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Covid 19 mrna Vaccines...Yes/No?

Covid 19 mrna Vaccines...Yes/No?

  • yes, gimme

    Votes: 29 31.9%
  • not yet

    Votes: 15 16.5%
  • no way

    Votes: 47 51.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-known member
I guess it depends who you ask....

Are you not the same guy who just posted this :
For real, so many people just swear by CNN, ABC, CBS and do no actually thinking for themselves. They created this excessive panic for ratings, sure Covid-19 is real but it's not something to panic over!! I didn't stock pile food and toilet paper, I did buy a couple guns with my stimulus money though, not really in a panic though cause my go to is still the trusty ole AK. Mostly bought tools, I will always be able to find work for sure and I do grow some pretty good weed, definitely nothing to panic about.

You ever try to go a week without turning on the News? You seem to forget just how good life can be when you are not drowned in all that doom and gloom bullshit, all blown out of proportion just to boost ratings. I prefer to live my life in the moment and never believe what anyone tells me cause a good 90% is lies, 99% if they do it for a living, like everyone in politics left, right or in-between, I have more faith in a used car salesman than anyone on TV. :laughing:



See the world through a puff of smoke


See the world through a puff of smoke
Mother's legs erupt in agonising blood-filled blisters 'after getting AstraZeneca's Covid vaccine' - as 34-year-old reveals rare reaction left her wheelchair-bound and fearing she'd need her limbs amputated



Well-known member
looks like the blood clot / low platelet side effect ... very rare, so proceed with the jabs. sacrifice the one for the many!

Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
For over 40yrs in worked for the NHS in the UK. I was never a big fan of medication, although believe that it is necessary in some.cases. I've never liked being inoculated myself and always refused despite my managers displeasure. My ex-wife was in charge of an ICU unit and persuaded me to get our first son vaccinated when he was only a few months old. Poor little fucker developed severe eczema and asthma immediately after taking the vaccine. Twice, the infections that developed in his eczema, were so bad, we thought he would die. Far out!

My present wife, allowed herself to be brainwashed into believing that her daughter needed to have a vaccine as a small baby also. She developed narcolepsy and catalepsy (It is now officially recognised, i believe, that the vaccine she received caused the above conditions in some unfortunate souls.). Our daughter, now in her forties, needs to take an amphetamine like medication (i forget the name at this moment) in order to stay awake and do her job. Far fucking out!

No drug company has any intrest in curring the sick, only in releving symptoms and thereby encouraging reliance on their "wonder drug". Unfortunately, this only causes side effects, that then require further "wonder drugs" to releve them. And so it goes on.

This morning my wife recieved a call to go a get her shot tomorrow am! This is a untested, new type of medication, still undergoing trails, that fucked up animals in earlier trails, and they want to put inside our bodies, the whole worlds bodies? They must think we're all stupid! They can fuck off!

As a intresting aside. I worked in psychiatry and none of us were ever suprised when relativly healthy patients died at a much younger age than their non medication taking peers. It was accepted that taking medication would reduce the patients life expectancy (this is in psychiatry, not general medicine).
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Active member
I’ll say this I Got my vaccine card...

edit no I didn’t.
im joking, I’d never subvert such a thing like a national “vaccine “registry


Well-known member
FUD a Kool Aide original.
The way that India was short sheeted is simply
reprehensible. A decision was made months ago
by big pharma not to suspend the patent decisions with
the new faster and cheaper manufacturing process.
The instant they said no to that, they assured the
deaths of many in third world countries.
Am sure they are working on advertizing
that will attempt to green wash it.
Cuba has done more to provide vaccine
than many first world countries combined.
Makes me sad to say that they have become
the country to which the developing world
turns when they need medical assistance.
This would have been a wonderful time for
big pharma to relax the patent rights
and show the world that capitalism can
stand and deliver when the need arises.

Green Squall

Well-known member
I got my first shot today and will get the final one in 4 weeks. My only regret is that I forgot to take my sticker.


Well-known member
I’ll say this I Got my vaccine card...

edit no I didn’t.
im joking, I’d never subvert such a thing like a national “vaccine “registry

A friend has given me their "I got my covid shot" sticker. I'll get my 2nd. one next Wed.
Figure to display them somewhere prominent whilst out in public.
In time... who knows... they may subvert the GP from attacking me for "non compliance", shrug.