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Crack your finest jars or bottles S-10 is DEAD


Genetic Resource Management
In an astonishing and amazing turn of events. the liberals have turned coat on Senate bill S-10 !!!

The Liberal leader Ignatief has been quoted as calling the bill "... dumb on crime"

Today is an amazing day in our progress towards keeping growers out of jail. I want to personally thank every one of you who contacted your MP to voice your opposition to the bill.

The war is not over, but this battle appears to be won by our side. Congrats everybody!!!!!



~Resident Puck Bunny~

The Liberals announced Wednesday they will not support Bill S-10, which has already been passed by the Senate.

"I'm very disappointed that they have had this complete flip-flop," Justice Minister Rob Nicholson told Postmedia News.

The Liberals, who supported previous versions of the bill, now say it would excessively punish some people for minor offences and would cost too much to implement because it will jam prisons that are already filled to the brink. The Conservatives have said they will spend $2 billion over the next five years to expand prisons.


I mentioned this in another post, but Iggy says the libs would support and re-introduce a decrim bill. Maybe when they pass it Chretien could come up and give the official OK to start smoking. After that "Don't everybody light up at once" fiasco.


Great news....I thought we were done like a dinner this time around and Voila Iggy does the right thing....I wonder when this BS will be re-introduced again?
At least we got some breathing room.
I think a celebration tonite is in order.Fine wine and my fine special stash.....


Tarus Bulbar

Excellent news for the Canadians!!
Seems like a bit of positive progress!!


As an American this is the first I've heard of this. Congrats guys and gals! Sounds huge.


c 15 then made to s 10 mandatory federal minimums for growing think its time to vote in the liberals since they are the reason for the bill not getting to go thru.


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Thinking of all my Canadian brothers and sisters, hoping the good news keeps coming from your part of the world. :)
I would be cool with 10 plants, that would be Fantastic. With this i could convince everyone i know to grow a few plants and provide there own smoke! Among other things of course, New democrats have always had my vote, they can't ever seem to get it done. Mabye its time to go for the next best thing.

Marco Renda

Active member
I won't and don't believe a word that comes out of a politicians mouth! I will believe that Bill S10 is dead after it has been voted on and announced DEAD in the news. Sorry but these guys flip flop with their decisions all the time. Guess there is going to be an election in Canada soon.

I say LEGALIZATION is the only way to go... DECRIM does NOTHING for us except put $ $ $ into the black market.

Take Care and Peace
I have to agree with Marco, can't trust them until you see concrete evidence.
Interesting it took a non-Kanadian liberal to start it.


New member
Long time lurker here who has never felt the urge to post. Until now. I am so pumped about this that I have to say something. I was planning on shutting it down when S-10 went through... I can't justify putting family at risk so I can enjoy my hobby. But if S-10 is well and truly dead I'll grow till the day I die.

PS Chimera - I have your GFxBB and Fighting Bhudda and they are simply fantastic. You are one of the breeders that I hold in the highest regard (Right up there with Sam, Neville, and Rez). Keep doing what you do.


Active member
Don't post often

Don't post often

Hey All,

I agree canadian brothers, and sisters. Make sure this bill is dead, but..If so I am greatly happy for you all. I don't live in your country, but I can spot a piece of shit law a mile away like many. Besides the site I frequent most. I have made many good friends there from Canada. I wish you all the best...D


They haven't Voted on this in the senate. But Libs announced it on their website, which is pretty official sounding, and have read about it locally in my paper coming from our MP. It would cost billions of dollars (they say 2 billion estimated by conservative was an undershot, possibly more like $13 billion) Put huge numbers of today's young adults (19-25) behind bars, creating more criminals than went in there in the first place. Under Conservative rule, the numbers of inmates doing drugs WHILE IN JAIL is 13.2%. Thats not really solving a problem... Makes no distinguishing points between a criminal and someone who grows some personal for medical reasons. They were unsuccessful at amending the 6 plant minimum to 20. Conservatives said no. Libs want to see more addiction counseling and rehabilitation effort put into law enforcement rather than criminal charges and time behind jail. Whats the sense in putting someone in jail, causing their entire lives to be disrupted over a few plants? they'll come out in a worse off situation, and be bitter about it to boot, doubt thats going to encourage cooperation with the law in the future and probably encourage more crime in the long run.

Its not dead yet, they haven't taken it to a vote, but they've made it clear that S10 as it is written is a no-go. Could be brought back with changes to be read but don't think the mandatory minimums are going through. We have a Minority government, made up of the conservatives against everyone else. They have a lot of swing but they are having problems getting their own way here. Too bad we're probably going to end up with Harper again next election :eek:S

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