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COVID-19 Boots on the ground reports, what is happening in your town?


Active member
And how would you even know? Obviously jail or nursing home is the worst place...so far schools are seeming safe but for how long? I fear...its...coming after the holidays are over and people are locked inside, the students stop walking around outside during lunch etc.

St. Phatty

Active member
I found a lost bicycle on the highway and put it in my truck.

I was on my way to the rifle range.

One of the guys there saw it and knew the family that lost it.

They called the police, who rolled -2- SUV's for a bicycle pick-up task.

I stood 10 feet away from the officer and shook hands virtually. He actually did the same. Sort of broke the tension.

The Covid19 handshake.

Wish I'd gotten a picture of the second more serious Ocifer with the girl's bike and -2- big police SUV's.

Oh well at least I can tell her mother where to get a free great bike or 3.

I got a Specialized 2800 when I lived in the Richmond in SF.

And 1 1/2 things of golf clubs.

And an enormous server.

And an acoustic guitar a homeless person left behind in the community garden that I belonged to.

If they coordinate they can get 15 bikes for all the young athletes in town.

People abandon so much stuff in SF, when they are moving.

And they are moving A LOT right now.

They just put the contents of their apartment on the sidewalk with a free sign.


Well-known member
So what ur saying is nobody died and ur wife’s teachers union enables teachers to get paid sans work so they refuse to work.
Got it

not what i said at all. "3 pages of obituaries". none of the 3 i work with died, for which i am happy. teachers union has exactly not shit to do with teachers being out because they are infected & could pass the virus to others. are you naturally stupid, or do you work at it in your spare time? just curious...:wave:

H G Griffin

Well-known member

Apparently the pathetic clown thinks this will make him a right wing hero (and sadly, it will).

If his intentions weren't clear enough, he not only used, but emphasized that he was using, an old version of the national anthem. You see the modern one had been updated to be more inclusive, and we all know that the only things a modern fascist loves more than shrieking about his rights is keeping/taking rights and recognition from others.


hero data scientist in china treated like a terrorist by fascist regime for speaking out about covid numbers. home raided, kids threatened by coward CCP cops


o wait, that's florida, not china... my mistake.



'They pointed guns at my kids': Florida police raid home of fired data scientist who built state's COVID-19 dashboard


Florida Scientist Says She Was Fired For Not Manipulating COVID-19 Data

"...Rebekah Jones says data scientists were pressured to fix the numbers to make the argument to reopen. "


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ICMag Donor
"Vaccine developers Pfizer Inc and Moderna Inc on Monday rejected U.S. President Donald Trump's invitation to attend a White House "Vaccine Summit."

The meeting, scheduled for Tuesday, comes ahead of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) review of Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech's vaccine candidates. It will be attended by Trump, Vice President Mike Pence and private-sector executives.

Industry officials familiar with the plans for the summit interpret it as an opportunity for the White House to pressure the FDA to quickly issue emergency use authorizations for the two vaccines candidates, Stat News reported last week." CTV News

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