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COVID-19 Boots on the ground reports, what is happening in your town?

Jericho Mile

64 now. hoping for another 15 or so.....unless i get in the same shape my father did. his hands stopped working 10 years before the rest of him, couldn't work on his mowers, chainsaws, cars, he couldn't even FISH!. :badday: he was ready to die years before death actually came for him in his late 70s... memory, lol. what were we talking about?

My mom was a runner. No smoke No drink. Died at 51 from cancer. I inherited her running genetics….love of the run.

My old man has been battling a couple cancers for over a decade. He’s…sadly…a prime example of our consumeristic system feeding, sustaining sickness, and eventually collecting every last cent…until the last breath.

I see things like that through objective eyes. We are being farmed like any other livestock. I’ve made it a point to go feral for as long as…my honesty lasts. It’s about the quality of life I guess. Feed lot or free range.

I smoke a god awful amount of herb. Makes me reflective sometimes.

Jericho Mile

I agree. I keep going as long as I can. Exercise daily (walking, bit of weights, and Taichi) and long weekend hikes in nature. Wish I could do more, but battling some injuries.

Close, Australia.
Good on you! Proactive.

Never been to OZ. Cool man. I used to work in a hostel in Ocean Beach, California (San Diego Ocean Beach) …never a problem getting along with the OZ surfers. Cool people. Had a relationship with a Perth girl. She was cool and fine. Long time ago.

Jericho Mile

being reflective is a plus for safety while running... :chin: i ran a mile and a half daily for years after USAF, mostly at night. it's a good way to meet local police officers...
Running since I was a kid. Not in school though. On my own.

Marine Corps for me. 0311 grunt…hump or run…it was one or the other. 4yrs of that shit. 18-22 yrs of age….that environment kind of forces a different outlook on what suffering is about. You learn to accept and maybe enjoy it. Suffering is pure. To this day I seek it.

…and Forest Service Fire for a long ass time. Again…grunt (mostly Hotshots and jumping) and again hump or run. Another place to get paid to be an animal and a disciple of the suffer. Always had to stay in shape for work. Up the hill…fuck the hill…cut cut cut…burn burn burn…surf in the off-season down in Mex

I won’t stop. It’s how I am. No apologies.


Active member
he gets that quite a bit...
Yeah when I disagree with you. I guess I should just simply go along with the crowd. Enough of this shit already. I was having a decent conversation when this troll stepped in. If you don’t like it, back off.


Well-known member
roll up a fatty


Autistic Diplomat in Training
I can sort of understand someone not getting the vaccine due to fear of possible harms, but when you talk about not wearing a simple mask, you've lost me. I saw a guy on youtube talking about spreading freedom by not wearing a mask at a shopping centre. What I saw was a selfish arsehole who couldn't take a simple, harmless precaution for the benefit of those around him.

My parents have been fit and healthy all their lives. Ate well, plenty of fresh air on a farm, always worked physically, and brisk walk every day. Why should they be now put at risk simply because they are old and the guy next to them refuses to wear a mask?

As for fit and healthy people not dying from Covid, here's one.
Good virology says build herd immunity quickly so the lowest number of people die. This means a global group hug is the quickest way to eliminating a high death count by covid. Herd immunity is a concept which predates vaccines by thousands of years. ;)

As for healthy people having a bad reaction to covid, there was information about blood sugar and covid response in the very beginning of all this. Instead of pushing better eating habits they injured immune systems pushing vaccines. https://www.verywellhealth.com/algorithm-combats-high-blood-sugar-covid-19-5076047

My family and I (representing 3 different blood types, and choosing foods by blood type) have had it twice now and it was not a big deal at all.