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CPC (Chronic Pain Club)



Wow, $175-225/oz. that's pretty good.
Things are pretty pricey here, $350-500/oz.

At least here, you can still grow, even if you have designated a CG.
Mary: Can you have a grow and a CG where you are?
How would your hubby feel about a small grow?

Good luck w/ your move HH!!
You should consider Colorado! :) The weather is nice, it's beautiful, and it's a med state. It's in our constitution.

I hope all of you are doing alright today.
Take care!!
No,Natty. You can be a PT and a grower for yourself if you qualify as a pt,but a grower needs that pt to grow their 12 plants. So actually,the pt pays the Dr for approval,then the state for the card. The grower pays nothing to the state,you just assign them on your application. You can change if you want to for a 10.00 fee. If the dispensaries stay open here,I will have no need for a grower. I will just go there to purchase. I don't want to grow in my house. It would cost a lot to get things right for a grow room and we need stuff done in the house,like a new well pump. And I do not want to be a target for theives. We already got robbed 5 years ago. It's much easier for me to just buy it. As a legal pt,I can buy from anybody even off the street.My grower gives me a good price,but the I would say it is not triple A quality now that I have tried some from the dispensary. It all comes down to $$,just like everything else. The problem is when I have to tell him his product isn't as good as he thinks it is...................he will get all pissed off then I will have to argue with him. natty I hope your day is a good one and the pain is not so bad. MW
G`Morning Everyone, :tiphat:

I feel good this morning just a slight pain in my right knee but other then that everything else is the same, my fet neuropathy never quits and it's the same for my back spasms but I live with that every day so I bind it from my mind and it almost makes it easier to deal with.

Hot here sunny with a slight breeze, not to humid Thank God, well any ways everyone enjoy your weekend.

Hiya MW & Natty :D :wave:


If I could grow legally I'd be able to save my wifes insurance company thousands of dollars.I have a gree thumb and can turn shriveld clones into trees,been there and done that.If I could tend to and mother 6 plants,it would give me a 12lb return easily.Inside I can do 10 at a time yeilding around a lb a cycle.I have 1000watt MH/HPS and other lights throughout.Its comeing down to $$ also.I cannot afford 52oz's a year.So that is my target goal for the year between outdoors and inside-52oz's of 6 different starins and I'll be saving everyone massive $$ Bigd
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I am in the middle of the last phase of a drawn out lawsuit in Federal Court and me and my wife are living out of boxes as were packed and ready to relocate to the pacific northwest and buy a nice little ranch with 20 to 30 acres enough for us to live quiet, have some chickens & some dogs if you add my 2 and rescue 2 more.

I will be able to receive my Med card and grow 15 plants & have 24 ounces of meds on me so I won't have to go to these bad areas to buy meds and cross my fingers i drive out with my life & car safely.

here now that it's dry due to 2 huge bust a 1/2 of shit meds is going for $300.00 and i had a 1/2 in my hand last night and looked at it and it smelled like mold and was brown and the dude asked us to try some, it took him about 8 times to keep the blunt lite so we said no thanks and i came home without anything.

I am hurting for meds but i won't go halfs $150.00 for crap either.


I have been lucky the last few weeks a buddy came to my rescue but what I am gonna do after that is up in the air.I have zero local connections and have to drive to a city and risk getting my ass kicked to find some.And I have had my ass kicked while looking for meds.I lose $$ to nobody even if an ass kicking is in store.It sucks to not have cannabis 24/7.
I just gave up, tonight after we did both food shopping & dog food shopping we came home fixed dinner and gave both dogs their bath and now i'm sitting here bummed out trying to deal with the nerve pain and not having any meds, every time i get a sharp stabbing through my foot spasms my mind reminds me of not being able to put a little in my one hitter and lighting up!

Oh well no body said life would be peaches & cream ;)
I just finished a two year period where I had no where near enough cannabis to treat my pain. And the little cannabis I had was not up to my standards. And during this time I refused to take the amount of Oxycontin that my doctor recommended.

It was tough but now I'm back in useful medicine. I don't have quite as much on hand as I would like but still would smoke you fellow patients out if I could.

During those tough two years I did receive some donations of cannabis and I promised myself I would make some donations myself as soon as I was in a position to. So last week I called a number I had written down of a man I met last year at work. He is a paraplegic Vietnam war veteran that was hit by a drunk driver and is now confined to a chair. Anyways the number I had did not work and I now have no way of reaching him as I don't know his last name.

Even so I am still determined to put myself in a situation to help others as soon as I am fully back on my feet. I will never forget what its like not being able to afford enough clean medicine and basically being forced to rely on pharmaceutical crap.

Stay strong fellow patients.
whats sad is i have enough percs for my pain to fill a dump truck but no one wants to trade for them and i just take more of my meds which make my stomach feel like it's being eaten alive from inside but it helps me with the pain but i sleep all day & night or walk around drooling like a zombie and i have a hung tounge so it makes it worst.
Narcotic pain pills suck. Although they sure do have their place and I myself was MORE active when I took as many as my doctor prescribed.

Now that I have my small personal grow figured out again I hope to soon have my pain managed as well or better than the Oxycontin ever did, with safe homegrown organic medicine instead of harmful addictive pharmaceuticals.

I still use my prescribed Oxycontin daily only as needed and I am no way trying to make others here feel bad about their necessary use of prescribed pain killers. They do have their place, I just feel cannabis is much safer and is equally as effective for the type of pain I experience daily.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
After you use them for a long time DR they wont bother your tummy anymore. You know what I take and I dont have anymore issues with Nausea or cramps. All I get now is constipation. Not everyone can use every kind of cannabis. I used cannabis all my life. I stopped for a few years while I got edumacated and worked at Intel. When I left there I started again but I noticed Sativas would give me Panic attacks so now I have to look for very specific strains all Indica dom and high in CBD. It takes me allot longer then most to find the strain that works for me. Now I take my pain meds and smoke hash this so far has really worked well in relieving my pain.

Everybody should be a bud fairy to those that can not provide for themselves. I have good E friends here at ICMAG and hope to meet them all someday. they all deserve what ever I can spare.
I have been taking my percs now going on over 2 straight years, and if I don't take them I feel like I'm weak and dizzy and want to throw up, my Dr told me them are signs I'm becomming dependant on them :eek:


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
heat flashes the sweats dizzy churning stomach all signs you are acclimating as I call it. I know if they come up with a better treatment for me. I WILL NEED TO BE HOSPITALIZED TO GET THIS CRAP OUT OF MY SYSTEM. I have herd of coma induced detox. Supposed to work very well but is very expensive.
Often I find it hard to stay awake if I wait too long to take my prescribed pain meds along with the weakness feeling you mentioned. Thats usually a couple hours after the pain gets real bad. Its hard to stay awake yet I cannot get any quality sleep because of the pain.

Edibles are the key for me to be comfortable while minimizing my use of prescribed pain meds.
It just sucks having to turn on the oven in the summertime when its hot out to cook edibles. I'm almost thinking of trying some brownies on the grill sometime this summer just to keep the heat outside. I have seen desert recipes that are cooked on the grill.


eat.m are you afforded the luxury to make large batches and freeze for future use? Thaw and gnaw. :canabis:

Anyone else notice the benefits of even just the aromas released when disturbing the resin glands? In an aromatic way similar to coffee or that sort.

Especially for me the delight comes from the specimens with a good deal of the limone terpine. I sure to have butchered that name, but the one that gives a lemon smell. Not sure if it is to be linked, but specimens with this are usually relaxing and serve as great anti-anxiety relief. Still able to remain active and alert, functioning to capacity. Well, near there :blowbubbles:
I used to keep my freezer full of brownies, cookies and my homegrown organic jalapeno peppers. By this fall I hope to have my freezer full of healthy organic medicine again.

I have found if I don't have edibles in my freezer I ofter end up in too much pain to make more. Sometimes it takes an edible to relieve my pain enough to physically be able to make more edibles.


Active member
I found that eating mj in food help me more with pain and movement.
I wonder what C-99 food would be like. Anyone who has used and eaten C-99 in food.Please let me know the effects.:thank you:


Painfull, a little goes a long way. More so than most other varieties. Most specimens in the variety have not only a heap of trichomes, but also a potent mix of compounds. It would be nice to see a c99 run through a gs machine.

Hrmmm, just went off on a random thought. We need a seed fund set up to buy the crew judging the icmag cups a gs for evaluating the samples prior to judging. That would be incredible. Maybe even the vendors could send in samples of their gear with seeds when they want them listed. The future has possibilities! Or am I just spaced out?


Okay,why do I get a headache after eating a cannabis sucker? Thats the same thing that happens to me if I take opiates or narcotics. And I thought edibles would be the way for me,but after 3 tries,I got the headache 3 times. Dammit.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Okay,why do I get a headache after eating a cannabis sucker? Thats the same thing that happens to me if I take opiates or narcotics. And I thought edibles would be the way for me,but after 3 tries,I got the headache 3 times. Dammit.

Thats Cause yo need someone to rub your temples while you suck on them lol. You wont have a headache I guarantee :)