your brainfreeze?? so far, mine have been hauling ass through veg. i switched yesterday, i'm real excited to watch these go!
hey pete- glad i could help you out!! you have helped me and i'm glad i could repay the favor. that is a beautiful 'sea of green' (and it is green, not yellow). what medium? looks like soil to me. how does that work for you?

Smokin Joe

Humpin to please
ICMag Donor
H0wdy cravin, nah it was the bio-buckets. Didn't see the DGS till I started checking out the thread.
Brainfreeze is just like the description. From the looks you have the Lui pheno going. Will be able to tell more as the buds form. All of DG's genetics grow with the hybrid vigor :plant grow: Some just explode in flower. Double and tripling height in flower but my Brainfreeze didn't stretch much at all. Culdnt really give ya a good smell description. . The room smelled like a fermenting fruit basket in a garbage dump lol. Dried the buds had a citrus smell and taste.

cravin morehead

Active member
hey galahad- thanks for the description. fruit basket in a dump had me laughing!! i really do like citrus tasting buds!! i also think i have a lui leaning pheno going on. interesting though, the row on the right side of my tent is from one seed and the left is from a different seed. i guess they both are leaning lui. we will see. thanks for the link. im going to check it out and subscribe. i had heard about some varieties tripling in size during the stretch. thats why i flipped the lights when i did. hopefully wasn't too late. but thats some of the fun, trying to control these things...

cravin morehead

Active member
did some trimming today. holy crap, i removed a ton and they look like they can take more. our bunnies are loving it!! maybe i'll trim again in a week or so....
my favorite girlie (middle right) has got me excited!! well all of them do ,but the right side in particular. i was beginning to notice the oh-so-fantastic odor of flowering, but when i started trimming, it is reeking of pure skunky-goodness. like the kind of odor of when your driving in a car full of burners and all of a sudden everyone says "mmmmmm... that smells so good". now i don't know the exact genetic lineage of LUI or C99, but i can honestly say i haven't smelled this pure of a skunk odor since the 80's. im not calling out a RKS, but this is as close as i can remember... my rockwool is soaking now!! hahaha!! hopefully they hang on to this odor and it translates to flavor.
galahad- ever hear of a BF pheno that smells like this?? or anyone else for that matter. i guess i should post this question in DG's section...

heres some post trim shots of my stinky girlie:



Active member
Great clean setup you got happening there cravin. Will follow along on the journey to some buds with ya!


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
looking good in here...i dont recall my brainfreeze as being skunky so much as a sort of rotten pineapple odor,sort of sweet but with some funk as well...

cravin morehead

Active member
krypt- howz it?? i've been keeping an eye on your thread, looking really nice!! way to address your issue, diagnose, and fix it. my roots are crankin. its hard to get a good pic of them by myself, but i will try later today at lights on for you.

hey unclefishstick- been reading your stuff since i found this awesome site!! thank you very much for your compliment. i also appreciate your description. that sounds nice. how did it taste? kind of fruity with some skunk-funk?? i hope so, that sounds great. i can't wait for this run to really start flower production, from what i've read, should be impressive.

i'll get some more pics up today or tomorrow, or soon. thanks for all the compliments from all you guys. i'm just trying to promote these bio-buckets. this system is a dream of ease of use and efficiency. the initial investment may be a little high, but after that, it pretty much runs itself. all i've done is top-off nutes, check temps, and watch em grow!

thanks again,


Treetroit City

Moderately Super
Nice buckets! I'll pop back in here tonight and drop some pics of some BF.
I haven't had a real skunky pheno yet but I have had some nice girls. For now my one tip, watch for mold if ya got a lui leaner.

cravin morehead

Active member
third coast- thanks for the mold tip. i have real good circulation in the tent, hope that helps. but i will keep an eye out for that. thanks. i haven't posted, but i've subscribed to your grow. thanks to Galahad for linking me to it. feel free to post your BF pics! i'd love to see them!!


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
i dont seem to recall the brainfreeze as being one of the tastier strains from that round,but it was up against witches weed,kqr and the infamous "muffin" pheno of swtc99,plus i had merlins magic going as well,it did make one of the biggest colas in that round...i guess i will just have to grow the last 5 seeds to remind me!

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