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Compact SOG with CFL's


Active member
you mean like this?

you just flower a clone as soon as it roots.


I just got done reading this entire thread. it took about 4 hours, and it was well worth it. Thanks for the info. I learned a lot.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Has anyone figured out how to produce the single stalk/two main cola clones Dr Bud spoke of consistently?

I think what he was doing is topping them when they were still tiny so that they basically Y off from the base of the plant.

Maybe one year he'll come back and tell us. :) I've done this myself with some clones that just happened to have some damage on the main tip when during transplant. I've never deliberately done it to ALL my clones though. I'm sure that if you're willing to wait the extra time for the plants to recover from being topped it wouldn't be too hard to get it right with a little of that "try-try-again" action.


All I can so is WOW

All I can so is WOW

Hey all,Ive just read most of this post when I got to wondering something.I am doing the dwc and luv it,what would be the ramifications of doing something like this in a mini dwc?I tend to think it would work,I know this thread from "doc" is a bible,I will read it several times to make sure I dont miss something.I have a small cab grow going and with my experience of making dwc containers I think I will give this a go to see how close I can get to what the doc has done.The theory must be sound,so then its going to be a matter of plugging in the right conditions to make it happen.
But Thanx DOC for the insight.Well off I go I must figure out what I will use for dwc containers,I will need to get some new bulbs tho to come close to his yields.But WOW what a set up!

:tumbleweed: :peacock:


i just loved reading this. gave me ideas. and the weird thing.. i use damn near the same soil even down to the decomposed tree. good ol farm dirt, chicken and straw waste in a compost heap plenty of worms in it, a bit of other animals manure and the "dirt" around a old tree fall with plenty of dry composted wood in it. got here from tex's post. i am excited to give this a try in a couple months.


knna said:
Kudos for this excelent thread! (and excelent grow :rasta: )

My grow is pretty similar to yours. I have 220w of CFL (4 DuluxL of 55w each, although the actual consuption, including ballast (electronic) is 215watts.

Hey so I am trying to understand what lights/set up he used for flower... Is that what I quoted?

I am trying to copy his technique.. So can somebody tell me how many and of what lights he uses? THanks!


Its all at the start of the thread guyguy. Get to reading.
And welcome to ICM. :tiphat:

I did read it.. And I just asked a specific question.. I do not see any point in replying to somebodies question by telling them to go read again. Its like someone asking how many plants to put under a light. You reply with "oh, go read this forum." -.-

Anyways I read it and am confused. I am new to growing so I do not recognise all the abbreviations and what is what.. So that is why I specifically asked the lights used for flower.

TexMex McDirt

Active member
Hey guyguy - It's a darn long thread, best way to read it is to filter it to just the good Dr's posts, eliminate all the noise. Anyways, he was using 5 x 42 watt "Warm White (2700K)" CFL's in this thread.


And Welcome to ICMAG GUYGUY.I have learned a alot from the ppl here.And I learned a lot from just reading,reading,reading and reading some more.Its kinda like going back to school to learn something like this all at once.You gotta learn the material,and then put into practical applicatioin.Will you make mistakes??? darn right you will,everybody does,I did.But that did not deferr me from learning and reading some more.I read lots of books when I started doing this off and on back in 1980,there was no internet.
But anyways Im off myself,Ive busied this thread enough today.
Welcome to ICMAG and Good Luck with your endeavor.We will help if we can.


Active member
I did read it.. And I just asked a specific question.. I do not see any point in replying to somebodies question by telling them to go read again.

And it looked like to me you answered your own question when you put that quote in your post. Which is why I suggested you read the thread.
That being said...seventy five pages and you still had to ask the question...I think I counted at least ten people in the first five pages alone asking the same question you did. :tiphat:


Hey guyguy - It's a darn long thread, best way to read it is to filter it to just the good Dr's posts, eliminate all the noise. Anyways, he was using 5 x 42 watt "Warm White (2700K)" CFL's in this thread.

Thanks! And I already spent a few hours on it.. Though I am in the process of my first grow so I do not understand everything people always say..

Thanks again :)
Thanks Doc!!!

Going to try this myself.......I have had this theory myself after working at a greenhouse / florist for years (in the 70's) (growing on Refuges and Forest land) (animals ate a lot of my old grows)

CFL with vertical tubes is my grow closet/wardrobe closet.
Plenty of highth for Sativa if needed
CFL's on bathroom fixtures from a thrift store which can be raised above plants>>>
4x48" tubes on 2 walls of the closet>>>>>
Working on getting the heat out>>>>>>I'm needing a lot of ventiation

Thanks again,