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Crack your finest jars or bottles S-10 is DEAD


Active member
i called this one all the way, ive been known to be the king of i told you so's, d


I gotta agree with Marco and others. This is great news but I dont trust politicians at all. I mean the liberals supported this bill all along and then suddenly changed their minds. They can just as easily change it back again.

I am beginning to think that a minority government is more democratic than a majority.

S10 would not have harmed me because I only grow 1 or 2 plants at a time but I'm glad that this version of the bill is dead. (for now)



Ya I wouldnt be rejoicing just yet, remember its a minority government which pretty well is at its life end. There will be an election soon and with the middle and left so divided the NeoCons are sure to get a Majority. They, to the average person on the street was seen to fix the economy. So unless something or someone spectacular happens with the middle left, they pretty much got er made.
And when they win, the bill will be reintroduced with a different name, and probably a lot more draconian than it is in its present form, they wont have to worry about the fragmented opossition.
Harpy will get his shinny new prisons, because we are just seething with crime that goes unreported, supposedly. And they most likely will be modeled on the American ones, and ran by the private sector, the whole idea of privatizing people owned corporations just gives Harpy and boys a huge bonner. We have Neocons running our province B.C. and they cant wait to kill the few remaining people owned corps. Look at the privatization of the Ferries, the selloff of B.C. rails, the slow gutting and breaking up of B.C. Hydro, looked at your power bill lately? They tried to kill ICBC by allowing private insurance, but it was ran so well that our rates were far below those of other provinces. I know hard to believe, but true. Try buy insurance in Alberta or Ontario if your in the high risk group, ie young.
Hate to be pessimistic LOL but hey, I'm old enough that I'v seen how they lie and cheat, so they can money up their friends.


Active member
they would rather have more police on the street then screws in prison monitoring pot growers, they get bigger budgets that way, they really would have shot themselves in the foot with this one, d


This is awesome. I'm still jumping through hoops to get my medical marijuana license but started growing. Spent a few grand on migraine meds over the last couple of years and said "fuck it, I'm not waiting".

I'm about half way through the flowing stage of some beautiful OG Kush. I'm glad to know that I won't be put in a jail cell with some criminal fuck, all because the government and timid medical professionals weren't as interested in my well being as I've been. My wife and I will certainly sleep a lot better. Maybe one day I'll finally get my license so I can do this "legally" now too, for whatever that's worth.

Kudos for us taking a step in the right direction. FINALLY!! :)
PS Chimera - I have your GFxBB and Fighting Bhudda and they are simply fantastic. You are one of the breeders that I hold in the highest regard (Right up there with Sam, Neville, and Rez). Keep doing what you do.

shit right up there with Rez lol
Look for a May election.This time I think it will be a Lib/NDP minority instead of a NeoCon version.(personally I think Harper's eyes make him look like the antichrist...)

I am told that S-10 is dead in the water.

Grow them if you got them.


In an astonishing and amazing turn of events. the liberals have turned coat on Senate bill S-10 !!!

The Liberal leader Ignatief has been quoted as calling the bill "... dumb on crime"

Today is an amazing day in our progress towards keeping growers out of jail. I want to personally thank every one of you who contacted your MP to voice your opposition to the bill.

The war is not over, but this battle appears to be won by our side. Congrats everybody!!!!!


when i sent my email to Ignatief I called the s-10 bill "dumb on crime" lol

to me it seems if the middle east can toss their dictators out on their asses with the use of social media then we should be able to get a harmless plant legalized. holy! screw harper!!!


Look for a May election.This time I think it will be a Lib/NDP minority instead of a NeoCon version.(personally I think Harper's eyes make him look like the antichrist...)

I am told that S-10 is dead in the water.

Grow them if you got them.

And pray tell, who told you that S=10 is dead, and what makes you think that the Neocons wont form a majority? That chick at starbucks with the braided eyebrows? LOL
Power follows money, and the two richest provinces Alberta and Saskatchewan are Conservative with B.C. also Conservative right behind licking there nuts. LOL {by the way all three are oil producers, bought any gas lately?} Sorry I left out Newfoundland, which is also Con, and a petroleum producer.


Genetic Resource Management
Befriendly - your answer re: Bill S10

Befriendly - your answer re: Bill S10



Genetic Resource Management
B. Friendly
"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude

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Bill S-10 does it Die with House Closing/Election???
Does the dissolvement of Parlimant mean that the bills on the table are scrapped ie BILL S-10???????

Ok so we are going to the polls again,
f'n 4 times in 7 years but I love being able to constantly vote and Minority Gov'ts are forcing parties to work together and putting us first maybe for a change.
Kinda nice to have your Gov't working for you since there are so many elections they have been kissing ass

but as soon as Harper gets into power he does his own dictatorship thing, don't think he gives a shit to be honest. and what has he done for the west?

anyways that's my rant.

Puff on


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It was already thrown out


The Conservative government's controversial bill that would impose mandatory jail time for offenders caught growing a handful of marijuana plants appears headed to the trash can.

The Liberals announced Wednesday they will not support Bill S-10, which has already been passed by the Senate.

"I'm very disappointed that they have had this complete flip-flop," Justice Minister Rob Nicholson told Postmedia News.

The Liberals, who supported previous versions of the bill, now say it would excessively punish some people for minor offences and would cost too much to implement because it will jam prisons that are already filled to the brink. The Conservatives have said they will spend $2 billion over the next five years to expand prisons.

See here:



Genetic Resource Management
B. Friendly, kindly ignore Kharmagirl's post... she doesn't understand the canadian political system very well. She is completely incorrect to say the bill was thrown out- it simply wasn't.

Some may call it splitting hairs, but the CORRECT answer to your question is YES, BILL S-10 died when parliament closed.

The liberals did say they would oppose the bill if it was presented to the house for a final vote, but the bill never came up for a vote because the house was dissolved for the election.

When a government is dissolved in the Canadian political scheme, ALL bills before the house are nullified and any pending legislation MUST be reintroduced to parliament. The conservatives will be able to re-introduce this bill if they form a new government, but it must start at the beginning again either in the House of Commons or the Senate.

S-10 in it's current form is dead- NOT because the liberals opposed it, but because the government is dissolved.

Why so many threads had to be closed for this small piece of information to come out, I don't know.... but hey there it is.

Hope that helps,


Well-known member
What this country needs is some draconian mandatory minimum laws for politicians caught doing dirt now that would be step in the right direction

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