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Cops at front door..what next????


Well-known member
You two make excellent points.I would think it comes down to what state and what area you live in.I did however get busted because I knew cops were coming and I just got up and left.came back when I thought it was safe and bam.just came in didn't knock or anything.couldn't afford a good lawyer but no felonies at least.


Well-known member
Glad to hear your situation worked out Croc. Certainly can't debate the outcome of your personal circumstance.

I hear you on the repeated attempts to gain access/interact. If they ultimately want in they'll get in if they don't get the response they want. Certainly your interaction might have went a long way to have dissolved any further extensive investigation / or concern for life entry.

I only hope that if I'm ever in such situation I have the opportunity as such as opposed to them just showing up swat style with a warrant in hand. Those who don't clean shop after a fair warning (knock and talk, etc) can only blame themselves when they ultimately end up arrested.

I still think MOST people are better off not interacting in such a situation. Many would not be as well worded and can easily incriminate themselves or otherwise be manipulated by LEO who are well trained to do just that.

I guess every situation is different. One has to make the best call they can for themselves.
Glad to hear your situation worked out Croc. Certainly can't debate the outcome of your personal circumstance.

I hear you on the repeated attempts to gain access/interact. If they ultimately want in they'll get in if they don't get the response they want. Certainly your interaction might have went a long way to have dissolved any further extensive investigation / or concern for life entry.

I only hope that if I'm ever in such situation I have the opportunity as such as opposed to them just showing up swat style with a warrant in hand. Those who don't clean shop after a fair warning (knock and talk, etc) can only blame themselves when they ultimately end up arrested.

I still think MOST people are better off not interacting in such a situation. Many would not be as well worded and can easily incriminate themselves or otherwise be manipulated by LEO who are well trained to do just that.

I guess every situation is different. One has to make the best call they can for themselves.

Yeah if they show up with a warrant youre fucked.

I have a natural disrespect for authority and can hold my own so I dont feel intimidated by them so that does help.

I also believe what I do is right. I think they rely on people having a guilty conscious when they do knock and talks.

Get a carbon filter, a lawyer on retainer and vote. They are the best weapons to have.


"Anything you say, can, and will be used against you" , just remember this. Nothing you say ever really helps. I still say ignore them, 95% of people don't know how to deal with cops. As for the the chance of them coming back, if they want to talk to you that bad they will see you someday on the street or in public. If not get the warrant, otherwise ignore these fuckers.
Checkout Barry Cooper "How Not to Get Busted" , he is an ex Texas cop, and a really good guy, trying to help Cannabis users stay out of trouble. He even recommends not answering the door, and if you must talk to talk through the door, or get them to call you. If it works in Texas, you should be safe almost anywhere!
"Anything you say, can, and will be used against you" , just remember this. Nothing you say ever really helps. I still say ignore them, 95% of people don't know how to deal with cops. As for the the chance of them coming back, if they want to talk to you that bad they will see you someday on the street or in public. If not get the warrant, otherwise ignore these fuckers.
Checkout Barry Cooper "How Not to Get Busted" , he is an ex Texas cop, and a really good guy, trying to help Cannabis users stay out of trouble. He even recommends not answering the door, and if you must talk to talk through the door, or get them to call you. If it works in Texas, you should be safe almost anywhere!

Thats only after youre arrested.

The key is to address them through the door or window. That way they cant use "concern for life".

They hid and waited until I came home. Then knocked on the door.


Thats only after youre arrested.

They will use anything you say against you. Before or after arrest . They can even lie and make things up you didn't say. If you choose to talk to them just be careful, anything you say can and will be twisted. Anything you say will only be used against you. You will never say anything to a cop than that will actually help you.

If you are worried they think your in need of emergency help, I think they would announce this before knocking your door down. At that point I would say "Everything is fine", end of story. No conversation, just say through the door/window "Everything is fine" nothing more. If they still come in you would certainly get off in court. I am not trying to argue, but I really don't want and brothers or sisters getting busted because they thought they could stand up to the pigs.
They will use anything you say against you. Before or after arrest . They can even lie and make things up you didn't say. If you choose to talk to them just be careful, anything you say can and will be twisted. Anything you say will only be used against you. You will never say anything to a cop than that will actually help you.

If you are worried they think your in need of emergency help, I think they would announce this before knocking your door down. At that point I would say "Everything is fine", end of story. No conversation, just say through the door/window "Everything is fine" nothing more. If they still come in you would certainly get off in court. I am not trying to argue, but I really don't want and brothers or sisters getting busted because they thought they could stand up to the pigs.

I understand and respect your position. You're missing the practical nuances of the situation though.

They cant lie. That is perjury if maintained in court and presented as fact then disproved. They can end up in jail themselves for this.

Intimidate? Yes.

Exaggerate? Yes.

Use deceit and trickery to gain consent? Absolutely.

If you ignore them they come back more pissed off than before.

A profile for a grow house includes a house with visitors and no residents. This can possibly give them enough for a warrant.

I've stood up to them and won twice in places where weed is highly illegal by being polite but firm.

If you can't stand up to the Police then you shouldn't be in the game in the first place. After all if you cant stick up for yourself and wind up in jail then you're going to be everybody's bitch. Literally.

These assholes are predators looking for prey. Don't let them think you're an easy meal.

I'm speaking from first hand experience not third party speculation.
Cops are trained liars. They can and do lie all the time. You think they care about a case getting thrown out in court? They care about making a bust. They lose nothing if it gets thrown out.

I once witnessed cops come to an apartment building because the neighbors heard a scream from dudes apartment and were conceerned he was beating his girl or something. Dude grows. He was home but didn't answer. Cops left. Never came back.

Never answer the door for police. Period.
Cops are trained liars. They can and do lie all the time. You think they care about a case getting thrown out in court? They care about making a bust. They lose nothing if it gets thrown out.

I once witnessed cops come to an apartment building because the neighbors heard a scream from dudes apartment and were conceerned he was beating his girl or something. Dude grows. He was home but didn't answer. Cops left. Never came back.

Never answer the door for police. Period.

They do care about getting a case thrown out.

If it can be proved they lied under oath that is perjury. A very serious offence.

Domestic violence is different to drugs.

It is very hard to prosecute because usually the victim wont press charges. It is two civillians pressing charges against each other.

Drugs is the state/crown (police) vs the defendant. They are the ones pressing charges against the civillian. They have something to gain in a drugs case. Forfeiture. Domestic violence they have nothing to gain.

They will use welfare checks to enter the property if it involves a possible drug case and gives them a loophole to enter without a warrant. Ironically they rarely use them to actually check on or assist vulnerable people.
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The penalty for perjury in California is up to 4 years in prison.

It is probably similar elsewhere.

125. An unqualified statement of that which one does not know to be true is equivalent to a statement of that which one knows to be false.

126. Perjury is punishable by imprisonment pursuant to subdivision (h) of Section 1170 for two, three or four years.

If perjury results in an innocent person getting the death penalty then the perjuror can also receive the death penalty.

128. Every person who, by willful perjury or subornation of perjury procures the conviction and execution of any innocent person, is punishable by death or life imprisonment without possibility of parole. The penalty shall be determined pursuant to Sections 190.3 and 190.4



Señor Member
Here is a list of news articles about police officers who have been charged with and/or convicted of perjury:


So, yeah, the evidence suggests that police do lie from time to time. A lot of people seem to have rose colored glasses on. That fact that it happens *ever* should probably be factored in to some people's decisions on whether they should talk to the police who come a-knockin'.


if it smells like fish
They cant lie.
ha ha thanks for the laugh... I been in court so many times I lost count long ago... cops lie all the fucking time,its up to your lawyer to trip them up....slim chance if u use public pretender....I beat a case in san diego where the undercover lied so much he fucked up the case... ya detective morales fuck you heard you got sent packing biotch.....cops don't lie , ya right and I go to church weekly...cops get away with lying a lot more than they get caught...the judge /jury gen believe the cops more than the defendant so it can be tough..
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The U.S. supreme court heard and ruled on Florida vs. Jardines a little over a year ago. The case was arguing the issue of police bringing drug dogs onto private property with out a warrant with the intention of using the dogs detection to get a warrant.
The case is worth reading/listening to. They go into pretty good detail of what a police officer can and cant do with regards to coming onto your property with out a warrant.

a police officer can legally walk right up to your door and do a knock and talk with the intention of trying to get probable cause for a search warrant. your best bet is to not open the door.
The great equalizer is a fence with a no trespassing sign. A police officer is not allowed to open a fence and walk onto your private property with out a search warrant.

FYI Jardines won his U.S. supreme court case using a public defender.
I fucking hate cops knocking on my door. It's only happened to me once though. And not for anything that I did. If they think you aren't home. They will go away and just leave a card for you so you get in contact with them. That's how I'd handle the situation if it ever happens to me again.
ha ha thanks for the laugh... I been in court so many times I lost count long ago... cops lie all the fucking time,its up to your lawyer to trip them up....slim chance if u use public pretender....I beat a case in san diego where the undercover lied so much he fucked up the case... ya detective morales fuck you heard you got sent packing biotch.....cops don't lie , ya right and I go to church weekly...cops get away with lying a lot more than they get caught...the judge /jury gen believe the cops more than the defendant so it can be tough..

Technically legally they cant.

Do they? Of fucking course. They wouldn't call it that though. More like embellishing or exaggerating or not recalling correctly. And you're right that generally speaking the judge will take the word of a sworn police officer over that of a civillian.

The defendant has the right to presumption of innocence. The law is not about right and wrong, fact or fiction its about what you can prove. The judge acts as the final decision maker in an argument between two parties.

To those who advocate just ignoring them have you tried it first hand for weed growing or smoking? I did ignore them. They came back.

When I confronted them I sent them packing both times.

Would ignoring them work? Maybe maybe not.

What if they are there for something else other than your weed? Maybe there had been another crime in the area and they are making routine enquiries or your family is injured/dead and they need to tell you the bad news. If you don't find out then you burn that spot for maybe no good reason and bring suspicion to yourself.

This is a war. They declared it. When you take sides you do so knowing this.

There are 2 options. Run like a coward and hide like a bitch or man up stand your ground and hold your position. The second isnt an easy option. But I took it both times and won.

This is my experience. Yes I nearly pissed my pants when it happened. My hands shook and heart raced for 2 hours after. I didn't sleep for 2 nights because of the adrenaline. But I can live with myself because of it.

Rather than take advice from armchair attorneys do what I did and pay the money to ask a lawyer. They will tell you that cops, fireman and EMT can access without a warrant in an "emergency". Or you can find out the hard way.

Hopefully nobody has to.
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The U.S. supreme court heard and ruled on Florida vs. Jardines a little over a year ago. The case was arguing the issue of police bringing drug dogs onto private property with out a warrant with the intention of using the dogs detection to get a warrant.
The case is worth reading/listening to. They go into pretty good detail of what a police officer can and cant do with regards to coming onto your property with out a warrant.

a police officer can legally walk right up to your door and do a knock and talk with the intention of trying to get probable cause for a search warrant. your best bet is to not open the door.
The great equalizer is a fence with a no trespassing sign. A police officer is not allowed to open a fence and walk onto your private property with out a search warrant.

FYI Jardines won his U.S. supreme court case using a public defender.

The gate has to be locked. Its not trespassing untill you tell them to leave if the gate isnt locked.
I fucking hate cops knocking on my door. It's only happened to me once though. And not for anything that I did. If they think you aren't home. They will go away and just leave a card for you so you get in contact with them. That's how I'd handle the situation if it ever happens to me again.

In my situation they waited and watched untill they knew I was home. Literally had my bong in my hand about to smoke a bowl when they knocked.

Fuckers werent going to just leave a card.
Lying in court while under oath, you are correct they cannot do that.

Lying to you in order to get you to admit something so they can arrest you, or during interrogation, you bet your ass they are allowed to and routinely do. Totally legal.


Active member
I was the lucky subject of a narcotics raid (over a decade ago), i was thrown on the ground, boot on my neck and a gun barrel pressed so hard into the back of my head it left a bruise for 3 weeks...
both of the narcotics detectives testified before a grand jury and in open court that they never drew their weapons..... the judge ended up tossing the case on the grounds that the cops violated my civil rights...
the cops could have gave a fuck, they lost nothing... although they lied in court and were exposed as liars by my lawyer, there were zero reprocusiions...
these officers are still in MA, doing people dirty on the daily.
if you believe that cops are not allowed to lie, i would say yes technically they are not allowed to lie in court, but to a suspect they can lie there ass off... and in practice there are generally zero consequences for perjuring themselves in court..
keep ur head down, if those motherfuckers really want to arrest you, they surely will.
it may not stand up in court, but that doesnt save u the beat down and robbery by the cops, nor the bail money, nor the lawyer money.
after 40 years of the "war" on drugs, its become a war at least in the minds of most cops ive met.


I'm a fully complaint patient in Washington state and want to know if I have a collective garden, and the cops come to my door for whatever reason, should I let them come in and take a count..obviously I'll be having the legal number of plants And following the laws, what should I do? You dont want to come across as an asshole or like you have something to hide because that'll just give them a reason to harass you more or pursue the investigation.i feel like letting them in to take a count of plants, shows you have nothing to hide and as long as you have proper documentatio, you should be fine right?
if you are a registered medical grower as you say you are, then you must comply & allow the inspectors to come in & observe your grow..

99% of the time, the cops have no business at your home, unless you do something to bring them there.. so be careful !