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Could you eliminate soil insects (R. Aphids) using electricity?


New member
Well finally got a chance to login and check on this

Well finally got a chance to login and check on this

Well finally got a chance to login and check on this. Thanks for your responses, I am going to have a handful of males soon I can test it on. Just need to engineer some way to consistently put out like 25W then just saturate the pots, let them drain, and zap the pot for I dont know, 3-5 minutes. Do that once or twice a week. Think the way to go is put the main pot inside another plastic tub that encases the main pot and acts as an insulator. Still doing more research. Let me know if you have any ideas. One friend mentioned that there's somewhat low voltage train track electrifier devices. All the research i've done thus far has suggested that adding small amounts of electricity will only enhance plant growth in general but will likely not harm the plant at like 20-30w for 3 minutes since the only danger to the plant I see (since it is lacking a heart) is heat being generated. Otherwise this might actually work. :peacock:


Active member
Please keep in touch with yer results, if 12 volts will snap a fish's back, it's bound ta fry a bug, goodluck
bro you are tripping im an elecrician, stop. you will possibly not only elecrocute them, but you as well. can be done but not by you. get some diamotanatiuos (sp) earth to top your soil off with. its like a shard glass barrier for insects. organic, cheap, and elecrtocution free. electricity is not something you should experiment with..
Well finally got a chance to login and check on this. Thanks for your responses, I am going to have a handful of males soon I can test it on. Just need to engineer some way to consistently put out like 25W then just saturate the pots, let them drain, and zap the pot for I dont know, 3-5 minutes. Do that once or twice a week. Think the way to go is put the main pot inside another plastic tub that encases the main pot and acts as an insulator. Still doing more research. Let me know if you have any ideas. One friend mentioned that there's somewhat low voltage train track electrifier devices. All the research i've done thus far has suggested that adding small amounts of electricity will only enhance plant growth in general but will likely not harm the plant at like 20-30w for 3 minutes since the only danger to the plant I see (since it is lacking a heart) is heat being generated. Otherwise this might actually work.

Props for a great idea. If I wanted to do this, I would use a 12 VDC converter (i.e. a wall wart). This will cut down the amount of voltage and currrent you are facing. Good luck!
I agree with "who dat is". Most electrified insect traps use high voltage and low amps, I would do likewise.
But honestly, it doesn't sound like it would work (but please feel free to experiment, I don't mind being proven wrong ;))

In your war against aphids, have you sealed (covered) your pots (except for the drainholes of course)? I think they need access to soil to lay eggs or something.

Also, the electrified insect traps do work. I use one in my box... even though the neon inside (to attract the bugs) is dead. The growbox is small, so they're bound to go through it at some point (I put mine on top of the pots).

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