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Controlling nitrogen (N) with general-purpose coco A+B nutes



clowntown, dude nice thread. Guess I was too ignorant to worry about it during my grow. I just did it! I cut back on the A at times and raised it when necessary, never going higher than the B. During the last 5 weeks of flower, it's important to gradually reduce the nitrogen by 25% each week. Easy to do with two part nutes, eh? I just cut the A by 25% starting 5 weeks out and the last 5 days was at zero.

Also cut back on the B when I used the PK.

Do what ya want to ct. My plants didn't blow up...


PS - and ya know what I think of Cal-Mag+. I'm using it for a weed killer in the back yard. Lots of growers use it and it works. I've not found it necessary in my grows thankfully cause it and I don't seem to get along.


mojo said:
clowntown, dude nice thread. Guess I was too ignorant to worry about it during my grow. I just did it! I cut back on the A at times and raised it when necessary, never going higher than the B. During the last 5 weeks of flower, it's important to gradually reduce the nitrogen by 25% each week. Easy to do with two part nutes, eh? I just cut the A by 25% starting 5 weeks out and the last 5 days was at zero.

Also cut back on the B when I used the PK.

Do what ya want to ct. My plants didn't blow up...


PS - and ya know what I think of Cal-Mag+. I'm using it for a weed killer in the back yard. Lots of growers use it and it works. I've not found it necessary in my grows thankfully cause it and I don't seem to get along.

Do you use tap water? I dont think a CalMag like product is needed if using Tap water. right?


Active member
Yes I use tap water. Not all tap water is the same. In fact, it can range from RO-like quality to not even suitable for a toilet.

If I don't supplement with Cal/Mag, I get calcium deficiencies.


smelltheflowers said:
Do you use tap water? I dont think a CalMag like product is needed if using Tap water. right?

Yep! Sure do. 50/50. My tap's shit too! A couple of glasses worth and and ya piss a 2 pound kidney stone!

At the time I used Cal-Mag+, I was using straight RO. Didn't start with the 50/50 till I found out I couldn't use Cal-Mag+.

clowntown said:
Yes I use tap water. Not all tap water is the same. In fact, it can range from RO-like quality to not even suitable for a toilet.

If I don't supplement with Cal/Mag, I get calcium deficiencies.

I knew you needed to use it clowntown. Too many folks do ok with it for me to condemn the stuff. Must just be me, hehe. But back to the nitrogen thing. imho, adjust like ya need to, friend.

Didn't mean to draw things off-topic, man.



mojo said:
Yep! Sure do. 50/50. My tap's shit too! A couple of glasses worth and and ya piss a 2 pound kidney stone!

At the time I used Cal-Mag+, I was using straight RO. Didn't start with the 50/50 till I found out I couldn't use Cal-Mag+.

I knew you needed to use it clowntown. Too many folks do ok with it for me to condemn the stuff. Must just be me, hehe. But back to the nitrogen thing. imho, adjust like ya need to, friend.

Didn't mean to draw things off-topic, man.


I was going to get a small RO unit, I am thinking about mixing it with my tapwater 50/50 or similar... because I believe canna coco relies on the micros in the tap water. Can I get away with no calmag if I mix RO and tap? How do I find out if my tap water is ok to use?


I think I will get Cal-Mag and Earth Juice MicroBlast, along with the canna coco products. MicroBlast contains every micro except calcium, And I can get my calcium from Cal-Mag. I probably won't use them until I see a def though. And I am pretty sure my water is hard, its pH is always 8-10 and I killed a couple plants feeding it to them a couple months back, well not killed but I noticed weird things like burn or something. So I'll just use pure RO.
yea that thread is the best
ive read it like 3 times already lol
canna is really diluted as u can c from the stats
i want something stronger so the nutes will last longer
my 1 liter bottles of FNG & FNG are going to last me through 3 grows maybe even 4
after i run out i think im gonna go with the 2 part from GH just using micro and bloom
i really want to b more hands on with what im giving my plants, yea its easier to just measure pour n stir
but i like calculating formulas based off what my plants r telling me, sounds like more fun and im obsessed with my plants lol


Canna A+B is to be used with tap water, not RO. Says so right on the bottle, which obviously means it is lacking a lil' something something...
but what... and like knna said, what is in the A+B exactly...? Who wants to call up canna and sweet talk them into giving some info :muahaha:
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Voluptuous Trichomes
Great thread

Great thread

clowntown said:
Botanicare's Cal-Mag+ contains N as well. My bottle, the one with "NOW WITH TRACE MINERALS" labeling, has a 2-0-0 NPK and the guaranteed minimum analysis reads:

By the way: There are a few threads floating around about how Botanicare's Cal-Mag+ is actually 3x the labeled strength, or something.... :chin:
elemental PPM and total dissolved solids are not the same thing....the guaranteed minimum analysis only covers 'nutritive elements'....I'm not disagreeing with the premise of that thread, as it was well intentioned, and quite informative. Gotta read the plants no matter how many numbers and stats the nute companies give us....

I have seen guys from the old school (including Lucas in the aforementioned thread) post "don't mix brands/products if you don't know what you're doing" So using Cal/Mag+ might be a bad idea for some folks....

without the elemental PPM breakdown of the source water, as has been mentioned, it's a crapshoot....
Thanks to -VT-, I found this thread: Calculating Nutrient profiles for Canna, GH and PBP. Lots of good info there. Haven't read and understood everything yet, but I'm sure with time (and trial & error) that will come.
Glad you found that thread.....hope you find it useful.


smelltheflowers said:
I was going to get a small RO unit, I am thinking about mixing it with my tapwater 50/50 or similar... because I believe canna coco relies on the micros in the tap water. Can I get away with no calmag if I mix RO and tap? How do I find out if my tap water is ok to use?

Man, I'm sorry for not gettin back to ya on this. Scuse me for butting in again CT, if you will kind sir.

smelltheflowers, I don't know what you're tap water's like but the only way to know if your water's going to get along with the plants is to try it. Watch the plants for signs they don't like it and then make the adjustments ya need to.

Should you water properly and still have a salt buildup, then ya might think about adding the RO into the mix. When I got tired of fetching RO water, I went to Casa de Pot (Home Depot, in case you're not up on your Spanish, lol) and bought a dehumidifier and used the water it generated to sub for RO. Just hooked a hose up to its outlet and dropped it into 5 gal tubs. Never made a trip for RO again. BTW, the dehumidifier's already paid for itself by keeping from buying an RO system and saving me trips to the RO water shack.

Hope some of this is pertinent to what your concerns were in you question. Again, sorry for the delay.

Thanks for the space clowntown.



I think I should have bought the cogr vega and flores, instead of the A+B :badday:


Hey all just got my water report, from these pics does anyone know if its safe to use? Have any tips on using it? Thanks



Hey folks -

I have to admit that I read through this thread quickly, but what the heck. Why mess with a program that works and comes from a company that does cannabis specific research. I have used the full coco line for years now without any thought of cutting back on the nitrogen. Have you ever thought about how much nitrogen is still in most of the organic growers medium at the end of harvest? I used to grow that way (poopn' I called it) and could take the end (post) medium and start off cuttings for 3-4wks without adding any N to the mix or feed. It is a fact that the plants don't need it at a point or not as much. But imo they just don't use it. If you are a flusher you will do fine to remove from the coco way before harvest. I have recently been playing with great success with CNS-17. A feed made with the coco grower in mind. Check the N levels in the bloom formula (ppm)!!!!

Oh and by the way canna isn't short on any thing. People just want (as do I) to mess around with stuff. DIAL in without question, your environmentals and find your EC/PPM likings of your selected strain and follow the program. It has been that simple for me. A buddy that sells Canna at his shop said only one or two of hundreds of customers who switched from the other classic brands and formulations had trouble. He noted that those were the folks who asked to buy just the B (he only sells it in pairs) and were also the same folks (mad scientists) that used to walk out the door with ten bottles of other crap before the switch to Canna.

Not meaning to rant or upset anyone, but I swear it works great as recomended. I have played a lot as mentioned I am messing with CNS-17, floralicious plus, and other fun stuff and can't beat the Canna runs of old. As a matter of fact I will run my last gallon of CNS bloom and go right back to the Canna line.

Peace and big yields to all!!



Oh and I have gone from ph 6.8 at 30-50ppm tap to 7.2 at 114ppm tap in the last year as a result of a move. No difference noticed. The Canna line has a ton of Fulvic acid in it if I am correct and I do not flush. I just run high levels of Cannazym for the last two weeks and back the nutes down gradually the last 2 1/2 - 3wks towards 300ppm-450ppm. 1 watering per day to 10-15% drain to waste ( the waste goes to the garden).



Indica Sativa said:
I think I should have bought the cogr vega and flores, instead of the A+B :badday:

Nah. The A&B should work well for you. Give it a shot. I was going to start using HESI nutes but after my harvest, I'll keep on using Canna - 6mL/gal saves some money in the long run. All I ever had against Canna was price and cost of shipping. My yield was super, almost a kilo for two plants and I figure I used maybe $100 in nutrients.



Well-known member


is really the only way to take a 2 part like canna or b'cuzz 2 part (same thing)is to add some form of bloom stim like their pk 13/14. their 2 part is really just a vegetive mix, unlike AN or SVB/SBB. I personally dont like 2 part nutes much, but I am considering trying AN's connoisseur stand alone. 1 more thing. most Coco 2 part nutes add cal mag to their terra mix or hydro mix and call it coco. so if your using canna coco, I would recommend the pk 13/14 from day 1 of bloom to slow down the initial stretch. basic high nitrogen "grow" ferts is to add PK..
If you like 2 part nutes, try SBB w/o additives, or Sensi A&B w some cal mag.
I like AN's big bud too as it is a mild booster that can be used throughout bloom much like PK13/14 with L-aminos and a ton of magnesium to boot. its not salty like those 0-50-30's, and I believe it really helps aid in plant health w the l-aminos. zyms are great towards the end as there should be a little dead rootmass to actually eat and convert to useable carbohydrates. espescially in reusable mediums where soil was amended with beneficial microbial colonizers. :joint:



you can get the aminos and mag that big bud has by using PK13-14 with Liquid Karma and Cal-Mag+, that way you can have em throughout the entire grow and you dont have to buy a whole new bottle just to use em in flower. AN is good but all their stuff can be found elsewhere for less $


Well-known member
I would

I would

be substituting pk 13/14 w Big bud and still use cal mag as well as LK, and I'll toss a pinch off epsom salts into the res. But I hear what your saying. When growing with large resiviors, I dont factor in the nute costs when I'm extremely happy w the outcome. sometimes I dont mind paying the extra money for a healthier, more bountiful crop. If I didnt have the money it would be the lucas formula all day w LK, calmag, and hydroguard.


I agree with you, toohighmf. BTW, its good see a knowledgable and good vibes member from AN's forums participating here. It seems most of them still are adapting to the new forum.

If i can find it, i would like to try the Hammerhead (PK 9-18) instead of PK 13-14 when reducing the cannacoco A, because Cannacoco B is 0-4-2 (NPK), and im afraid of giving too much P. Im my experience, it affect taste at least the same as excess N.

As i said, im trying to reduce the A part in the res. I refilled two times since it, the first with half A than B, and some PK13-14. At least, it reduced strongly the stretching of the sativas in the cab, so it seems to work fine. No deff at the moment, and bottom leaves getting a light green. :joint:

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