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County in Alabama sentences repeat child rapist to 1 year; Marijuana offender to 15


Active member
Place like that..I do not even want to fly over!!!

Place like that..I do not even want to fly over!!!

<-- adds Alabama to his list of states to never enter....
~~~ Place like that..I do not even want to fly over!! Just in case the plane goes down & I survive the crash!!! monkey5


as is all-too-common in my life, I succumbed to my
why why why..i just can't comprehend such asinine rationale..can't people see how biased a judge like that is and should NOT be on the bench handing down any kind of sentences..he's obviously incapable of making sane judgements..


Well-known member
I grew up in Alabama. I'm not defending that shit hole state, but there has to be something else, like prior offenses or something for the guy to draw that much time. I know numerous people that only drew probation for possession, and a guy that drew 5 years for cultivation and possession of several pounds.

There has to be more to this than simple possession..


as is all-too-common in my life, I succumbed to my
I grew up in Alabama. I'm not defending that shit hole state, but there has to be something else, like prior offenses or something for the guy to draw that much time. I know numerous people that only drew probation for possession, and a guy that drew 5 years for cultivation and possession of several pounds.

There has to be more to this than simple possession..
maybe so..regardless, any mj charge should never carry more time than a repeat child molester..NEVER!


Game Bred
prob MM sentencing and the judge had no leeway in sentencing the drug offenses.
that is why MMs are fucking retarded!


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
no offense if someone is from Alabama, but you're decision makers are stupid, short sighted motherfuckers...

Alabama immigration: crops rot as workers vanish to avoid crackdown

same can be said for Georgia i guess, i did not know they followed suit...

Georgia’s New Immigration Law Leading To Crops Rotting In Farmers’ Fields

guess who is gonna suffer from this idiotic decisions made by conservatives... yup, you got it, you and i are gonna pay higher prices at the grocery store if this shit continues...

<--- updates list of states to stay out of... georgia now on the list...


And yet, the conservatives that own hotel chains, restaurants and big landscaping biz's are huge employers of illegals, and fight tooth and nail against any laws kicking them out, and any laws to raise minimum wages and benefits.

Sucking, and blowing, at the same time, just in different states.

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
You all have to consider where this is happening, not just in alabama, but a rural county, very rural.

I'd be willing to bet the drug offenders are black and the child rapist is white. Middle aged and older folk in the south, especially in the rural parts are still racist to their core, for the most part. The women, not so much, its mainly the men.

And rural judges don't get paid that much, so the type of person who takes that position is a power tripping control freak anyways and is sure to apply his own personal viewpoints with every decision he makes.

For all we know, the judge plays golf every weekend with his buddy who owns the prison. Who also may happen to pay for the judges club membership and who knows what else. I can only imagine the stuff they talk about, maybe something to the effect of "there are just some folks that don't belong anywhere else but in a jail cell" After all, these type of folks did start the drug war for this very reason.

I live in the south and have met my fair share of rural middle aged political/power hungry types, and those are the crazy folks that need to be in a cell.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
If anyone goes to court in Alabama I recommend you take these statistics with you into court and have your lawyer present them during his final arguments.

If I was a juror and I had just heard those sentencing statistics before being asked to make my decision, I'd have a hard time putting a guy in jail over a controlled substance (of any kind) if I knew he might get 10 times a harsher sentence than a child rapist, even if I thought he deserved some punishment. (Which I don't.)


What do you expect in a state where if a girl is a virgin , she's not good enough for her own family she's not good enough for our's! Plus I think the south worries about drugs more than a lot of things!:wave:


Sorcerer's Apprentice
I think the South worries about drugs a lot because it's a good excuse to pull over that minority and search his vehicle and run him for warrants.
"I'd be willing to bet the drug offenders are black and the child rapist is white. Middle aged and older folk in the south, especially in the rural parts are still racist to their core, for the most part. The women, not so much, its mainly the men."

NO DOUBT. patricia spottedcrow, black, doing 8 more of 9 yr sentence for $30 pot sale in OKLAHOMA. sign petition to gov. of OK to release her. on facebook or google it. i started it, but i dont need to print my name right here.

a virgin in Alabama is a girl who can run faster than her father.


in the thick of it
I live in the south and the axe cuts both ways...there are more "minority" offenders where I live but that's because there are more "minorities" where I live.....and that's not an excuse for this dirtbag judge....that dirtbag judge needs his head examined!


Unfortunately I live in the deep south & they love road blocks to search & seize & it's all about drugs & drinking of course they also check insurance & shit but it's all about the drugs, even on the highway, not just in town, fucking pigs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I hate reading shit like this. Even someone who does not approve of marijuana can see clearly this is not justice. Punish real criminals, not growers of god given medicinal herbs.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
And yet, the conservatives that own hotel chains, restaurants and big landscaping biz's are huge employers of illegals, and fight tooth and nail against any laws kicking them out, and any laws to raise minimum wages and benefits.

Sucking, and blowing, at the same time, just in different states.

It is because Mexicans are the modern slaves for the south. Pay them just enough for 10 of them to get together and afford a one bedroom apartment, and eat canned beans 3 times a day. Then they can't get away because they have no money too. also they don't speak two words of English and have no education, so that limits there ability to stand up for their unalienable rights.


I love my life
There really is a culture of pedophilia amongst older men of influence and power in this country.

Fucking old boys network runs so deep. The pervert likely had connections and or the judge is definitely a diddler at the least ranging to banged a child that morning.

5 of 6 are cool with you but looks like one old dude wants you to shut it. Funny shit. I was thinking the same thing. Anyway he was after 15 and 16 year old slow thinking relatives. Doesn't sound like the kind of guy that should be procreating.

Best still isn't it great that the pot head is gone for 15 years? I'm sure he is the problem.


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