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Considering the Omicron


Well, like the title says. I'm thinking of getting a vape pen for my bho and trying to figure out which is the best one. So, for you guys that use portable vape pens, what is your take on them and which one will be my best choice. I've read there is a metallic taste with the Omicron. True/false?

I have been looking at them for a while now and reading up on some of them, but I'm not in a med state and it seems like there are more and more of them coming out which only muddies the waters for me and makes it to where I can't decide. I don't have access to all these goodies like you folks in Cali. So, please help me decide.

Now I know a lot of you will say just get a vapor curve....well, I am for home use. But I would like something that I can take on trips with me so I don't have to carry around nuggets.

Thanks for the help guys and gals, can't wait to read the opinions!

:thank you:


I read alot of people dont like the omicron and end up selling it. The eskillet vapor pen seems like the way to go. Ive never used one so im just going by what other have said on the subject. I have a small 4 inch dry sherlock pipe with dome an ti nail for my bhoing on the go, but a vape pen would be the elite bho on the go device


I recently picked up a ThermoVape Revolution. It's *ALMOST* a portable nail or skillet. Works real nice, only major difference between it and the Omi is you can only add 4-6 drops of oil at a time, rather than loading a whole gram. Personally I see that as as plus.

Guest 88950

just got the omicron last week............no reason on getting it over the e*skillet even though krunchbubble said the e*skillet gives bigger hits.....i havent vaped anything befor so i wasnt worried about getting a bigger hit, thinking the omicron would hit fine.

well, im not sure i taste any metallic but i do taste my bho a little.......not getting complete spasm relief like i thought....i might be heating / melting the bho too much when filling and that is why not much effect....i smoked my bho outta my bong just to see if i got high and one good hit later and i was feeling it.

i think i should have went with the E*SKILLET.........all i know is im getting one and passing the omicron to a friend.

DONT BE ME................Buy the E*Skillet


i have a thermovape and an omicron...and my persei is on its way next week hopefully.

all have their good points and drawbacks.

the thermovape has diminished in output over the weeks i have owned it, also eats batteries like i eat hash oil cookies. makes a strong cloud of concentrate, and has some use for top quality bubble.

got my omi on amazon for hella cheap. the omicron makes giant clouds if you know how to hit it, but some never get the hang of it. i have blown fat rings for a buddy, then watched him hit the same unit, hyperventilating thin wisps of vapor. I have had my omis for a long time now, and for a constant carry it is my preferred choice. load a gram, and never be without some ganja wherever you go. i hit it at the bank and the grocery store...and everywhere else a spliff is not a good idea.

the persei makes me think that i will not use my thermovape once i get my hands on it. double barrel and 7.4volts? it could very well replace my skillet and curve.

cant find the e-skillet anywhere? is it avail online? send me a link somebody! i cant stand the idea of someone out there having a toy better than mine!


Check out the Gentlemans- there's a thread over at fuckcombustion, and it sounds excellent...


Active member
Got the gentlemans brand ambassador kit...come with 2 for $80 from a few.different clubs...$40 for a half gram cartridge tho is rape lol...bought 50 blank ones for $100 so ill be making my own with a gram of oil...heard they were comin out with 2 more cartridges...1 where you put bubble hash in it and can use it and the other one where you put ground up herb in it...


Cautiously Optimistic

anyone know where to get refillable or disposable BLANKS for these?

Also, anyone else read this? YIKES!!!!

Vietnam veteran suffers horrific burns as electronic cigarette EXPLODES inside his mouth and blows out all of his teeth

Florida father-of-three Tom Holloway badly injured
Battery in cigarette ignited and blew up in mouth
Debris flew around room melting all that it touched
Last updated at 8:49 PM on 15th February 2012

A Vietnam veteran was left with horrific injuries after an electronic cigarette blew up in his mouth, knocking out all his teeth and part of his tongue.
Tom Holloway, 57, of Niceville, Florida, screamed as the device exploded and debris melted everything it touched as it flew around a room at home.
The battery in the cigarette ignited and firemen said the father-of-three was therefore essentially ‘holding a bottle rocket in his mouth’.

Serious burns: Tom Holloway, of Niceville, Florida, pictured with wife Becky and children Jessica, Matt and Chad, was left with horrific injuries by the explosion
Mr Holloway had been smoking electronic cigarettes for around two years and took them up after he began suffering lung problems.
‘A super nice guy,’ neighbour Wendy Jensen told ABC affiliate WEAR. ‘He's had some health problems with his lungs and so he quit smoking.’

The incident happened on Monday evening when his wife heard a bang from the study, which she described as sounding like a firecracker.
A North Bay Fire District spokesman said that the battery blew up in his face, knocking out all of his teeth as well as part of his tongue.

The battery in the cigarette ignited and firemen said the father-of-three was therefore essentially 'holding a bottle rocket in his mouth'

Authorities do not yet know which brand exploded in Mr Holloway's face
‘Whenever the battery ignited it was basically like him holding a bottle rocket in his mouth,’ Chief Butch Parker told WEAR.

The devices simulate smoking by producing a safe vapour that has no odour or residue
The battery can automatically convert nicotine liquid into the vapour when you take a drag
They are intended to replicate real cigarettes and smokers use them as a quitting aid
The explosion also set his study on fire and Mr Holloway, who is now being treated in a burns clinic, was left with blood all over his face.
Firemen said this was the first time they've ever heard of an electronic cigarette blowing up, but they haven’t yet determined the brand.
‘It's horrible,’ Ms Jensen told WEAR of the suffering of Mr Holloway, who is also a photographer. ‘We were just up all night thinking about it.’
Authorities have reported the incident to a U.S. database and are now investigating whether such an accident has ever happened before.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...nic-cigarette-knocks-teeth.html#ixzz1mghjkirx
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ya that was a modded cig, a couple of stacked batteries prolly. those high discharge batteries are no bullshit. the lipo batteries in the persei look like some well protected models, but even so, i dont wanna leave it to charge while i sleep/

ever seen a LipoSack? its for model airplane batteries and the like. apparently they blow up all the time.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
I'll most certainly check out LipoSack! Sounds like it might be hard on my remaining tooth!

Guest 88950

@ GanjaPharma

my probs might be user error since this is my first go with these but i inhale sherlock style while holding the button, releasing then pressing a few times........i get a little taste but need 5+ long hits just to get any spasm releif.

can you share any tips on getting better hits out of the Omicron?.............thx


@ GanjaPharma

my probs might be user error since this is my first go with these but i inhale sherlock style while holding the button, releasing then pressing a few times........i get a little taste but need 5+ long hits just to get any spasm releif.

can you share any tips on getting better hits out of the Omicron?.............thx

Slow and steady wins the race.


I'll most certainly check out LipoSack! Sounds like it might be hard on my remaining tooth!

Lipo sacks are just fireproof bags to keep lipo batteries, that can explode while charging, from catching everything else on fire.

sorry for all the posts I don't know how to quote multiple people on one post.


SSH if you have a bit of clear tubing or a small glass tube that snugs to the mouthpiece you can use it as "training wheels" to see how much you are getting. once i had the visual aid to see the thickness of the smoke it changed the way i was hitting it.


GanjaPharma, I'm sorry to hear your ThermoVape Rev isn't working as good as it did when you first got it. Have you considered using the 3 month warranty on the heater core? I feel I've finally gotten the hang of this thing, just this past hour or so have pulled a dozen or so thick hits from around .08-.1g of some mixed AfWreck/Kush oil I whipped up in the Tami the other day. Tastes sooooo good.


Active member
I think I have to high of a tolerance.

The Omni just does not cut it for me. I have to hit it for a long time and take like 20-50 hits to feel minor effects.

I can get huge clouds and choke my ass off. but not be knocked off my ass. Like you would think you would be off 50 BHO hits. lol
My skillet gets me knocked. (where is that thing)

I just got an atmos raw. loaded with bubble it gets me medicated more and faster than the Omni with BHO.