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CONTEST: Book Title (College Cannabis and Growing Guide)

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CONTEST: Book Title (College Cannabis and Growing Guide)

The Winners are

1 Place goes to Old Pirate (University of Cannabis: How to Stay safe and Graduate)
2 Place goes to Bartender187 (Quantum Greenery : A College Grow Guide)
3 Place goes to Red145 (Cannabis 101: A college Survival Manual)

This contest has been approved by Admin : Dutchgrown
The prizes will be distributed by Dutchgrown and all winners are to send shipping info to DG in order
to receive their prize.

1st PRIZE 1 pack of Bangkok Betty
2nd PRIZE 1 pack of Oriental Express
3RD PRIZE 1 pack of Oriental Express

All you need do to be eligible is to think up a name for my book i'm writing and post it
here on this thread.

There will be 3 winners, 1 prize each. Since these are the last of the seeds. I only have
enough for one pack per a winner.

This contest starts now and will end this time next week. That should give you all plenty of time
to get those creative minds thinking of a name for my new book.

I will pick three winners of the best titles i like. This does not mean i will use one of
them for the title of my book. This is only to help me think of the best name for my book, "But"
If i use your title for the name of my book. You will get one of the first copies signed by me
"FREE". That should give all members a added bonus.

Book Subject: The book i'm writing is about students going off to college and dealing with cannabis.
The main goal of this book, is to help guide them through college without landing themselve in jail
and kicked out of college. The book is going to have different parts to it and will be a growers guide.
The first part deals with adjusting to college life. Living in the dorms, hiding your stash and everything
else about smoking. This part will help the students get a better idea of what cannabis in college is like.

The second part going through the rest of the book. Will be about growing your own stash while in college and the
do's and don't with it. Stuff that i found was useful and things to watch out for. This book is "NOT" going
to promote growing in the dorms. It will be the second part, when a student might rent a house or apartment.
Well, if there are any questions during the contest. Just ask them in a post and i'll answer them

Good luck everyone and have fun!


Ok I have a couple so I'll just throw em' out there.

1. Cannabis Campus

2.G.P.A. (Growing Pot Allumni)


4. A Road Scholar's Guide To Cannabis

Hope some of these help and good luck with your book.


Active member
Interesting book subject, sounds like what I was doing, before I quit (college that is).

Few ideas:
College for Cannabis
Cannabis: Through College and Society
College Life and Cannabis
College Culture, and Cannabis

I like the G.P.A. one by tragic1 lol.

How (or more appropriately Where) are you going to release this book? I am interested!!


-- How to avoid saying "....and things went horribly wrong " While Growing & Smoking Your Way Through College --

Is this Payback in a literary sense for BG's misfortune? You don't have to answer that but...If so..... :dueling: Touche



I think its great that you want to help college students stay safe while smoking weed, however a book with “The main goal of this book, is to help guide them through college without landing themselves in jail and kicked out of college” might not be the advice they need. The need to smoke weed on campus should be avoided. No joint is worth getting booted from school and having that on your record. If they want to smoke weed, it should be done off campus. Also, growing while in school, even off campus in an apartment, is really bad advice.

I think its great your writing a book and I wish you all the best with it, but perhaps you might want to rethink the subject matter.

Good luck,


1. Pot for Dummies 2. Chicken Soup for the Collegiate Stoner 3. Everything You Wanted to Know About Marijuana , but were afraid to ask .


Active member
The Collegiate Guide to Ganja
Growing Up Ganja - The College Edition
The College Students Guide to Grass



Here is an idea that I came up with.

Stoned Carvings
-A Students Guide Into the Cannabis Culture-​

Take care



Active member
Most likely (imfuo) a stealthy name would benefit the reader.
Here's some really dum ones.

Dark Side of the Dorm
There IS Someone in here
<ok no more floyd refs>
College Cannabis for Geniuses (f4)
420 College Street
See Dick Survive
See Dick and Jane Survive
Stoners Say the Darndest Things!
Sacred Order of the Bong
School Daze
Trout Fishing in Amsterdam
Alpha Canna Pi
The Kind Scholar (not bad)
How To Be Ahead In School
I Are a College Stoner
Mein Hemph (this is my favorite!)(lololol)

word up!


Active member
Gamera said:
Most likely (imfuo) a stealthy name would benefit the reader.
Here's some really dum ones.

College Cannabis for Geniuses (f4)

Mein Hemph (this is my favorite!)(lololol)

word up!

My Ninja!!! ARRGH! :yoinks: :biglaugh: :monkeyeat :laughing: :rasta: :bis: :hotbounce :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

How about: From Geek to Chic In 3 Easy Months, Or How To Be The BMOC Without Really Trying. :wave:


We are nothing going to go into smoking weed while living in the dorms. This is to get them by. Till they make the move to either a house or a Apartment. The first section will be how to deal with hiding their stash and dealing with RA and RD. Students are going to do what they want. Why not give them the tools to help them to stay safe. We are "NOT" going to go into smoking in the dorm rooms. We are going to have the first section on how not to get busted while in the dorms. This would fall under what you posted.

GreenStreet said:

I think its great that you want to help college students stay safe while smoking weed, however a book with “The main goal of this book, is to help guide them through college without landing themselves in jail and kicked out of college” might not be the advice they need. The need to smoke weed on campus should be avoided. No joint is worth getting booted from school and having that on your record. If they want to smoke weed, it should be done off campus. Also, growing while in school, even off campus in an apartment, is really bad advice.

I think its great your writing a book and I wish you all the best with it, but perhaps you might want to rethink the subject matter.

Good luck,


WeedWrapperMan said:
-- How to avoid saying "....and things went horribly wrong " While Growing & Smoking Your Way Through College --

Is this Payback in a literary sense for BG's misfortune? You don't have to answer that but...If so..... :dueling: Touche

This is going to be paperback with a glossy color center fold section. It will be 6x9 and should be out by the Nov Cup. This book is being done by BG and with the help by others. He is in the process of finding a printer now and if all goes well. He and the ghost writer should have the book done and printed by Nov. He's going to have about 200-300 copies printed and will see how they do. We will post them on seedbay for everyone or you can order from a website we are going to have. Thanks for all the help everyone
Take care

PS. There will be a section about BG little visit from leo, but we are waiting to see what happens, and we got to ask the lawyer what we can use and not use.
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