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COVID-19 Boots on the ground reports, what is happening in your town?

H G Griffin

Well-known member
Ya know Mr Hippy, it almost makes you think they did on purpose. I know Alberta tried some shitty technique that they are now regretting.

(To preface, "Alberta" didn't do anything, the UCP is calling the shots right now. You eastern folks have to stop painting us all with the same brush if we are to avoid the kind of division we see to the south. Assuming we are all a bunch of stupid, redneck assholes may make some people feel superior, but it sure doesn't solve any problems.)

Our braindead Premier spent months talking about how lockdowns were a tool of the evil left who only want to kill all the jobs and are the Enemy of Oil. (Oil has nothing to do with this, Closet Kenney just can't help himself though).

A week ago, the utter idiot FINALLY listened to the people with functioning brain cells and instituted far stronger rules to inhibit the spread, IE all the evil, lefty, pinko, anti-OIL, business killing, out of the question, no way in hell actions that he has been bitching about all year.

Already our daily new case numbers are seeing a significant drop. Whoda figured?

The cops are finally going after the organizers of the anti-mask rallies and hitting them in the wallet with fines and that seems to have slowed down those idiots too.

Of course many human beings died in the meantime and many others suffer when they didn't have to.


Comfortably numb!
(To preface, "Alberta" didn't do anything, the UCP is calling the shots right now. You eastern folks have to stop painting us all with the same brush if we are to avoid the kind of division we see to the south. Assuming we are all a bunch of stupid, redneck assholes may make some people feel superior, but it sure doesn't solve any problems.)

Our braindead Premier spent months talking about how lockdowns were a tool of the evil left who only want to kill all the jobs and are the Enemy of Oil. (Oil has nothing to do with this, Closet Kenney just can't help himself though).

A week ago, the utter idiot FINALLY listened to the people with functioning brain cells and instituted far stronger rules to inhibit the spread, IE all the evil, lefty, pinko, anti-OIL, business killing, out of the question, no way in hell actions that he has been bitching about all year.

Already our daily new case numbers are seeing a significant drop. Whoda figured?

The cops are finally going after the organizers of the anti-mask rallies and hitting them in the wallet with fines and that seems to have slowed down those idiots too.

Of course many human beings died in the meantime and many others suffer when they didn't have to.
Hey no offense intended. From my vantage point your premier was rather slow to institute lock downs and, if I am not mistaken was sort of taking the Swedish approach, or mentioned something of that nature on the news. That being said, I am well aware of the impact the oil industry has had on the province.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
true story,this is the first time pence has worn a short sleeve shirt!:D

St. Phatty

Active member
Man they really mis-report about Covid19.

When they say, "Record 3600 people died today"


It's 2600.

When you read the reports, 3600 deaths were REPORTED today.

X died on November 30 ... but it's reported today.

Y died on December 1 ... but it's reported today.

The mainstream media is pulling an Alex Jones - exaggerating the news to get a FEAR reaction.

H G Griffin

Well-known member
Hey no offense intended. From my vantage point your premier was rather slow to institute lock downs and, if I am not mistaken was sort of taking the Swedish approach, or mentioned something of that nature on the news. That being said, I am well aware of the impact the oil industry has had on the province.

No offense taken, just frustrated sometimes.

Our premier has taken the Trump approach, pandering to his most backwards and intolerant followers. Luckily, a lot more people are seeing through the bullshit. He is, I believe, the only premier whose support has dropped this year.

After a term with an intelligent NDP premier, a lot more Alberta folks are finally realizing more progressive policies won't mean "the end of the world as they know it" and that working more and more hours for less and less while corporate tax rates keep dropping is not actually an Alberta Advantage.

There was mass public support for a lockdown long before the most recent one happened, there was an open letter signed by hundreds of doctors calling for it, there were leaks from meetings showing our CMO's advice being ignored which provoked public outrage.

The above is why I made the distinction between the UCP and "Alberta" in the previous post. He was not following the advice of medical experts or the will of the electorate. Hence my frustration, and that of many, many of my fellows.


Man they really mis-report about Covid19.

When they say, "Record 3600 people died today"


It's 2600.

When you read the reports, 3600 deaths were REPORTED today.

X died on November 30 ... but it's reported today.

Y died on December 1 ... but it's reported today.

The mainstream media is pulling an Alex Jones - exaggerating the news to get a FEAR reaction.

If I recall correctly or accurately, Trump's earlier complaints about fabricated numbers (echoed by his minions) led to a reassignment of control over data calculation, and review of some stats, leading to some deaths not being attributed to the day they occurred, but rather to the day the case was reviewed, confirmed, and reported.


Active member
Man they really mis-report about Covid19.

When they say, "Record 3600 people died today"


It's 2600.

When you read the reports, 3600 deaths were REPORTED today.

X died on November 30 ... but it's reported today.

Y died on December 1 ... but it's reported today.

The mainstream media is pulling an Alex Jones - exaggerating the news to get a FEAR reaction.

Factual without being truthful.
I won’t let that poison in my home.


Well-known member
My father will (hopefully) be 85yo the first week of April '21. He has never been one to be ill with the flu, colds and what not. He is a strong fit man. He had open heart surgery 20yrs. ago and does have late onset adult diabetes. In March this year he had heart valve replacement surgery that went excellently. They do not perform this type of surgery on those who are not strong and healthy otherwise. On Wednesday evening he fell in the bathroom and my step mom could not get him up and called 911. He was alert, coherent and even joking with the EMT's. He was most concerned that he may have broken his hip.
Once in the ER; they found a clot on his lung + he tested positive for C-19.
He began Remdesivir for the covid and a heparin drip to dissolve the clot. The clot could be caused by covid or by the blood thinner he now takes after his valve surgery, no way to know for sure.
He has declined rapidly while in the hospital and was taken to the ICU this a.m.

For the record;
NO, this has not changed my opinion and attitude about this "pandemic" and how it has been politicized and used against common folk while the rich keep getting richer.

I am angry that due to this:
people are dying alone and their loved ones must also suffer alone. This is the true tragedy and I find it criminal.
This was orchestrated to be certain.

Today, I will pack up and go to be with my step mom so she at least will not be alone. I am the healthiest and the most available so this falls to me and I will gladly risk it.

Keep your "sympathies" or your "I told ya so's" to yourselves, as that stuff matters not to me.

I'm simply reporting what is currently happening w/ 1 family in Western Michigan.

For the record; even though my pops said he'd not wear a mask, they both have followed all the mandates since the beginning of August. They stay in their condo, access out doors through their slider and have not been out to shop in a month. Then, only she did the shopping. They do not have visitors in nor go further than the grocery and pharmacy drive thru.

So.... take what you will from that.

Anyway, that's the news from my place today.
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Well-known member
if that would work, i'd do it in a heartbeat... FUCK EM
you do realize, don't you, that they also have nuclear weapons? that their missiles can reach here? that even a limited exchange could start a nuclear winter & possibly starve 90% of the population on the planet when crops fail? that Russia might join in? you need to read "On the Beach" before you say something that fucking stupid again where it is visible...


Active member
Wife’s work still has a running average of thirty positive workers and 35-40 patients with covid. They have so many workers out, they have a CNA to patient ratio of 2 to 40. So they are hiring. l o l. They test every Monday, don’t get results till Friday, so it’s kind of a joke. Had one patient with a cough wanting to leave, but didn’t want to wait or his test results, left against medical advice. Day later his test is positive, as he flys home to Michigan.
Had a couple covid patients die yesterday, one mortuary was able to pick one up, another mortuary had them wait until end of day because unable to accommodate any quicker.

They are low on PPE and rationing it as usual, and this is not a tiny facility. Apparently it’s too much to ask to have adequate PPE available in 2020.


Well-known member
70 years ago Kelly Johnson was able to build high altitude air craft in 18 months.
Today we can not produce enough PPE for our medical personal, let alone the rest
of our population in a years time.


Active member
Since the shortages have been common knowledge for many months, it’s hard to believe it’s not a deliberate action/outcome.
Kind of late, but hopefully Biden will actually enact the defense production act versus only signing it.
Taiwan banned export of PPE in January, and increased production 10 fold over four months. They have had less than seven deaths, and no locally transmitted cases in 200 days.


Kiss My Ring
My father will (hopefully) be 85yo the first week of April '21. He has never been one to be ill with the flu, colds and what not. He is a strong fit man. He had open heart surgery 20yrs. ago and does have late onset adult diabetes. In March this year he had heart valve replacement surgery that went excellently. They do not perform this type of surgery on those who are not strong and healthy otherwise. On Wednesday evening he fell in the bathroom and my step mom could not get him up and called 911. He was alert, coherent and even joking with the EMT's. He was most concerned that he may have broken his hip.
Once in the ER; they found a clot on his lung + he tested positive for C-19.
He began ritonavir for the covid and a heparin drip to dissolve the clot. The clot could be caused by covid or by the blood thinner he now takes after his valve surgery, no way to know for sure.
He has declined rapidly while in the hospital and was taken to the ICU this a.m.

For the record;
NO, this has not changed my opinion and attitude about this "pandemic" and how it has been politicized and used against common folk while the rich keep getting richer.

I am angry that due to this:

people are dying alone and their loved ones must also suffer alone. This is the true tragedy and I find it criminal.
This was orchestrated to be certain.

Today, I will pack up and go to be with my step mom so she at least will not be alone. I am the healthiest and the most available so this falls to me and I will gladly risk it.

Keep your "sympathies" or your "I told ya so's" to yourselves, as that stuff matters not to me.

I'm simply reporting what is currently happening w/ 1 family in Western Michigan.

For the record; even though my pops said he'd not wear a mask, they both have followed all the mandates since the beginning of August. They stay in their condo, access out doors through their slider and have not been out to shop in a month. Then, only she did the shopping. They do not have visitors in nor go further than the grocery and pharmacy drive thru.

So.... take what you will from that.

Anyway, that's the news from my place today.
best wishes
still has not been any confirmation of the isolation of covidSARS2...if you have a source confirming isolation...POST it up.

there are also problems with the pcr test and how many times it is run determines whether antibodies are in sufficient numbers to declare it covid, so they run it until it does.

friend in colorado related a story of how his inlaw went for a test at some driveup test facility. she had waited nearly an hour and got a phone call urging her to leave before she had the test...later she got the results showing her positive.

completely separate occurrence with another of his friends happened exactly the same way, at the same facility...positive without a test.

another thing questionable (to me) about this virus...it has eclipsed reported flu numbers. not overtaken them, blacked them out so you have no notion of the difference between the flu and covid. i've never seen anything like the deference to authority that brads and karens are exhibiting.

US deepstate, china, WHO, and CDC did this to the world.

St. Phatty

Active member
you do realize, don't you, that they also have nuclear weapons? that their missiles can reach here? that even a limited exchange could start a nuclear winter & possibly starve 90% of the population on the planet when crops fail? that Russia might join in? you need to read "On the Beach" before you say something that fucking stupid again where it is visible...

Americans got conned into a WHOLE bunch of things.

One aspect of missile defense with the Laser -

You're essentially trying to weld metal - from a distance of 50 miles.

In an explanation for a non-technical audience, I used a Mylar balloon as an example and showed the circumstances under which a 30 kW laser would heat the surface of the balloon -1- degree C.

in other words, It Won't Work on a Russian or Chinese ICBM. Unless they land it and sit and wait patiently for their metal welding equivalent, session.

Why was Germany able to take on the Whole World in WW2 ?

Excellence in Manufacturing.

Who has Excellence in Manufacturing in the time period 2000 to 2020 ?

The Chinese. DEFINITELY not the US.

The Americans would be better off finding presidents that don't test their assumptions about having the best military tools.

oh SHITE the subject was Covid19.

More & more articles about adverse reactions. Never seen that kind of media coverage about adverse events from flu vaccine. - not saying flu vaccines are safe.)

The stock market reaction will be Very Interesting if one of the Vaccines is taken off the market.

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