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Conspiracies theorist social club....



Mature adults should be able to disagree in a conversation and keep things civil but who knows.
Even the idea of this social group is bringing up 'issues'...lol.

I look to the Tibetan 'spiritual' community where debating was an important part of that particular society. I used to go to Toastmasters regularly and there was a topic that would come up and regardless of what you thought or believed you had to take the 'pro' or 'con' position, based on drawing straws, and debate your position whether you believed it or not.

Dude...just start your social group and start screening 'applicants' before approval and see where it goes. IMO an open invitation for people is a recipe for a big frickin mess.

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
I'm in!

I'm also with lost in a sea with regards to the word "theorist".
Many times in which I've mentioned some facts to people, suddenly they bring up the words
"conspiracy theorists" and bump up a few notches their tone of voice.

How the heck ever did talking about those who've conspired against good people get to be a bad thing anyway?

I have read ( comment on another blog ) that the origin of the phrase "conspiracy theory" can be credited to J. Edgar Hoover, who was trying to discredit those who claimed that organized crime was taking a strong hold in America. The mob had set up a hotel room with two way mirrors, and photographed Hoover engaged in gay sex with his companion/aide. They owned Hoover after that.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
I was SOOOO bummed when my "Does God Exist?" thread got binned (along with the entire religious forum.) There was some irrational flaming going on but there was also a really good discussion in there. I'm down.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Night baseball is a commie plot. Damn commies. And don't get me started on the ALs designated wussie rule...


Active member
ok what i took away from this text The Dionysian Artificers
by Hippolyto Joseph da Costa [1820]
An essay by one of the pioneers of Freemasonry on an important ancient mystery religion.

it was a explination to religions who worship celestial bodies and how its one of the first kinds of religions.
basicly they use buildings to signify places in the universe,and the sun reprisents the movment of the soul,death and resurection. zodiac symbols of those religions use symbols to signify the current state of the soul not future or past, espeacially in parts of the world where i guess the sun disapears for 3 days reprisenting the same resurection.
im not to much of a neumerology guy so if you can infer more please add.


I'm a victim of fast women and slow horses
Geez Anti that was your thread lol.. but I guess it was kind of against the TOU. Hmmmm conspiracy theories..well I don't trust anyone, so I'll just see how this goes for now. Interesting though.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Geez Anti that was your thread lol.. but I guess it was kind of against the TOU. Hmmmm conspiracy theories..well I don't trust anyone, so I'll just see how this goes for now. Interesting though.

The TOU got altered to add "no religious discussion" AFTER (or in the process of) deleting the religion forum. Up until that time, it was perfectly acceptable to discuss.


that does god exist thread was funny :) good one anti!

so when does the dick measuring contest begin?

yeah there are soooo many conspiracy theories its not even funny. like elvis is still alive.. 2pac lives in cuba... ancient aliens.... planet x... nostradamus....the year 2000.... 2012.... man didnt land on the moon.... ufos..... reptile people..... I think each thread needs an outline of the conspiracy and or issue being discussed.

Basically... People in power form elitist clubs and hire people to create a sort of religion that adresses contempoary issues that brings radical ideas back into the fold that supports the systems that keeps the powerfull powerfull.

then people/activists trying to uncover real conspiracies are swept under the rug with the people who believe elvis is still alive and the president is actually a big lizard.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

conspiracy theorists?


you're in good company.......


would sure be interesting, i love the way people all bring their research to the table on any given subject over time. can be very informative. if only some people were not incapable of debate in a calm manner, these discussions could take us as close to the truth as humanly possible. but alas, there are always some that can't stay cool and turn things into a shit slinging fest.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I don't necessarily want to join the club but I did think of a conspiracy. I'm not sure if this is an official conspiracy people are thinking about/discussing or if it's one I just thought of. Anyway just within the last year or two prescription drug abuse especially narcotics in the form of pain killers has become the number one form of drug abuse in America. Narcotic pain medicines are derived from opium. Afghanistan is one of the leading producers of Opium. What if the Pharmacuetical companies are behind the War in Afghanistan? What if they orchestrated 9-11 and convinced Osama Bin Laden to take credit for it so we would go to war in Afghanistan and thereby they could gain control of the opium? :)


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Has anybody heard that there are already rumors that Michael Jackson didn't really die?



State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
the group is open anyone that wants a invite pls pm or just message me in rep doesnt matter


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
I don't necessarily want to join the club but I did think of a conspiracy. I'm not sure if this is an official conspiracy people are thinking about/discussing or if it's one I just thought of. Anyway just within the last year or two prescription drug abuse especially narcotics in the form of pain killers has become the number one form of drug abuse in America. Narcotic pain medicines are derived from opium. Afghanistan is one of the leading producers of Opium. What if the Pharmacuetical companies are behind the War in Afghanistan? What if they orchestrated 9-11 and convinced Osama Bin Laden to take credit for it so we would go to war in Afghanistan and thereby they could gain control of the opium? :)

i can talked to you for days about this subject you have peices i believe to be correct social groups open if you wish to discuss anything let me know


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
Has anybody heard that there are already rumors that Michael Jackson didn't really die?


What about Elvis, Hendrix, Andy Kaufman, that dude from jackass, or 2pac?
I even heard that Jesus and Sid Vicious were spotted at a club in LA.
Although, i think half the ppl who aren't actors in LA look like Jesus or Sid..


Active member
^ lol he can connect anything to aliens.

his hair is becoming a bit of a pet peeve, i just cant identify the syle, its between Eignstein and joe dirt.


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its only a conspiracy to those who do not know how to read and investigate. I strongly believe Opium is one of the reason why we are in Afghanistan. Another good one is how the media and Hollywood are always demonizing Islam and the Arabic race. Just like Hitler did during Nazi Germany. Whats crazy is that Michael Jackson's video "this is it" was confiscated by the Government with many many scenes deleted before it was given back. Whats up with that? One Rumor is that MJ was in the process of converting to Islam. Our government did not want this to happen since MJ has so many fans it may have started a trend. Some say Islam is one of the last religions that have not been infiltrated by the Illuminati. I often wonder when contemplating these conspiracy's can man really be this Evil? Chemtrails? Population control via Immunizations? Fema Camps? Clinton's Body Count?


Sign me up. I'm very interested in topics such as excitotoxins, xenoestrogens, gmo's, stratospheric geo-engineering, ect ect. Not many 'theories' since most of what I read are pure primary sources, but chyea!


Well-known member
good morning vietnam! let's see who got which puzzle piece, and if we work together we might be able to broaden our views :) count me in famz!!!

ps.: we might even find out how greenhouse is producing 100$ ähm 100% female seeds ;)


I'm a victim of fast women and slow horses
What about Elvis, Hendrix, Andy Kaufman, that dude from jackass, or 2pac?
I even heard that Jesus and Sid Vicious were spotted at a club in LA.
Although, i think half the ppl who aren't actors in LA look like Jesus or Sid..
Awww now see you missed Paul McCartney