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dont wanna smell like smoke


New member
My gf complains that I smell like smoke after I smoke a joint or a blunt. Would smoking out of a pipe/bong/vape eliminate this problem? Which would be best? Thanks in advance.


love machine
ICMag Donor
for mouth: get some chewing gum
for clothes: just spray some cologne

if both does not work

methinks you need a new girlfriend

Lt. Herb

most likely it's your hands/fingers from joints and blunts. If this is the case, a piece might help, but it won't eliminate the smell altogether, just reduce it a lot.


Vape will help out in that department. Also, smoking in an area with good airflow will help to keep the smoke from sticking on ya. I had a girl who use to bitch alot about me smoking. I just introduced her the the lovely mary jane and that was that. She still found something to always bitch about tho.


oh snap I just noticed your name was foulmouth. Does that have anything to do with your GF and you smelling like smoke hehehe
1) Enter bathroom
2) Swig of mouthwash - start swishing
3) Pour rubbing alcohol (91% preferably) into your hands and rub vigorously applying the alcohol all over your hands.
4) Still Swishing
5) Wash hands with (dont laugh) a lavander soap - it will smell wonderful and calming to her...you shouldnt fucking care that its lavander - you just got done smoking - which is the goal.
6) Spit out swish
7) Use tongue scraper (ask your dentist or local drug store)
8) Brush your teeth - really good.
9) Do a 20 sec mouthwash rinse - then spit.
10) Wash your face

This should do a good job of masking most of it. Have fun.
Don't smoke blunts that's for sure, you'll smell like tobacco smoke. Blowing it out the window can help, it doesn't pool around you and seep into your clothes.

for mouth: get some chewing gum
for clothes: just spray some cologne

Masking a scent with a scent doesn't work. It just layers two scents.

one time I'm picking up my ex, she gets in the car
ex "it smells in here"
me "I smell like axe"
ex "ya, axe and weed"


1) Enter bathroom
2) Swig of mouthwash - start swishing
3) Pour rubbing alcohol (91% preferably) into your hands and rub vigorously applying the alcohol all over your hands.
4) Still Swishing
5) Wash hands with (dont laugh) a lavander soap - it will smell wonderful and calming to her...you shouldnt fucking care that its lavander - you just got done smoking - which is the goal.
6) Spit out swish
7) Use tongue scraper (ask your dentist or local drug store)
8) Brush your teeth - really good.
9) Do a 20 sec mouthwash rinse - then spit.
10) Wash your face

This should do a good job of masking most of it. Have fun.

You whipped dog? Fuck it dude, find a girlfriend that embraces every part of you, good and bad.* If she wants to change you, shes no good.

*And make sure you're the same way to her.


Smoke out doors or without a shirt on. If your fingers are stinking, you can take a piece of food, something with a lot of smell or is oily, rub it between your fingers and then rinse it off with handsoap. it works well for me.
or was that ass and weed?!!!

true story:

friend 1 "jesus friend 2, your breath smells like ass and cheetos"
friend 2 with a serious and puzzled look on his face "but I didn't eat any cheetos?"

...reminds me of Shooter McGavin

"I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast"
"you eat pieces of shit for breakfast?"


New member
Thanks for all the suggestions. Just ordered Da Buddha Vaporizer. I'm not trying to hide that I smoke so I don't wanna mask the smell, just don't wanna smell like I smoked cigs. I only smoke weed and don't really like the smell of cig smoke so I know where my gf is coming from. Thanks again for all the help.


1) Enter bathroom
2) Swig of mouthwash - start swishing
3) Pour rubbing alcohol (91% preferably) into your hands and rub vigorously applying the alcohol all over your hands.
4) Still Swishing
5) Wash hands with (dont laugh) a lavander soap - it will smell wonderful and calming to her...you shouldnt fucking care that its lavander - you just got done smoking - which is the goal.
6) Spit out swish
7) Use tongue scraper (ask your dentist or local drug store)
8) Brush your teeth - really good.
9) Do a 20 sec mouthwash rinse - then spit.
10) Wash your face

This should do a good job of masking most of it. Have fun.

I have a similar routine, at least when I'm seeing the rents


not too strange of an idea since it came to me the other night. peel and eat and orange with your bare hands.

eating: eating the orange will help with the breath some what although i would still use some sort of breath mint or something

peeling: you have to remember that there are oils in the skin of an orange , beside that bitter white rind. with all of the pulling and prying that you would have to do with an orange, that should be enough. so the eating pretty much amounts to cleaning your hands at the same time

all of this is if your in a place to do it in, sometimes i blaze at night on the streets (downtown NY) so there are fruit stand vendors out that late. i walk and blaze, grab two oranges for the smell and munchies and im good.

-also try to smoke some place, if you can help it, with airflow. being in a room where the air just sits will have it in your clothes in no time

-get an oil burner, but i would suggest setting up and burning the oil 10min before your gonna blaze, they are small and can be taken anywhere, leaves no residue and smells strong, has tons of scents. im sure there is one she would like.


1) Enter bathroom
2) Swig of mouthwash - start swishing
3) Pour rubbing alcohol (91% preferably) into your hands and rub vigorously applying the alcohol all over your hands.
4) Still Swishing
5) Wash hands with (dont laugh) a lavander soap - it will smell wonderful and calming to her...you shouldnt fucking care that its lavander - you just got done smoking - which is the goal.
6) Spit out swish
7) Use tongue scraper (ask your dentist or local drug store)
8) Brush your teeth - really good.
9) Do a 20 sec mouthwash rinse - then spit.
10) Wash your face

This should do a good job of masking most of it. Have fun.

That's the routine for me except the tongue scraper, add during the spring and summer only smoke in my undershirt outside, and during the winter I have a dedicated smoke jacket you got me down perfectly. BTW I smoke blunts 85% of the time so that works for me.
1) Enter bathroom
2) Swig of mouthwash - start swishing
3) Pour rubbing alcohol (91% preferably) into your hands and rub vigorously applying the alcohol all over your hands.
4) Still Swishing
5) Wash hands with (dont laugh) a lavander soap - it will smell wonderful and calming to her...you shouldnt fucking care that its lavander - you just got done smoking - which is the goal.
6) Spit out swish
7) Use tongue scraper (ask your dentist or local drug store)
8) Brush your teeth - really good.
9) Do a 20 sec mouthwash rinse - then spit.
10) Wash your face

This should do a good job of masking most of it. Have fun.

Damn, ya'll doing all of that after smoking either don't smoke much or have the pearliest whites on the planet!