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Countdown To The Apocolypse



Hold on to your tin foil hats everyone it's gonna be a bumpy ride.


Shit...this sux...I'm gonna drown my depression in a box of Twinkies now.


Well-known member
Countdown to laughing my ass off at the believers, just like 1999/2000.

well, Y2K brought me a nice computer gig and got my sorry ass out of debt ... for a minute or two.

looking forward to the solstace, as always, when days start getting longer. i fucking hate winter. but at 64, i know i'm a short timer anyway.


Apocalypse, maybe.

I'm trying to stay optimistic. I think it's going to be a mass awakening, to the ruling elite, global fiat currency, toxins in our food and the way we treat each other, animals and the Earth.



Well-known member
seriously? i think all the peeps that could be so aware, are so aware right now. and what has that gotten us other than momentary diversions on a weed website?


livin my way the high way
Apocalypse, maybe.

I'm trying to stay optimistic. I think it's going to be a mass awakening, to the ruling elite, global fiat currency, toxins in our food and the way we treat each other, animals and the Earth.

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while at the doctors today for my hand i overheard the receptionist talking to the DR. about how a disproportionate number of people have been coming in for stomach and abdominal pain.

i kept quiet but was saying to myself its the food toxins, GMO, and all the pills people are taking.


Active member
You know everyone is looking at this wrong, this could be a number of things happening ?? cmon don't think were are immune to a catastrophe world has had there fair share just have to look back in time.
Our magnetic poles could flip and cause major issues , WAR look whats going on in the middle east ????? army's are getting ready for war and please don't think it won't effect you some are allies some or foes still both sides are something to Reckon with,
so chances of a loved one going there is 99 percent look at all other wars
Look what just happened in NY could you imagine something 20 times worse
Think about it i used to have xmass in snow covered grass now i see green grass ?? Florida gets snowed on go figure nothings going on
Sure we can laugh and joke but in reality were just puppets in the grand scheme of things
Who knows for millions of years meteorites bombarded earth you don;t here of to many of them any more huh ??? maybe as earth hits that zone above coming close to dec 21 maybe we will get bombarded by meteors ,
Also note even if the high people new about this i can guarantee they wouldn't tell us anyways could you imagine people going nuts Rape and piliage


I'm hoping it's going to be a hit parade of all the bad stuff
Zombies, aliens, demons, bigfoots, and maybe a dragon or two
I'm looking forward to a post apocalyptic, monster filled world.
So is foildog, he made two new special foil hats just for the occasion, so I know for sure we're going to survive.

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