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Cops Rock!


Trying to have a good day
Good info Simon, I like the having to pee part, I bet that would work for most women.

My expeirence dealing with hearing officers(and I have a lot) is that they almost know what dicks cops can be, and in my case they have never imposed a ticket a cop wrote me, but they always want the amount of the fine for(filing and administration, or some crap) but the ticket doesn't go on your record, and I'm OK with that.

Are you saying that the police officer makes you give him cask? or Are you saying they make you pay for the filing fees at the courthouse?..Sorry I couldnt understand all of it.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
also, FYI, most rapists never get caught; most murderers never get caught either.

Been watching this thread, and there's a lot I wanted to respond to and haven't had the time.

Since I've got a brief minute, I can respond to this.

You're absolutely, completely wrong. The vast majority of murders are committed by someone the victim knows, so the suspect is usually identified and captured within days, if not hours of the crime.

Rape is the same way, except harder to track statistically, since rape experts believe a large number of rapes go unreported.

For those rare instances of stranger on stranger crime, it can be much harder to solve, and on those unusual cases, suspects can evade prosecution for years.

In other words, you have no fucking clue what you're talking about, and can't even be bothered to read crime stats before spewing your idiocy for everyone to see.

Go sit in the corner and have a big glass of shut the fuck up.


Andinismo Hierbatero
Been watching this thread, and there's a lot I wanted to respond to and haven't had the time.

Since I've got a brief minute, I can respond to this.

You're absolutely, completely wrong. The vast majority of murders are committed by someone the victim knows, so the suspect is usually identified and captured within days, if not hours of the crime.

Rape is the same way, except harder to track statistically, since rape experts believe a large number of rapes go unreported.

For those rare instances of stranger on stranger crime, it can be much harder to solve, and on those unusual cases, suspects can evade prosecution for years.

In other words, you have no fucking clue what you're talking about, and can't even be bothered to read crime stats before spewing your idiocy for everyone to see.

Go sit in the corner and have a big glass of shut the fuck up.

ouch, I stroke a nerve...

if you like stats so much; why don't you check out the stats on how many crimes someone who is behind bars has committed before getting caught for just one particular crime out of all the ones he/she has already committed?

we expect a real answer this time, not just petty insults.

also, check out the meaning of 'cold case', and how many are there.

check your stats world-wide too, since this is International Cannagraphic and all.

also, explain to us how do cops stop crime after the fact?

and give us a rationale as to their usefulness after you explain that.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
LOL, pull that cop's dick out of your mouth.

We'll see who is writing paragraphs of praise when they knock down your door and shoot your dog over some bullshit.

You act like the power-tripping cop is the exception, but then go on to say you believe that older cops do it less often? Man, how many old cops are there working the street? It is like, 90% young dudes who have minimal training and minimal intelligence. And they act like it, pulling one newsworthy abuse of power after another.

That shit doesn't happen in say, the Netherlands, where becoming a cop isn't some John Wayne fantasy... Every time I visit, I see the police behaving in ways that are just shocking to me coming from the USA. Mediating conflicts instead of beating both participants and throwing them in the back of a squad car, etc. They are just not on the same power trip.

Your cop friend who refused to press the flawed charges is the exception, not the rule. Nothing you've presented suggests otherwise, and your case for it being the other way around is entirely rhetorical. The fact that he was terminated and blacklisted for not doing it is pretty strong evidence that the corruption you insist is rare is actually the standard order of business.

So yeah, cops suck.

Mr. Bongj.....you are the fucking man. I always knew you are one of the coolest people on this site. You've got life experience. Wise words my man. Agreed to the T.


The cat that loves cannabis
Are you saying that the police officer makes you give him cask? or Are you saying they make you pay for the filing fees at the courthouse?..Sorry I couldnt understand all of it.
Sorry for not being clear.
What they have done is dismiss the ticket, but still make me pay an administrative fee(they call it something like that) that is equal to what the ticket fine would have been.
So you still fork over the same amount of money, you just don't have the ticket on your record to mess up your insurance

Forgot to add, yes this is at the courthouse, but not before a judge, it's a guy in a little office called a hearing officer(not a cop though) that handles minor traffic stuff.
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Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Yeah, complete unmitigated ignorance and flat-out bullshit presented as fact always piss me off.

Yep, lots of crimes are committed before most get caught, which has shit-all to do with your original statement, so it's nothing but diversionary bullshit anyway.

As to insults being petty, they're not considered petty when they're well-deserved and accurate.

Cold cases are, as I said, the exception. That's why you see articles and TV shows about them. Is every crime ever committed always solved? No, and it's ludicrous to expect such.

If by world-wide stats, you mean all nations, then your poor and non-industrial countries with inadequate, under-staffed, under-trained, and less technologically advanced police forces skew the results. But, in most so-called 'First World' countries, the stats are similar.

So, how do cops prevent crime after the fact? They don't. They provide punishment after the fact, as a warning deterrent to others. As I stated, if I wasn't concerned about getting caught, the population would already be thinned some.

If you'd like them to prevent crime before hand, then you're asking for a police state the likes of which haven't been seen before in human history. So, you DO support cops, and would like one outside of every door.

While I'd love to continue this debate, I have to run again. Crazy shit trying to get everything in order for a cross-country move :D


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...

Heh, in some cities, 1 in 3 murders are solved.

The nationwide rate stands at about 60%

Hardly sounds like the "vast majority" to me...

Rape is way less unfortunately.

Sounds like someone needs to take a sip from that big glass themselves.

Heh, read more sources.

For every city that has high stranger violence rates, it takes about 5 similar sized cities with a high rate to balance that out in an average. Hell, Chicago alone probably drops the average 15 points :D So, 61% national average is not representative of conditions in most cities in the US.

And 61% is over half, which is a far cry from 'most murderers never get caught either'.


This thread is stupid. There is good and bad in everything. Generalizing saying all cops rock is fucking ignorant and so is saying all cops are pieces of shit.

Saying all cops are douche's or that they all rock is no different than saying all mexicans are lazy, or all white people are rednecks etc.

To most of the people on this forum........


Doesn't matter if the law is shit, or you're too 'educated' on the subject for it to apply to you... youre still breaking rules, and breaking rules brings consequences, one of those consequences is being treated like a delinquent, deal with it, or smarten the fuck up and don't get caught

Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor
Heh, read more sources.

For every city that has high stranger violence rates, it takes about 5 similar sized cities with a high rate to balance that out in an average. Hell, Chicago alone probably drops the average 15 points :D So, 61% national average is not representative of conditions in most cities in the US.

And 61% is over half, which is a far cry from 'most murderers never get caught either'.

Nope, I checked multiple sources, and they're all in a similar range.

But, you can't have it both ways. If you want to go by individual cities to make your statement that the "vast majority" of murders are solved correct, then bombadil's statement that most are not is also correct in the cities with low rates.

In the big picture, both of your statements were incorrect.

Only one of you was a total asshole about it though.

Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor
This thread is stupid. There is good and bad in everything. Generalizing saying all cops rock is fucking ignorant and so is saying all cops are pieces of shit.

Saying all cops are douche's or that they all rock is no different than saying all mexicans are lazy, or all white people are rednecks etc.

To most of the people on this forum........


Doesn't matter if the law is shit, or you're too 'educated' on the subject for it to apply to you... youre still breaking rules, and breaking rules brings consequences, one of those consequences is being treated like a delinquent, deal with it, or smarten the fuck up and don't get caught

Your perspective fails to explain how cops in more moderate countries manage to do the same job without treating their fellow citizens like shit.

Why is it you cop sympathizers are so quick to make flamboyant statements and call names? Kinda sounds like the trip the cops in the US are on now that I think about it...


Active member
us cops are among the worst in the entire world

Here they would lose their job for following U.S protocols , so aggressive , incredible yeah i take my sissy EU cops over US cops any time of the day


Andinismo Hierbatero
what I know, is that where I'm from, cops are the worst of the worst; they are nothing more but an organized criminal gang.

in the U.S (lived there for several years a long time ago), Cops are not as bad as they are here in Latin America, but they are still pretty bad.

I have not had the pleasure yet to visit a country where asshole criminal cop is not the norm.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Nope, I checked multiple sources, and they're all in a similar range.

But, you can't have it both ways. If you want to go by individual cities to make your statement that the "vast majority" of murders are solved correct, then bombadil's statement that most are not is also correct in the cities with low rates.

In the big picture, both of your statements were incorrect.

Only one of you was a total asshole about it though.

Damn, I hate having only these short bursts to try to respond to stuff.

Quick answer:

I'll agree to a certain extent. 61% is not a vast majority. So, I may have been guilty of a slight overstatement. However, 61% is still a majority, and a far cry from 'most don't get solved'.

So, while I may have been guilty of looking more regionally and recently (in the South, over the past 2 years, homicide resolution has gone up considerably), I at least was speaking from fact, not just making up random bullshit.

We're sitting here debating the word 'vast', when the simple fact is the statement I responded to was complete and unerring bullshit, made without thought or reference to any source.

I'm more than happy to hold a civil debate with someone like you, who can disagree and make logical arguments based on fact. But yes, complete bullshit pisses me off to no end, and will bring out the asshole in me. Lord knows it's not far under the surface :D

Short version: Vast may have been a slight overstatement, 'most don't get solved' is just complete unmitigated bullshit. Yes, I was an asshole in my response, but since content is so important, then spreading bullshit, no matter how prettily packaged, is an even greater asshole move.

Damn, gotta run. Hopefully I can get a few hours free and we can have a good, lively debate.


Eugene Oregon
Imagine this, you just became a cop!
Put your self in that position, its always been like that.
When people taste power they either use it for good or evil

An example, you have a good cashier and a bad one.
One will give you the wrong change and one will give you the correct amount.
Its all about there intentions, there is good and bad in every single human.

Look at science, people our trying to find the cure for cancer.
While others our trying to make a bomb bigger and better then the nuke!

NiteTiger has big balls for starting this thread.

The police here are pretty chill, but the sheriff is the chill one.
I let him know I grow, he will make sure i'm in limits then he tells me if i need anything to call him directly.

By the way, people who are freaking out... remember its a cannabis forum and we are all here for one sake cannabis.
Love you guys..


Active member
This thread is stupid. There is good and bad in everything. Generalizing saying all cops rock is fucking ignorant and so is saying all cops are pieces of shit.

Saying all cops are douche's or that they all rock is no different than saying all mexicans are lazy, or all white people are rednecks etc.

To most of the people on this forum........


Doesn't matter if the law is shit, or you're too 'educated' on the subject for it to apply to you... youre still breaking rules, and breaking rules brings consequences, one of those consequences is being treated like a delinquent, deal with it, or smarten the fuck up and don't get caught
I just saw a video with pigs shooting somebodies dog for no reason at all I hate all cops and nothing will change my mind on that their all scum they dont do what they do because of right and wrong they do it because they love the rush!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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