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CPC (Chronic Pain Club)


Hello all. Just wanted to see if I could get an invite to the forum.

Back in the beginning of April I became ill one night after work. I went to bed and started shivering uncontrollably. I was freezing yet completely wiped out from a long day at work. When I woke up the next morning, my entire side of the bed was soaked from my sweat and I had to go into work. Got up, went to work feeling horrible and came home. Took some theraflu and fell asleep.

I woke up later that night with the worst back pain I have ever experienced. From that point on, I have been in constant back pain.

I was diagnosed with discitis after seeing 4 different doctors who just dismissed the pain as a back sprain. Finally it was a chiropractor who ordered an MRI when they found it. I was immediately hospitalized for 5 days, and then sent home after being installed with a PICC line to administer IV antibiotics for 6 weeks.

After a week's scare with my antibiotics dropping my white blood cell count and almost killing me, I am finally done with the antibiotics. Unfortunately though, the infection caused permanent damage to my disc and spine. I wake up everyday to ripping pain in my back. I can't lift anything, and can't bend over. I can't walk without a back brace (I have graduated from my walker).

My wife keeps pushing me to try for mj as a possible alternative to the Oxycontin and Percocets I take daily. Reading this thread definitely gives me some hope.


Natalie J. Puffington
Welcome Tweexican! :)
Once you get your 50 posts I'm sure Mary will be glad to send you and invite!!
It's really nice to have a spot to whine!

Supermanlives, welcome to you as well!! :)
My apologies for my reaction to your first post; (we get some smart alecs posting from time to time), I jumped the gun.
I hope you can forgive me! :shucks:

Hope this finds everyone hanging in there!!! :smoke:
Stay tough friends!!

G` Afternoon Natty :tiphat:

Well today at 3:15 I go see the Lung Dr, about my follow up CT Scan for the Lung lymph nodes they found that are benign.

I still always worry about them no matter what like I worry about everything else and with me taking Insulin again 3 times a day I don't know how long my body can hold up and keep taking the med abuse it has taken for years now.

Either way I guess things could be worst, I could be single, have great looks, nice body, be young, have money, Right? :D

You All have a Great Healthy Pain Free Day.........


Natalie J. Puffington
"Either way I guess things could be worst, I could be single, have great looks, nice body, be young, have money, Right?"
lol DR. Gotta keep that sense of humor! Always! ;)
I hope your appointments go alright DR! They are exhausting aren't they? *yawn*
I am so doctored-out. I need to see quite a few dift. specialists:
someone for my back, a 3rd opinion on my hip and find someone local, to treat the FM and for pain mgmt.
I just can't get motivated to even make the appts. :rolleyes:

Good luck today DR!

I hope all of you are hanging in there!!! :comfort:
Keep your chin up, friends!!

I allowed myself to get pissed this morning, and am now struggling with really serious muscle problems, all triggered by a single "major muscle" spasm, that's running all over my right side.

all the way from my lower back to the top of my head, and down my arm/hand

first time in awhile

makes it very hard to relax

just received my year-to-date drug cost statement $22,755.90

and I didn't start taking Gleevec until Feb, ready to order again for July

looking at that statement, I feel guilty


SB,have you tried contacting the company that makes it and see if they can help you pay for it?
Hello Everyone ;)

Well I seen every ct scan slide show today wow it was in black and white on my dr's computer but i can't believe how many vessels and things that are in your lungs.

I have non cancerous nodes and they were caused by me having severe pneumonia when I almost died a few years back but in 6 months to be sure nothing has changed I have will have another CT Scan and my lungs are nice and clear and no cancer :D :yay:

TY Natty :)


No,not your insurance company,the pharm company that makes the drug. Lots of them will help you at a much reduced price.I pay 5.00 for my Humira Injections..........because of Abbot Labs,not because of my insurance. And I am losing it after Aug 18 when Hubs job is gone.Also Montel Williams sponsors a pharm program with the companies to help people that cannot afford their Rxs.


I have never had such an extended period of acute pain as I have w/this fing shoulder.5 years ago this would have been an"open" procedure,but it was done through a "scope".When my left shoulder was operated on and opened,I didn't have 1/2 the pain issues I am having.I mean it is a nightmare to put on a shirt or hoody.I have had to triple up my Breakthrough meds-30mg roxis to get any relief at all.It really is affecting my sleep bad.My local Pharmacy fucked me up last time I went to refill my Oxys and such.Woamn told me I couldnt have script filled till saturday and it was wednesday and I had 1 dose left.I got call later that night that they made an error and my meds were ready..at 9pm when it was closed.I went there in am and they gave me my scripts free and the woamn who made the error had to give me a public apology.I hate being singled out cause I am on major opiates.I didnt ask to be sick or injured.This pharmacy is getting 1 more chance to get it right.Everytime I go there is an issue w/one or more prescriptions.And the looks I get...OMG...I tell them this is a medication I NEED as opposed to want.I am headed for ER if they withold my meds.Withdrawl isnt pretty.I hope everyone has a great holiday weekend.My family will go to my Mom and Dads for picnic...burgers and Hoffman dogs and assorted goodies.I saved a very nice nuggie of sour diesel to watch fireworks with.Our local town doubled the amount of fireworks this year and the show was awesome b4hand.1 and 1/2 hours of fireworks.I will be lying on the trampoline in lawn and facing skywards getting coverd in spent fireworks paper as my folks house is approx 50 yards from liftoff spot at the park.It is the best place to watch fireworks ever.I think we picked up 4 7gallon buckets of spent shells and casings.It is a blast.Hope the pain level is down and the weather cooperates.Supposed to be in the 90's for several days.That kicks my ass as bad as cold if not worse.Have a great weekend..stay cool and safe...Peace and One Love BigD

Sparky 6

Nice post bigdaddy I can relate to much of what you say there.

I have Rheumatoid Arthritis which requires me to take morphine and vicodin 24/7. Opiates both help and detract from sleep. I wouldn't be able to sleep with the pain but from my experience one of the side effects of most narcotics is trouble sleeping so it goes both ways.

The other RA drugs I'm on are chemo, steroid and NSAIDs, weekly injections and more. Strong Indicas help me as much as any med I'm on. Having problems right now because the last plant I grew was experimental and it turned out to not have an effect on my RA so now it's quite painful and swollen. I'm having to take another plant early today and head to the dispensary.

I don't have it as bad as many here and I'm grateful. I'm in the situation where I am unable to work but still able to enjoy life so I really cannot complain. :tiphat:


Natalie J. Puffington
Welcome Sparky! Glad you found us! :good:

DR, I am super glad to hear that your appt. went alright!!
I kept ya in my thoughts all day, so naturally I am taking all of the credit for the positive outcome! :bigeye: :biglaugh:

I've got more to add, but fortunately for you guys, I've gotta run a couple errands first. :yappy:

So until then, stay tough!!
I hope this finds you all feeling well and properly medicated!! :smoke:



Man BigD I hear ya. Most of my RXs cannot be refilled before the date the insurance company set,even for stupid PROTONIX. So now I have my Dr up the dose to TID and still only take it once a day. Idiots.
nattynattygurrl - DR, I am super glad to hear that your appt. went alright!!
I kept ya in my thoughts all day, so naturally I am taking all of the credit for the positive outcome!

Ok Natty :bow: I give You all the credit and yes You are Guilty
for Always putting a Big Smile on my face and making me Blush :D


Well when it rain it pours just start to get money problems handle just to have heath problem come back to bite me in the ass. Taking the same medications as always I had a bp of 170/100 today it's back to normal. My Veterans Hospital is testing everyone for aid's because it seems they didn't clean there instrument between dental cleaning. :moon:
Thats some very disappointing news herb, I read about it then seen a report on MSNBC and couldn't believe it had mentioned 1,800 veterans might have either HIV or tuberculosis. These days you can't trust any Dr, or any health worker.


Thats some very disappointing news herb, I read about it then seen a report on MSNBC and couldn't believe it had mentioned 1,800 veterans might have either HIV or tuberculosis. These days you can't trust any Dr, or any health worker.
My friend your not even hearing the half of it. Believe me!!
Don't need to hear the half of it I heard it all on MSNCB, CNN also reported it but until they are 100% positive their was errors made I wait for the final outcome but either way I wouldn't want to have to worry about something f that nature.
this forum has been flying for what seems like a long week now. failing to keep up with it.

someone made an interesting point about how degenerative disk persons find that the illness changes their lives forever.

looked back at 28 years, many of it spent in agony, and
figured that's about how long it took to break me of the pride
of being physical. very deeply embedded.

so anyway, over the last 7 1/2 years i've spent almost all
of my time on the computer (18 hrs/day), eventually discovering
what I really, really, love to do

funny how it is, that when i looked back at my lfe,
everything was a training ground for where I am now.

pain be damned
I wouldn't trade my life, as it transpired, for all the tea in China
as used to be said.

Happy Independence Day Everyone!!!

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