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Compact SOG with CFL's


Wow, doctor, it´s SO good to see you again !
Some say you gone dead, I thought maybe trolls made you fed up with it...
Never let ´em !!

Hoping to have you(&the mrs. ...!) around a long time yet !
doctor i am a follower of your growing methods and styles!

but i am wondering if u can explain step by step how i should do the dunk method? what kinda nutes? how often? i currently have fish fertz, bat guano, and seaweed plus.


Hello C !


That would be post 58
could you please explain a bit about your "submerge watering" ... do you take the plants out of the cab for this ? """

Well first ya take one outta the Cab

Then you put it in the bucket.....

Then fill bucket to 1/4" above soil line with Nute mix

When the Bubbles stop....wait 1 more min then drain and replace in cab

That should cover it eh...
Dr. Bud Greengenes, Phd. in THC


Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
This is a very good thread. I am hangin in here for the show. So I see more.:tiphat:
I made the following post at another site but i REALLY want Dr. Budgreengenes opinion. and btw, Dr, your info ROCKS!!! i would LOVE to learn to grow like you!!!!! ok here is the post, id like your guys opinions.

Hey guys,
recently got back from vancouver canada. was there for 4 months and saw some SICK strains. One of the kush bags i got was the STRONGEST pot ive ever smoked in my life!!. Typical high was for about 5 hours. the ounce lasted me about 3 weeks and was just as strong and stoney all the way to the last nug.
also had the opportunity to talk to a lot of growers. Due to the lax laws in canada and lack of outdoor climate, everyone does indoor, and let me tell you, these guys are sophisticated!! Honestly, they are about 5 years ahead of the u.s.a when it comes to indoor growing and innovations.
Something in particular that really got me thinking and do want to try in the future. there are shows (indoor grows) up there that use soely fluorescents. what they do is flower in a typical cutting tray. they fill the tray with 100 rockwool one inch cubes (without the wrappers). Each rockwool cube has a 2 inch rooted cutting. the cutting is then put immediately into flowering. Depending on the stretch of the strain, plants finish at about 4-6 inches with dense hard nugs. the fluorescent lights are practically touching the plant and the light penetration is obviously very good. each plantlet yields about an 1/8 of an ounce.
so basically 100 plantlets in a cutting tray yields 12.5 oz.
Now my question, has this been done in the states? Or does anyone have any experience growing this way? Or have heard of it being done this way?. Now obviously, its not safe to do in the u.s.a because the number of plants. But up in canada its a slap on the wrist. Im being told theres whole grow houses growing this way up there. They have shelves stacked on each other with flouros and trays, about 6 levels high up to the ceiling! Growing space on the shelves is about 12 inches! lol

thanks guys.

p.s. Dr. budgreengenes, how do i pm you? thnx


New member
not sure if the dr. still hangs around here or not anymore, so to anyone that might know..earlier on in the thread he stated that he would reveg some plants 3 and 4 times, but he also said he took 3 cuttings a week..which one is it? and if the dr. is still around, thanks for this thread..i will be converting a cabinet myself to apply your style in..thank you :)


Sorcerer's Apprentice
not sure if the dr. still hangs around here or not anymore, so to anyone that might know..earlier on in the thread he stated that he would reveg some plants 3 and 4 times, but he also said he took 3 cuttings a week..which one is it? and if the dr. is still around, thanks for this thread..i will be converting a cabinet myself to apply your style in..thank you :)

You can have a mother plant that you use to take cuttings from, while simultaneously putting your favorite just-harvested plant back under 18/6 or 24/0 and have both.

Or you could take cuttings off a mother until a harvest finishes up, and then move the mother into flowering and reveg one of the ones you just harvested to be the new mother until THAT harvest finishes up.

Doc is PERP. He takes multiple cuts a week, grows them in veg until they reach a certain size (his sweet spot) and then puts them into the flowering cab. On a regular basis, plants go in, other plants are halfway through, other plants are almost done, other plants are being harvested.

Anytime a mom has a ton of available budsites from having been cloned a billion times she can be tossed into flowering until harvest and then revegged again (if you wish.)

I have my best plant from my first grow still alive in a separate container and I have a clone of HER acting as a primary mom, and I use the original as a secondary mom (if I need more clones) or if she needs a trim.

BTW - the whole idea of flowering in a growing tray under CFL or PLL or whatever is a very interesting suggestion. I might have to tinker with this idea. Thank you.


New member
thanks anti..i knew that he had plants going at all times in all stages of growth, it just confused me bc he started out saying he did 3 cuttings a week, and then later on in the thread said he revegged some plants..when i think about it, wouldnt it be possible to get the flower cab full and then reveg all the cuttings, eventually eliminating the need to even have a mother plant?


Well kinda the Dr. states that the revegs are only good for 3 runs on average. SOme go longer so eventually you have to replace the revegs with new clones.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Find a technique that works for you. Experiment until you find "your' style. Then do that.

There's a link to the new Micro Growers Group in my sig.


Private Message

Private Message

p.s. Dr. budgreengenes, how do i pm you? thnx

SacredOutlaw: The idea sounds good ! The only thing is, this thread is on CFL´s, there are PL-L-threads/clubs.

I think you need some more posts b4 u can PM the Doc.(Or any1 else...)


Yes it can but you're gonna have to get rid of males as they show up. Plus it's gonna be a while before you find a strain that's ideal and to dial it in. But yes, yes it can be done from seed...


Sorcerer's Apprentice
anyone know if this can be done from seed????

I started mine from seed, eliminated the males. That was many cycles ago. Now I have kept only the best female from original grow as my primary mother. Just added 24 of her clones to my box tonight.


anyone know if this can be done from seed????

In my experience it would be a little more difficult. From-seed plants tend to spend a little more time growing before they start flowering, not matter what your light cycle is set to.

I cant say its not possible though, as Ive never tried.