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COVID-19 Boots on the ground reports, what is happening in your town?


Active member
Yes let's just keep electing people who believe government cannot function or help,people then set out to prove it.

St. Phatty

Active member
Yes let's just keep electing people who believe government cannot function or help,people then set out to prove it.

the Trump version of Socialism

Socialism done by people who HATE Socialism !

yeah that will work out well.

but on the Covid19 front - Colorado and Iowa both re-did their statistics and turned in 200 extra deaths yesterday & today - 15 times more than their regular count.

A data hiccup/massage that should be separated from the normal count, to keep the reporting honest.


Active member
Ron Filipkowski, a Marine veteran, former state and federal prosecutor, and a lifelong Republican who was appointed to the 12th Circuit Judicial Nominating Commission by DeSantis, resigned Tuesday morning after reviewing the search warrant affidavit the state used to seize computers and phones from Rebekah Jones, the former Department of Health data analyst who has been running an alternative website to the state’s COVID dashboard.

I salute this gentleman for his position on the subject.

A data analyst got a little tiny taste of what people in the drug trade have been knowing for a long time....
Give them any reason and the govt will put a gun to ur fucking head


Active member
A data analyst got a little tiny taste of what people in the drug trade have been knowing for a long time....
Give them any reason and the govt will put a gun to ur fucking head

Republicans trying to level up to China in silencing their scientists and doctors over COVID-19


Active member
Republicans trying to level up to China in silencing their scientists and doctors over COVID-19

Ya it’s totally partisan.
Democrats have never tried to silence anyone.
I give up for today.
Dems rule.
Republicans drool.
Do I get a gold star now?:dancer:


Active member
Ya it’s totally partisan.
Democrats have never tried to silence anyone.
I give up for today.
Dems rule.
Republicans drool.
Do I get a gold star now?:dancer:

Thought the subject was Ron Filipkowski, who resigned over firing of the former Department of Health Data Analyst, Rebekah Jones.

Not every day you see former Department of Health data analysts get raided in the U.S.

Hence the China parallels with their Covid-19 doctor silencing.

DeSantis is trying to silence his whole states covid reporting, so yeah, it does look partisan since you don’t see democrats doing that.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Being in the area of the highest rate of covid deaths per capita in the US and in a very densely populated area I now know 6 people who have had Covid.

Not a single one was affected like that Gry. They all described as a flu some worse than others and 2 of those folks were hosptialized and one was on O2. All recovered without side effects ages ranging from 20's to 80's. Some with comorbidities.

Sorry to hear about your friend, I hope he makes a full recovery.

I also have/had the covid19 virus. 2-3 weeks of feeling like death. I avoided hospitalization because I knew to take aspirin immediately, Tamiflu, lung specific antibiotics and steroids.

I did catch it despite wearing a mask most of the time but I did not wear it when on a bike ride. I believe I caught it from a passing bicyclist; floating in the air.

I could not care for myself. I fell over trying to pour a glass of water. My temp was over 40. My friend took the chance to move in to save my life. We both wore quality masks. He did not get it.

Recovery is NOT objective. Look at polio, etc.


Well-known member
Cherokee Indians are having none of it

Cherokee Indians are having none of it

Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians will not be adopting measures in latest NC order

North Carolina has entered into a modified stay-at-home order with some resistance.

As of 5 p.m. on Dec. 11, residents now must stay home from the hours 10 p.m. until 5 a.m., non-essential businesses must close by 10 p.m. and all onsite alcohol sales must end by 9 p.m.

Governor Roy Cooper announced the latest executive order during a press conference on Dec. 8. Since then, many around the state and in the mountains have weighed in on its potential effects.

As the state prepared to enter into the modified order Friday, Principal Chief Richard Sneed of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians (EBCI) announced the tribe would not be adopting measures in the governor's latest order.

"As Principal Chief of the EBCI I have worked with EBCI public health officials to enact social distancing measures that protect our tribal citizens and guests while balancing the financial position of our community," Sneed wrote online.

Chief Sneed stated that he will continue to monitor the virus in the community and announce any updates if further measures are warranted.

Upon its first reported death associated with COVID-19 in June, Sneed announced masks should be worn in public spaces on the Qualla Boundary.


Well-known member
..... and by "financial position" I assume he's referring to the tribes casino's! ;)

have you been inside the one in Cherokee? fucking hell, it must have cost hundreds of millions to build! looks out of place as hell in the midst of all the poverty in the area. my wife goes on missionary trips over there. horrifying.

St. Phatty

Active member
I also have/had the covid19 virus. 2-3 weeks of feeling like death. I avoided hospitalization because I knew to take aspirin immediately, Tamiflu, lung specific antibiotics and steroids.

I did catch it despite wearing a mask most of the time but I did not wear it when on a bike ride. I believe I caught it from a passing bicyclist; floating in the air.

I could not care for myself. I fell over trying to pour a glass of water. My temp was over 40. My friend took the chance to move in to save my life. We both wore quality masks. He did not get it.

Recovery is NOT objective. Look at polio, etc.

How did it work with the Cannabis ?

The last thing from your mind, some of that time, I would guess.

If your folks brought you lit joints, was that welcome at any point during the illness ?

I had a very strange 4 hour flu. Super Nauseous, where you move a wastepaper basket next to the bed.

But kept everything down and just didn't eat much.

It's not something I've had before so it was Novel.

I didn't get tested.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
How did it work with the Cannabis ?

The last thing from your mind, some of that time, I would guess.

If your folks brought you lit joints, was that welcome at any point during the illness ?

I had a very strange 4 hour flu. Super Nauseous, where you move a wastepaper basket next to the bed.

But kept everything down and just didn't eat much.

It's not something I've had before so it was Novel.

I didn't get tested.

Absolutely the last thing from mind. Fighting for life.


Well-known member
I got the rona, honestly thought it was just a cold/winter allergies, painful watery eyes, clear runny nasal discharge, head/sinus pressure, lost smell/taste, sore throat, I had taken my dog for a walk in below freezing temps the night before not dressed for it, rocked nyquil for a couple nights

my roommate was experiencing similar symptoms and got tested, came back positive

out of everyone in the house, the one that doesn't smoke weed is the only one with a regular/persisting cough, my breathing has been fine, I had been going to work with just mild lightheadedness/fatigue never any fever I am required to get it checked at work

was still bong ripping, I was going to try working out this weekend when I thought it was just a cold but am going to take it easy now

I regularly take multivitamin/mineral, vitamin d gummies, resveratrol, and I've been eating hefty doses of my hot sauce which is reaper peppers, garlic, orange juice, apple cider vinegar

the only thing that bothers me is I've been having some chest pain and I think it's the inflamed heart muscle thing that can happen, but it's been getting better and my smell and taste is partially back, I suppose I'm not entirely in the clear yet but I feel maybe 64% better


Well-known member
I agree on the weed helping.
Pretty sure I had it in March- when my chest felt tight, a little weed opened up the airways a treat and codeine stopped the cough.
Not that I’m recommending it as a course of treatment.....