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Connecting DWCs?


Active member
Pumps lower the risk by keeping the temp even throughout the system and keeping the water moving so there are not dead spots.

You can cool the buckets with ice, a chiller or whatever, but how are you going to cool the water sitting in the tubes unless you're like the guy growing in the basement?


in fact japanfreakier, a pump, only adds heat through electrical consumption. but yes it is beneficial. the cooling comes from elsewhere.


Active member
Not saying your wrong, absolutely every consideration should be taken into account, just saying its a minimal worry.

You can see an example of a Texas control unit, I do not have the top feed system added in at the moment, the bottom resevoir alone lasts me a week. Adding the top resevoir would last me 2-3 weeks or more possibly. I tend to like to rebalance my nutes and PH more frequently, once a week.


I wasn't even talking to this guy till he addressed me with this. He added all the details about his cold basement floor that never gets hot after he got defensive and insulting for me pointing out it was not a good idea to have stale water. Well most indoor growers aren't lucky enough to not have to worry about heat, he's one lucky guy. His setup would really suck and cause complete crop failure where I live with the heat.


Now in technicolor
Connecting buckets together is good because you can have one res that feeds every bucket. This is a good reason to connect your buckets together (or all to the res.) I feel there's no real benefit to a RDWC setup.. just added complexity. The only benefit to having the water recirculate is if you're using nutrients that aren't readily soluble (some organics.)

Sure there's dead spots, but in practice I doubt that makes a difference.

Neo 420

Active member
The only benefit to having the water recirculate is if you're using nutrients that aren't readily soluble (some organics.)

Do not agree............. Especially in hot environments...Better know about microbial life...


LOL! I just took a gander at JapanFreakiers garden pics, and I have to say, I can sit here all day pointing out shitty decisions he has made through out his entire garden. Canvas tarps over the windows? PVC piping that can possibly spring a leak at any time, not to mention the chemicals that leach into your nutes. How about throwing up some reflective material arond the edge of your garden? Oh yeh not to mention your plants are crowded like shit, its a wonder you got ANYTHING out of it. A trash can as a resevoir, that is not exactly "self cooled". I could probably make up some 2 dozen false dilemma's and sit here all day claiming that he doesn't know wtf he is doing.

As for the childish name calling? Suck it up...
You sat here for the better part of the day making shit up as you went along in an effort to make me look like a jackass, the fact is they weren't insults or name calling on my behalf, they were accurate observations of the asshole that is on the otherside of this medium.


Do not agree............. Especially in hot environments...Better know about microbial life...

75 degrees is not a hot environment, in fact, reviewing the many grow bibles and reference books from such folks as Jorge Cervantes, Ed Rosenthal, Bud Greene, and many fine folks here on the internet, 75 is the normal temperature of the water in a hydro system.


Active member
LOL! I just took a gander at JapanFreakiers garden pics, and I have to say, I can sit here all day pointing out shitty decisions he has made through out his entire garden.

No you can't. You can make assumptions.

Canvas tarps over the windows?

No, heavy rubber tarps to block the light. There were normal curtains behind them.

PVC piping that can possibly spring a leak at any time, not to mention the chemicals that leach into your nutes.

PCV pipe is used for drinking water supply lines. Try again.

How about throwing up some reflective material arond the edge of your garden?

I had large light weight white plastic sheets that hung from the ceiling on all 4 sides, I took them of to access the garden. It was nice hanging them from the ceiling because the air movement wasn't blocked from below.

Oh yeh not to mention your plants are crowded like shit, its a wonder you got ANYTHING out of it.

And yet I blew away your yield numbers that you reported.

A trash can as a resevoir, that is not exactly "self cooled".

That's why there was an aquarium chiller next to it.

lol, anything else you want to get wrong today?

Look guy I'm sorry that you don't get it, you're system the way you use it would suck for 90% of the growers out there. I didn't go after you and try to insult you, you took issue with my advice, put up your system and said "Hey no problem," almost being dishonest about the fact that you have very fortunate environment, or maybe you didn't realize that's the reason you get away with it, I don't know.

The funny thing is, if you moved and had to deal with heat like most growers we'd see you start a thread "Help!! Root Rot"


Active member
Do not agree............. Especially in hot environments...Better know about microbial life...

75 degrees is not a hot environment, in fact, reviewing the many grow bibles and reference books from such folks as Jorge Cervantes, Ed Rosenthal, Bud Greene, and many fine folks here on the internet, 75 is the normal temperature of the water in a hydro system.

He wasn't talking about your system. Your system and the way you do it is fine........for people who's room never goes above 75. Is there anybody else here who's room naturally doesn't go above 75? I doubt it.


I've yet to see a single person in this forum(not saying there isn't) that uses a CHILLER for their resevoirs while only running a single or even 2 / 400-600 or a single 1000 watt light.


JapanFreakier, flat out , you're clueless and you don't know wtf you're talking about, several people here on this thread have told you flat out that you're wrong. You're going to sit here for another day making shit up??? You sit here and whine about me making assumptions yet make statements like "Is there anybody else here who's room naturally doesn't go above 75? I doubt it."

Now really stfu, you're embarassing..


Originally Posted by HybridHydro
Not saying your wrong, absolutely every consideration should be taken into account, just saying its a minimal worry.

You can see an example of a Texas control unit, I do not have the top feed system added in at the moment, the bottom resevoir alone lasts me a week. Adding the top resevoir would last me 2-3 weeks or more possibly. I tend to like to rebalance my nutes and PH more frequently, once a week.


I wasn't even talking to this guy till he addressed me with this. He added all the details about his cold basement floor that never gets hot after he got defensive and insulting for me pointing out it was not a good idea to have stale water. Well most indoor growers aren't lucky enough to not have to worry about heat, he's one lucky guy. His setup would really suck and cause complete crop failure where I live with the heat.

Thats a lie asshole, I very respectfully disagreed with your assessment.

JapanFreakier, "in my system" the water is used to fast to become stale, the aeration in the resevoir is enough to cut off any worry about stale water.

Not saying your wrong, absolutely every consideration should be taken into account, just saying its a minimal worry.

See the part where it says "Not saying your wrong, absolutely every consideration should be taken into account, just saying its a minimal worry.

Then you continue going on about some false made up dilemma, until finally i lose my patience and call a spade a spade..


Active member
What's embarrassing is people like you who don't understand their advice could really fuck up somebody's grow. You know there are some people who chain smoke all their lives and live to 100, doesn't mean it's smart.


see the chiller? You do know what a chiller looks like right? By the way this is a rdwc system that some people call bio-buckets.


Active member

So here is your system, not sure why you would get all defensive anyway, not like you designed it or anything, it's just a store bought system. Would you honestly tell people that you think this would be ok to use in a room that was say 90? And not change the water for a week like you claim to?

Here's what you say about your system
"3' x 3' space | 400 watt reflectorised bulb x 250W MH | General Hydro's common nute formula, balance the PH and replenish ferts once a week. With a complete flush on the day the light cycle goes 12/12. Last yield was 1.2 lbs wet/ 3 oz's of solid bud / 1 oz of excellent side trim dried."

So you're using 650 watts and only got about 100grams? You might be able to improve your yield by adding a pump.


You can cool the buckets with ice, a chiller or whatever, but how are you going to cool the water sitting in the tubes unless you're like the guy growing in the basement?

LOL! wow, Yes I am going to run down and pour ice in to my buckets every 10 minutes after it melts. And how do you figure on regulating the temperature of the ice boy genius?

By the way, using tin foil??? thats fucking idiotic. Especially reflecting back up to the underside of the plants, brilliant.. not! its a wonder you didn't crispify your plants.

As for "PVC", I don't care what they rate as "safe for human consumption" I know wtf goes into PVC, I used to make the shit. I won't use it, and you'd be better off not using it yourself.

To be honest, the only thing good about your system is the lights, the chiller is a complete waste of electricity, unless of course, you like paying astronomically high electric bills.

JapanFreakier wrote:What's embarrassing is people like you who don't understand their advice could really fuck up somebody's grow.

I defy you to show me where I ever gave anybody ANY advice? In Fact I went out of my way to point out this is how MY garden is done. If you have issues with it, go talk to Jorge Cervantes or Ed Rosenthal.

The very idea that everybodies growing environment would be the same is just as stupid as everything else you've said on here. So of course you're going to customise your garden to the provided environment. Where you live might not provide a friendly growing environment. Where I live happens to do so without the added expense of a chiller, this thread wasn't about setting up a fucking grow room to begin with, it was about someone using a resevoir to make less work for themselves.


Active member
Guy you got a whopping 100 grams from 600 watts and you think you know something?

Seriously add a pump, you need it.


Sorry, wow even more stupid, the yield is strain dependant more than environmental dependant, not to mention my first grow was from seed, not clones, so I couldn't pack them in there as well as I wanted. Sorry that I could afford to buy buckets and you had to resort to some shitty home made rubbermaid crap.

JapanFreakier wrote:Would you honestly tell people that you think this would be ok to use in a room that was say 90? And not change the water for a week like you claim to?

Uhmm.. Weed doesn't like growing under 90 degree temperatures to begin with so why would your room be 90 degrees?

So basically you just continue making up problems as you go along... Have a nice day, maybe you can find someone else to act like an asshole to. Cause I am done with this and you.


JapanFreakier wrote: Guy you got a whopping 100 grams from 600 watts and you think you know something?

Seriously add a pump, you need it.

Out of one plant. 3 of those buckets are clones from that 1 plant. Now, seriously have a nice day, you're a fucking idiot.


JapanFreakier wrote: Guy you got a whopping 100 grams from 600 watts and you think you know something?

Seriously add a pump, you need it.

Out of one plant. 3 of those buckets are clones from that 1 plant. Now, seriously have a nice day, you're a fucking idiot.
You are rediculous guy. You really have no idea what you are talking about.